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Everything posted by CTVKath

  1. This is amazing news!!!!!! I am so happy for both of y'all.
  2. Praying for you and your family
  3. Yes. Same phone model purchased at the same time! Crazy. I'm still out although nearby friends are posting on Facebook that they are back up.
  4. We're in the Atlanta area with AT&T. DH has cellular but I do not. Same house. Same dining room table. Same AT&T account. It makes no sense!
  5. I am so sorry. We used some of their curriculum a long time ago. Praying for the family.
  6. I just want to encourage you that you have just finished the 14 darkest weeks of the year and the days are going to get longer and warmer from here on. I hope you get a warm spell soon to help.
  7. This year I bought a set of heart-shaped magnets for the kids to decorate our van. In the past it's just been Valentine dish towels in the kitchen.
  8. We are debating it but the closest point of totality is 7-8 hours from us so we aren't sure. We traveled 3 hours for the last one and it clouded up the day of. The temperature drop and night-time sounds were worth it even though it got cloudy plus we were on a mountain and were able to see the shadow of night pass over the valley.
  9. I"m sorry about the beetle and I sure do hope the custodian removes it before you return. I'm also sorry your coworker didn't realize how seriously afraid you were and made fun of you instead. Hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope tomorrow is better!!
  10. Our big AirBNB story was finding a gun in the pull out sofa. It is amazing how quickly the property manager shows up when you text them there's a gun in the sofa.
  11. Ok I thought you were asking about dryer sheets when I replied above. 😁 I have used Earth Breeze laundry sheets for travel and it gave us no problems.
  12. We like Bounce Free and Gentle sheets but I'm mostly trying to eliminate static cling and make them a little softer. I use white vinegar in the washer rinse cycle. Edited to add: I've also diluted the Amway liquid softener and put it in a spray bottle. Then sprayed a few squirts on a dry rag and thrown it in the dryer with the wet laundry. It worked just as well for eliminating static cling and softness. I don't know why I quit doing that except that it was easier to just grab a Bounce Free and Gentle sheet.
  13. Ok my DS got a different model of this brand for Christmas and is loving it. So far, so good and no issues.
  14. I've got a 12yo DS and my advice would be to get a hobby grade RC car so you can replace parts. Traxxas and Horizon Hobby (Losi, Arrma and Axial) are names I know and I've bought parts for all of them. If you can get to a hobby store, they can help you choose. My DS says Traxxas and Axial are the most reliable in his opinion. There are 2 types for driving - crawlers that climb stuff and rock racers that go fast. You don't want to get anything too quick for their reflexes. (My parents did that and my son - who was 10 at the time - tried to run it around the pool deck but it was a 30mph car and he ran it straight into the pool.) The hobby store people are fantastic guidance. We've also had some good luck with RC cars from Amazon and AliExpress but can't always get parts for them and it's hit or miss whether they are good. You can find YouTube videos for how to care for the RC cars. My DS and DH always make sure to clean off any mud and dry all the parts before putting them away. I think you can definitely get a great car for $100ish.
  15. Wow. I've learned something new today! Never heard of BFE or Nextflix and chill. We said "out in the boonies" or the "middle of nowhere". And I only have 2 kids so we completely missed the meaning of Blockbuster nights.
  16. Oooooo that's pretty!!!! I've only ever seen those sets made as either just glazed as creamware or stained with gold and jewels. I like the colors!
  17. Here is my set. My grandfather made it in the late 1980s and it was the last set he made. It is my treasure.
  18. I wasn't allowed to attend funerals until I was an adult and I regret that. I wouldn't force a 6 year old to go but I would ask and let them go if they wanted unless: (1) family dynamics could be a problem, or (2) it was a tragic death and might be too overwhelming. My kids (now 12 and 14) have been to 3 family funerals with the first funeral being at ages 8 and 10. My older child is very social and wants to see all the displayed photos, meet people and see the body and sit up front with the family procession. My younger child takes a book to read, sits in a quiet corner and wants to sit in the back row of the chapel. All fine. Now coming up this weekend we have an out of state funeral and nobody is going with me. It's going to be a landmine of meltdowns and I really want to go but I'm going to be on the sidelines. This is not a funeral for either kid to join me although the older has asked.
  19. Mine is holiday baking in an oven with wonky temperature - as in the temperature will be whatever it wants to be. This started last Christmas. DH replaced the ignitor, the temperature probe and something else but it's still wonky. I didn't use it for most of the year but now I have to use it again. Ugh. On the bright side, though, DH never cooks but asked if he could make his favorite cookies last night.................and the temperature was wonky. And all of a sudden we are looking at ovens on sale!!!!!!!! I'm sorry about the flooded kitchen but am glad the fly is gone.
  20. I have the TR7 from 2020. The current model TR7 says it is "Perfect Wash" but I don't know if that was the case for 2020. Either way, I mostly use only one cycle - Permanent Press - and it is a 36 minute wash cycle no matter how big or small the load. I love it!
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