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Everything posted by CTVKath

  1. My kids had a bad outbreak of Molluscum that got out of control because I thought it was something else and treated it wrong. By the time I took them to the pediatric dermatologist, one child had 100s of them. The dermatologist prescribed Zantac for 8 weeks that cleared them both up. We sanitized towels, laundry, etc. until they were all gone.
  2. I absolutely adore Flylady's mop and use a homemade cleaner in a spray bottle for cleaning the floor. For homemade cleaners, I like the ones I've tried from Chemistry Cachet's website. I'm still a work in progress for cleaning habits but I mostly loosely use Flylady's method and the Get Things Done method. I follow "Diane in Denmark" and "But First, Coffee" on YouTube for motivation.
  3. I don't have suggestions yet because we are just starting our search but here's a good website for learning how mattresses are built, what the component options are, etc. https://themattressunderground.com/ My dream king mattress is a flippable hybrid with coil support interior and latex foam on top (and bottom).
  4. My kids came with multiple skin issues so daily tepid baths with a capful of bleach and no soap were the rule. And then they were covered with lotion within 2 minutes of getting out to lock in the moisture. All of this was under a dermatologist's care and there were other ointments and treatments involved. But on the upside, they loved the daily baths. We made part of the bedtime routine. They've outgrown all their skin issues but still love the daily baths and showers.
  5. Y'all are making my day!!!! And I'm packing my suitcase.................
  6. I ordered them last night!! Will be here tomorrow......... 🙂
  7. Ok. So. Well I managed to make both my children cry last night. 10yo and 12yo. It was a geography lesson. That's all. Just geography! I bought inflatable globes and asked them to blow up those globes. Then I asked them to cut up the inflatable globes and turn them into flat maps. Which they couldn't do. And that was the point. And then we watched a really cool, short video about map projections and how flat maps all have a trade off in trying to represent the globe. And a short history of map projections. It was really cool!!! And cutting up the inflatable globes to try and turn them into a rectangular flat map really illustrated the point!!!! Except the really cool inflatable earth balls are now shreds. And they seriously both cried. What a mess! The emotions were all over the place. It was a weird feeling to see a point so well illustrated but have both my kids crying over cut up inflatable balls. My DH is an engineer type and he loved it. He had his own inflatable ball to cut up. What a night!
  8. Oh that is awesome!!!!! No stinky smell, no crazy camelback crickets, and also no fear of going on your shoes!!!!! The view is absolutely a bonus. I love it!
  9. Ok here are photos of the instructions and my set of 4 Giant Bible sections. I haven't used it in years but can't let it go. 🙂 This was before websites and the internet. See the phone number to call and order the Bible??????
  10. If you can't find anything else and you'd be interested, I have the instructions for dividing a giant print Bible into 4 sections then using manilla folders and contact paper to make a cover for each of the 4 sections. This was for a Bible reading project that had you reading a certain number of pages per day to read the Bible through in 3-4 months. I only read through the Bible that quickly once but I did make several sets of 4-part giant print Bibles that I gave to grandparents and others who wanted them.
  11. A new area rug? New art for the walls? Rearrange the school stuff and put the materials being reused into new containers or arrange them differently so they feel different? Or maybe something fun like a digital microscope with fill lights and a screen?
  12. Thank you for mentioning Flylady's control journal for kids!!! I had no idea she had one for them. I love Flylady for me. Just printed out the kids version and will get it tweaked for them and their rooms. They are already used to using 5-min and 15-min timers for different tasks. This will give us a framework to make it a routine. Brilliant! Thank you!
  13. Totally normal. Mine are 10 and 12 and we use 15-minute timers here. From Flylady, anybody can do anything for 15 minutes. Even with only 15 minutes, I usually have to give them specific tasks to do in the 15 minutes. My 10yo DS always clears his floor..........but stuffs it into drawers and bins. My 12yo DD gets stuck on one pile of papers and looking through them. We're always a work in progress!!
  14. Good morning! Walmart At least 3 rounds of a 1-hour 15-minute timer rotation. Each 1-hour is punching a 15-minute timer 4 times with the first 3 15-minute segments being work and the last 15-minute segment being whatever I want to do. Rotating through: Clean den Declutter kitchen Declutter dining room table Organize school stuff for 2022-23 Enter and tag items for consignment sale ETA: Cook food for tomorrow's family reunion!!! Creamed corn, black eyed peas and tomato okra gumbo.
  15. My 7th grade DD would like to try a variety of languages this year - Norwegian, German and Italian. What would be the best way to accomplish this? Is there a good website that she could take short introductory courses? For background, she's had 3 years of Spanish and does not want to continue. She's not interested in French. She's been interested in Norwegian for awhile and has been using Google Translate but isn't interested in anything about Norway. Sometimes she'll dabble at making up her own language. This is not her passion. Her passions are horses, cats, vet school, exotic cats and starting novels about cats. I've told her that now is a good time to hear and sample some languages so that she can pick one to stick with for a few years going forward. Any suggestions of a good place to find this?
  16. For the instant pot part of it, I batch cook steel cut oats and beans. Frozen chicken tenders. Rice. Brussels sprouts. I have a separate air fryer but in that I make frozen tater tots, frozen french fries, frozen breaded chicken tenders. I also reheat leftover tater tots and french fries. I've tried but have never succeeded with veggies in the air fryer.
  17. Ballotpedia is the only one I know of. I just do a Google search of each person's name and what they are running for or their running mates. It's tedious but helps.
  18. No idea but I've got a list of what I'll be looking for. Mostly RC cars, crawlers and planes for birthday and Christmas.
  19. Each of my kids has one of these rechargeble Water Pik flossers for their orthodontics. We've had them 6 months and they are used daily with no issues. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09C2QZQFQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
  20. My husband brought Covid home from a tradeshow in Vegas last weekend and he and I plus our 2 kids all ended up positive. We used the BiinaxNow tests and our experience was that each of us didn't test positive until 2 days after symptoms started. It was like dominoes.....but I'm glad we didn't stop testing.
  21. That looks fantastic!!!!! We're planning to make one as our summer project. Was that a kit from LFL or did you make it yourself from plans? Also is that paint or decoupage? I'm having trouble seeing which it is in the photo. Thanks! I hope you enjoy your Little Free Library!! My kids are excited we are going to make one.
  22. Thank you! It was ready to be opened for the next PBJ. Into the trash it goes...............
  23. I answered wrong and I can't change my answer!!!!!! My sister and I are August birthdays and we've been saying "PEAR-ah-doe" for over 50 years.
  24. We watched until it was fully eclipsed and then went to bed. Very beautiful! We usually have clouds when these things happen.
  25. About every 5 years. And about $225.
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