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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I was not arguing what leads to better sleep. Just pointing out that in some households, it's common for one person to stay up later than the other. Ideally I'd like the kids both asleep and to be reading or sleeping when dh got home on his late nights.
  2. Because you don't want the parent to resent the child? I mean I don't know that they would, but there's this negativity associated with the whole situation. I still get upset that my family basically dumped a pet on me and am basically the main provider for. I don't hate the pet, but I do carry a grudge. It affects how we use space in the home (litter box, etc.), travel (we take her with us), finances (vet, supplies)... and that's just a cat. Not a baby.
  3. Oh my gosh, the diapering. I don't know if I have an extra difficult child, but it's been a nightmare for several months. She screams bloody murder when you want her to lie down most of the time. I usually change her standing up now on the floor and put pull-ups on her. Not making any real progress potty training, but she likes to remove her diaper or pull-up and has figured out how to unsnap and unzip her one piece night clothes as of a few days ago. Great. Yesterday I was washing dishes and she was content in a play enclosure (view is obstructed by play enclosure walls a bit) and when I walked up to her she had removed her clothing and diaper and had smeared poo in various areas. So I got to wash items and disinfect areas and took her directly to the bath. Uggh. We haven't even officially hit "terrible 2s." She screams at us like a velicoraptor half the time and I'm not sure exactly how to break that habit. I think as she learns more words she will scream less. Yep, gotta tell myself it's just a phase. At least there are fun parts. She went in a bucket swing for the first time this week and had a ball. Mine is 16 mo. With ds, pretty much from 18 months til age 4 or so. Felt like it was just one ongoing battle. He's still difficult but I can reason with him more.
  4. Sorry he got your hopes up and then things didn't pan out as you had hoped. He might be thinking long-term stuff that you didn't discuss (or maybe you did) like well a crib is one thing but what about when they need a twin bed (bunk beds and everyone in one room?) or more space for clothes or whatever. I sorta think the house is an excuse, though. Maybe he doesn't want to give up the classes but would feel guilty about his home to work ratio of time My hubby and I don't quite see eye to eye on number of children. He would like another in a couple years, but I can barely handle the ones we have. So unless I have a change of heart or we have an unplanned pregnancy (or adopt an older child), I just don't see it happening. And it's so much easier for him because I'm over here trying to figure out how to do my dumb charting again and he's opted out of the vasectomy idea (which I support. I understand).
  5. I think I can count on my hands the number of times this has happened lol
  6. Do you track your money as you spend with these apps? We just looked at some pie charts provided by our cc website the other day and it was eye opening to see how much more we spent on food one year vs this year (you can compare each month). It broke it up into categories for us based on where we used the card.
  7. Yeah, really. No one's perfect so this really goes for everyone.
  8. When I used My Fitness Pal they wouldn't advise any woman to eat less than 1200 cal/day. I don't know what 1000 looks like with the right kinds of foods, but I would worry about it not being enough for the average person. I'm sure water would be a main source of liquid as that wouldn't hurt the calorie count and would probably curb hunger. While I was using the program I was permitted to eat 1200 a day and it felt like very little (of course I probably wasn't eating enough veggies and such). And it averaged out to less than a pound lost a week if I followed the formula! So it was very discouraging. Just throwing that out there to say it may be a very slow process to get or maintain a certain weight. My guess is metabolism has a lot to do with it.
  9. What does this look like? What do the kids do? There's a room set up with toys or something?
  10. Put on a cover up (robe or such??) before/after using the pool? While you're in it no one is looking and right as you step in well that's like a few seconds at most? My most recent suit came from Target in a mix and match area and I found a tank for the top and shorts for the bottom. I usually wear some type of swim shorts over my suit, but since the bottoms are shorts I think I'm covered. Literally lol!
  11. I thought I read Harry Potter's Balloon Farm on that list. :lol:
  12. Tortilla soup. It's actually a bag mix, added black beans and pre-made cooked fajita chicken strips. Threw some of my salad topping mix on top (tortilla chip strips and some kind of seeds).
  13. We worry about the paint here, not sure if it's lead or not. Some of it is chipping off old doors and baseboards so yeah, definitely a concern.
