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Everything posted by NavyWifeandMommy

  1. Where I am I don't think the older children think middle and high school get enough sleep. It's a constant complaint I hear from PSers. My children are in bed around 8ish usually no later than 9 and all up by 7. Schooling for everyone PS and HS starts at 8. This was when I was homeschooling all of them and still continues with some in school. Thankfully the one school is a 2 minute walk the othe school which my other child will not attend is 60 minutes away.
  2. I play the Wii with my kids. Or if I do the exercises before they wake up then my oldest will do it later and beat my score. I go the gym but ya it's boring without someone.
  3. I think I have the lowest number of friends on my facebook. 90% are just family because we are military and its hard to keep up via snail mail. I personally know just about everyone on my FB page. A few I don't but they are family friends who are gonna learn about what we do anyways so they might as well hear it straight from us.
  4. I have books from Sonlight. I almost bought their history that combined 1 and 2 but went with a few chosen books from the list. We have the timeline as well. She enjoyed coloring the page when I read so it's no biggie. She and her friends still love to color. I am thinking of adding a forgein langauge. I am toying with the idea of ordering Rosetta Stone Spanish but it can be used with everyone one.
  5. I started with SOTW 1 because I was teaching my younger two. She did the extra work like the outlining. She also helped the younger two with the crafts. I wanted to complete SOTW 1 by January but I have having a difficult time with my younger two. We were only doing a chapter a week. One day read and one day craft. Today we did the chatper, workbooks sheets and craft. We are saving one of the crafts to do with the younges when they get home since it deals with painting and everyone likes to paint. With just her we can do SOTW daily and hopefully now be done by January. We are on Chapter 10. The same with Apologia, I we were doing Zoo 2 as a family and tried to finish it with by January as well and we are only on Lesson 4. Now with just her I see us being done by January. My goal is for her to finish SOTW 2 and Apologia Human Anatomny by June of 2012.
  6. What does your day look like with just one child who is in 6th grade? My child is a quick learning and loves to be sooner than later so she can go off to read her latest book or crafty project. There will be no siblings around during they day since they are in school now. I just see us being done in four hours and then all day to do what? I cannot just go and there because I have to pick up the siblings from their school. School took all day because I spent half of it arguing with the siblings. Now it's just her and me. I would hate to double up her work but it may be an option. She dont care for all the projects that go with SOTW OR Apologia so I can easily see her finishing up those books before January. '
  7. Long story short - my children are back in school. I know they will be behind in certain areas due to using non traditional schooling materials. I really would like to continue with some of my works from home but then wondered it was best to wait and see what the teacher says after a week or so with my children and use their scope and sequences or workbooks for extra work. What do you focus on with afterschooling your 1st and 2nd graders?
  8. mY dd6 was the same way. it was very hard and stressful work. We started this year in August and it's now November and she has hardly improved. we decided to send her to school. Our school has under 100 children and I like the school. I will still be homeschooling my oldest child.
  9. I know this is an older post but wanted to respond. I have two going back this month. I know I will be doing some afterschooling with them. I have homeschooled for six years.
  10. My husband gave me a gas station rose. It was our first date that he was late to due to stupid guy stuff (fixin cars with the guys)
  11. We were going to buy an iTouch but she saved her allowance and bought it herself. She'll get an iTunes gift card, American Girl clothes, girly stuff in the stocking like lip gloss and nail polish. Laptop is a possibility, she gave her netbook to her sister. i am ready to toss it. what a waste of $$. Should have just gotten a laptop.
  12. I still believe. We never flat out and say No Santa. We believe in the spirit of Santa and we are Santa's helpers.:D
  13. my child was a late talker and when he did talk he wasn't saying his sounds properly. after much pushing my son was Dx with moderate hearing loss in both ears.
  14. I have a child with extra teeth, missing teeth and one with everything normal. or what ever normal is. seems we never fit that. anyways the one with the missing teeth is still young and we have a few years until we have to worry about it. He is just now loosing his baby teeth. Daddy had a missing tooth and it seems to be something a few on his side have had unlike my side of the family.
  15. My daughter is 11 and complains of her feet hurting. I bet it is due to a growth spurts since she's recently started to grow up/out a bit.
  16. I have just three on the same cycle but it's not easy. They are four years apart and I tried MFWs but it was still a big gap for everyone to stay. I now use SOTW. My oldest is doing more work than the younger ones. The younger ones listen to more colorful stories and drawing/coloring than the oldest one. My oldest needs more writing but it's tough going because she rather not. She rather be off playing with the younger ones since they are always done before her. My problem is just keeping the younger ones interest long enough and then out of trouble while I continue on with the oldest.
  17. The young whale learns about life. She is taught by her mother and together they travel from HI to AK. She learns the ways to eat and faces Killer Whales. On the way back her mother leaves her. This is what was given to me after watching a documentry on whales.
  18. After reading that I am going to say the parents are at fault. Since when is it okay to eat food prior to paying for it in stores? There are registers everywhere, at least in all the grocery stores I worked in. They could have easily paid for the sandwhiches at the deli section. If she was feeling ill than she wiould have sat down for a bit not just keep on walking and eating. Okay so maybe arresting both parents and taking the child away was a bit overloaded but we don't know the whole story. We just hear the woe is me family story. Maybe this particular store has a problem with people eating in the store and not paying and this family just happen to be the time that the manager is just fed up and decided to involve the law.
  19. the rate we are going with SOTW we will be at 4 for my oldest 8th grade year.
  20. DH and I know everything about each other. There are no secrets. Why wouldn't you not want your spouse to know your medical history?
  21. We are pretty much isolated in our community. The middle/high school is a hour away and not to many tween/teen boys here. Thankfully I won't have to worry about this for a few more years when we are actually around people again.
  22. I have quite a few from GarlandsofGrace. I don't wear the headcoverings for religous reasons but I like them and it keeps my hear out of my face and they are much nicer than the cheapo bandana's from WalMart. I also wear them because my husband likes how they look on me. I don't feel I am being offensive/disrespectful in wearing them.
  23. I don't even remember outlining in school, just copying what the teacher wrote on the overhead. this is lacking in our school right now and will be starting next week on outlining.
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