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Everything posted by BusyMom5

  1. I wouldn't have called at all. If the driver was fixing the issue, I would have just left it at that. A while back someone I know got their Walmart pickup and discovered once they got home it was the wrong order. About that same time, WM called to let them know there was a mix-up. They took it all back to the store and picked up their groceries and returned the wrong bags. Mix-ups happen.
  2. We added a school yesterday- bc we haven't been able to visit the big one with the best scholarship and what if its just the wrong fit? This is another good merit aid school.
  3. Is she a Junior? I'd change her to a Junior, with the plan for her to move to the college after she is 18. Here, the cut-off for school is turning 5 before August 1, so she would be a Junior. I have 1 September baby I know will start Kindy early, but I don't know if we will send her to college at almost 18 or almost 19-, and im going to wait as long as possible to decide!
  4. Its been years, and we had a big one planned for 2020. I cannot make any plans yet. We think, we look, we don't book. Whatever it is, it will be a mostly outdoor vacation within 1 day driving distance. We will stay at a VRBO-type place with a kitchen and outdoor grill. Not what I wanted- maybe we can finally go someplace neat in 2022? I'm not going to an amusement park in a mask.
  5. I had a new baby 3 years ago, and all the brands had changed. My favorite pocket diapers were Lalabye Baby- they have great bamboo inserts (I hate microfiber), they are 2 pieces that snap together for easy washing and quick drying. They start fitting at about 10lbs, and have lasted until potty training. The Nickis Diapers has good pockets, but they ran bigger and had microfiber inserts.
  6. Right there with ya! It should pay off, though! Just a few more months- final decisions have to be made by May 1, LOL!
  7. As an employer that means you will not be asking and depending on coworkers to pick you up. You have your own reliable transportation to work- it can be a parent, partner, public transportation- its just her own way, her responsibility to find her way to work.
  8. There is a PreACT test if you can find a school giving it that will let you join. It is not like PSAT, SAT, ACT- given on specific dates, sign up online. Instead it is an optional test a school can choose to give at any time aimed at 10th graders and does not include a science section (if I remember correctly). You have to call around to see if your local schools offer it, and when it will be given. I had my 10th grader signed up at our local school- I called in August to be added to the list. So far its been canceled a few times, no current date set.
  9. Christmas is put away and my house is super clean. I've got my week planned, tomorrow is a very light day, and I'm planning a half-week bc I know it will take a bit to get back into the groove and we've got a few other things planned this week.
  10. I could go the other direction- homeschooling was the only choice for my kids bc our local public school offers so little and the teachers (mostly) aren't any better than I am! Smart kids in poor rural schools really lack resources. I may let a few of them try it if they really want to, but so far they all prefer to stay at home and then go to the CC a hour away. I have smart, sometimes 'gifted' kids and PS just wasn't enough depth in any subject. Our homeschool coop isn't any better, but I'm trying! Once Covid is under control I'll teach the high school class again. I do know there are several families that don't teach much past 6th grade level in anything. I wish they would just put them in school! My belief is that if you homeschool you must at least teach as well as your local school- if your kid has a LD and isn't at grade level, you need to at least have them where they would be in PS. I've held myself accountable to this and tried my best! My oldest is a Senior, great ACT and is a NMSF! I don't think my public school has ever had one- ever! There is one other NM kid in my county this year, and none in the neighboring counties! HSing high school has had its downside- not many clubs (our HS will not let her join), not as many fun social things (and Covid pretty much ended that as soon as she finally got involved in a few), not many friends. I know my labs weren't the best, but they were about the same as our HS. Math was better IMO - our school doesn't even offer anything past Algebra 2- then kids can do DE. If we had a better PS, I would consider it bc its a lot of work!
  11. Well, I put $ down for UA last week even though we've never visited! It's not her final pick, but I wanted to ensure she could get a good room in the honors dorms and I got nervous about waiting. It sounds like your DS is sure, so I think you should go ahead and secure his spot in housing line.
