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Everything posted by *Jessica*

  1. We don't know any! :lol: Nik goes to Cub Scouts with a couple of public schooled kids, but I don't know their mothers and he isn't interested in hanging out with them outside of Scouts, so I doubt the topic would ever come up. He attends the Scouts group that the kids in our homeschool group attend, anyway, and not the one in our town. Marc's niece and nephews are also in pubic schools. I've asked my SIL, who has a first grade boy also, and she gives me very vague responses. Everyone else we know homeschools!
  2. I don't have any idea. I have no idea what they do at the local public school all day. My son is only a first grader, though, so I'm sure he could catch up quickly. How do you find out what they do in the local schools? I checked the local school website and I see that they use Everyday Math, Step Up to Writing, Harcourt Reading, etc. That doesn't really tell me much about what they're learning, though, or how long they spend on each subject.
  3. Marc said last night that he looked liked the MAD Magazine guy. :lol: I think he might be right! I'm not a big country fan, but I think Scotty is amazing. :iagree: Casey and Paul are our favorites. As I mentioned before, I'm not a big fan of country music, but I would be happy to see Scotty win it because I think he's very talented. We love the judges, too! This is the first year that we've really watched AI, mostly because we actually like these judges. Now let's see how the women do. I think Carmen (I think that's her name, her family is from Columbia) is my favorite.
  4. I really hope that you haven't sent this yet. If I was the bride, this e-mail would cause me to dissolve in a fit of tears. I think the examples up thread were worded in a gentler way, and wouldn't have made me cry. Just my two cents, but please re-consider the wording.
  5. Patience. There are plenty of little things that make our days easier, but patience is the only thing that I consider a necessity for our homeschooling day. If only I had more of it, or could buy it!
  6. We had almost 18 inches of snow last night. I don't think I would complain about 91 too loudly right now. I'm sick of being cold.
  7. Some of our favorites that I didn't see mentioned: I Took the Moon for a Walk I Love You Stinky Face We're Going on a Bear Hunt The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  8. Good! I was starting to worry about you. I hope there isn't a fire nearby and it's just dust or something.
  9. Having been on bedrest with two previous pregnancies, this is a question that I can answer! My list is almost entirely service related instead of physical gifts because those are the things that, IMO, a woman on bedrest really needs. A nice long visit! I'm pretty introverted, but I was starving for face-to-face contact with other adults. If I end up on bedrest again, this would be the very best gift anyone could give me. Someone to take a list of books, or authors I like, and make a library run for me on a weekly basis. A Netflix subscription. (Assuming she doesn't already have one.) Meals, so DH doesn't have to do all of the cooking and we could avoid excessive take-out. Cleaning help.
  10. Strawberry Lemonade Punch I use whole frozen berries and use the blender to chop them into tiny pieces. I like that much better than slices floating in my punch.
  11. I should not have read this thread. My salad and chili lunch is seeming completely inadequate now. Being pregnant doesn't help. I could really use some chocolate right now! Hmm, I think we have a jar of chocolate frosting. Do you think it would be really terrible if I just ate some with a spoon?
  12. Sandbridge Beach, VA It's right next to Virginia Beach, but a lot less crowded and more family friendly, IMO. Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge and False Cape State Park are right there for hiking. The Virginia Aquarium is nearby in VA Beach (20 minute ride or so), and easy to get to. My brother and SIL own a condo there and we spent the most incredible week there last year. I wish we could afford to go back this year!
  13. Congratulations! Welcome to the world Jayden!
  14. Congratulations! Welcome to the world, Colton Michael!
  15. Thinking of you all and hoping everyone has had, or is having, an easy labor and that all of our babies are healthy!
  16. I'm expecting #3 but I still don't know how far along I am! I'm already feeling pretty strong movements, so I'm guessing it will be before August, which is when I originally thought I was due. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Valentine's Day. This is going to be the longest 10 days of my life!
  17. I just stopped by The Hive to check on our mommas and babies and I see that AngelBee hasn't posted in a while. Last Activity: Yesterday 12:42 AM I hope that means she has her babe in her arms already!
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