  12. Depending on my mood and the question, I will sometimes type out a long reply- being sure to give my 'credentials' as it pertains to the topic. If I've got a kid with similar issues, used a particular curriculum, kids ages and successful completion of courses, even ACT scores- i let the poster know I'm not a random person with no experience. Many times I see a very vague question- What math program should I get for my 3rd grader- no additional info. Answers will vary from cooking, MUS, Beast and everything in-between! Or a particular program is repeatedly suggested for every kid, regardless of needs of teacher or kiddo. If I ask for advice, I try to give as much back info as possible. I don't want a blanket answer, I'm looking to specific experiences with a kid like mine! I don't think many homeschoolers even realize how different kids learn.
  13. It doesn't sound like a good fit (I have had and used both programs with different kids). Have you looked at Math in Focus? I use it and Saxon for my 4th grader. Its got a nice workbook with plenty of white space to work and good diagrams, ect. There is also a textbook that I use to teach from. You can get a TM, but they are very expensive and I haven't needed it for the lower grades. It might be a better pace, has mastery chapter style with cumulative reviews, not as slow as Saxon but not as fast as Beast, more in depth problems snd critical thinking.
  14. I feel so bad for those getting that advice! I'm all for learning through play, but video games all day are not what that means! I have noticed those same parents don't want to discipline their kids either- they just want them to magically be respectful, kind, functional adults without putting in any harsh words, routines, or hard work. Another thing I often see- parents with a elementary kids giving advice on middle or high school. If you aren't currently or have not previously homeschooled high school, you don't get an opinion!
  15. My DH is an INTJ and this is exactly how he operates- except he has to line them all out to me, and I have to argue the pros and cons until he's satisfied.
  16. Thinking of you! Update when you can!
  17. If the Saxon method is working after many fails with other programs, i would stick with it. My oldest did through the first half of Advanced Math, then went into College Algebra. That's my plan with DD2 as well. As for acceleration- I wouldn't move quickly through any math with a kid who struggles. Slow and steady! I would make math a year-round subject and I would even graduate her before finishing the math- if shes going to CC, she could continue her math work at home until she's ready for college algebra. That would be a condition of graduating on time! I think there are lots of people walking around with PreAlgebra level math skills, so don't get too stressed out! With work, she can get through the math in college- they have tutors available snd remedial math courses!
  18. Agree with the internet! Ours is high $$ and limited gig! Its the best we can get.
  19. Farm life doesn't take off- when we go on vacation we have to find someone to check our chickens and cows. We try to plan around calving, but you just never know! A lot of 'city folk' move out to the country. The biggest shockers are how long it takes to go anywhere- 20 minutes to a tiny grocery store, an hour to a Walmart Supercenter, 3 hours to a mall. We don't go shopping very often 😉 Depending on your church, its not uncommon to travel 30+ minutes to a congregation that fits you. I've also noticed these same couples get 150 different types of animals as soon as they move in- pick one! Get it, get a good coup or pen, figure out how to take care of it before getting another type animal 😉 Chickens 🐔 are super-easy! A garden is a huge commitment- I don't garden. I'd like to do better but I just never do. Maybe when my kids are older? I admire people who do! I do have a lot of landscaping at it takes a long time to maintain. Our yard is not huge, but it takes at least 2 hours a week to mow- we do have kids to do this, lol! And last- there is very little money to be made. Costs are high, equipment is high, something is always broken. Its great for when you are early retired- will give a bit of a bump in income and give DH something to do!
  20. A jewelry or collage. Velvet covered mat, arrange them in an interesting way, hot glue.
  21. I'm going to work on exercise and diet for my whole family- we are starting a health unit when we start back with school. Other than that, I'm not thinking further than spring! I do plan to figure out a family vacation that's mostly Covid-safe. We need one!!!
  22. @RootAnn YES! I would make her do both. My DD is just reworking the same essay base to fit each prompt. As for commuting, my DD has been driving am hour to community College the last 2 years- not a big issue for her after the first few trips.
  23. Bumping- we are still undecided and need to visit more schools! DD has applied and been accepted to 5 schools, 3 Xxx State University that all seem to be very similar- pros, cons to all, but honestly any of them would be about the same- we visited 2. 1 STEM School that was her top choice for years- they keep adding to her merit money and send email all the time- but DD has almost ruled them out bc the town is very boring and small and it doesn't offer any versatility. Never got a chance to visit. 1 out of state big university out of state- this is the one we really need to go visit!
  24. Yay! That's a great score- and now you just have more scholarship essays tk do! This is such a long process! Best if luck on more merit znd scholarship money!
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