  14. Yes, I would be concerned about the windows. We currently rent an older home, but not sure the age. We have a TON of windows and they are all old and make the place not energy efficient. We did buy some thermal curtains, but never got around to doing the whole house. There are just too.many.windows. When I say too many, I mean like 72" windows in every single room. The closet space is a huge issue here. The internal doorknobs are cute, but old and do not lock. Look like something out of Cinderella with the keyhole showing. How is the tub? I have lived in some old homes and the tubs are always old and damaged to the point where you are like uh this really ought to be replaced or re-glazed but that's not cheap.
  15. They were really wide legged pants. Most if not all were jeans. I always pronounced it like "Jean Co." I don't agree with how they say it in the video. I couldn't find very good google images. I remember some that looked better than what I found online. https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/enhanced/webdr03/2013/6/6/17/enhanced-buzz-5388-1370553435-12.jpg. I may have only had knock offs.
  16. Well, I hear JNCOs are coming back so I was half expecting to get a link to JNCOs. And while I did wear the wide bell bottom type pants, I don't know that I could pull that off again (assuming I ever did) or that we should try. When I hear culottes I tend to think of flowier material. But yeah, I think that sums it up!
  17. When I was I dunno, in my teens or early 20s, I asked someone I knew about their pregnancy in a "congratulations" kind of way... they weren't pregnant!!! I felt AWFUL. She had put on a lot of weight since I'd last seen her and she told me I was not the first to ask. I did have one or two interactions with her since, but I always think of that time and I kick myself. My family is really close to her in-law's family (I don't remember if she was married yet, but I think she was dating or engaged to her now husband at the time). You better tell me you are expecting now because I'm not asking!! Oh I'm sure there are many more, but that's the one that comes to mind.
  18. Well with the tourmaline it might not literally have a higher temp setting but I think it's supposed to heat more quickly and evenly than others?? The one I had from Sally's didn't work very well but I don't think the max got into the 400s. Yeah, 410 is probably hot enough for most people. Mine goes to 450. My "It&ly" brand was okay and I can't remember what the max was. It went to 410 for sure. I just looked up the Wet2Straight and one description said it is a "ceramic-tourmaline" lol whatever that means. This lady's review says it goes to 420, but I don't know if there's more than one version of it. I haven't used mine in some time, but that sounds right. I'm part Mexican and inherited my hair from that side of the family. It can take a while to dry and straighten my hair so I don't do it very often.
  19. You will have to pay $100+ depending on what quality you are seeking. For example, most cheaper irons are ceramic coated. Just coated. I once owned an iron with 100% ceramic plates, but it didn't work on my hair! I sent it back. It was actually a free upgrade from what I had originally ordered and I told them thanks, but no thanks. I went with titanium instead. I got the Babyliss. But I have heard that of the different types, I think tourmaline is supposed to get the hottest. Don't ask me if the materials in these irons cause cancer or something, though. Basically the type of hair you have will determine what you need. I own a Wet2Straight affordable one from Target or somewhere, but it's not of the same quality as my Babyliss. I'm pretty sure dh has complained he thought my hair smelled like it was burning when I used both irons, if not just the Wet2Straight. I have super thick hair and use irons with very high settings. If an iron won't go up to a very high temp, I won't bother. A hair dresser even told me I could use the highest setting. Also ask yourself how often you plan to use it. And consider what size plates you want. Thicker ones get the job done faster, but you have less control over tiny sections like around the face. I have an awkward grip, I'm "double jointed" or whatever in my hand, so it's really hard for me to find one that doesn't cramp up my hand while using it. You may want to consider ergonomics or weight of the iron.
  20. I think it's one of those words where I flip flop. Sometimes I say it one way, sometimes another. I actually really don't like saying it as it's an awkward word to me. Rill-tore Rill-a-tore I think I can hear myself saying "reel" or "real" Ok I think I also flip flop with endings... "er" or "tore" I think adding the sound in the middle is based on what I've heard over my life. And that may have even been on HGTV, I dunno. I think this word is said many ways. I say "eye" "urn" but it's a four letter word to be avoided ;)
  21. I think I would have had to print a google map LOL!! (assuming I even remembered the subdivision/area!!)
  22. Heck, forget age for a second. I don't want to see/hear about the animal abuse on my facebook feed and I can hide/scroll past that. I'd say that her judgement may have little to do with her age, too. I was just having a discussion with a friend and we talked about things that really hit home or bugged us more than others (ie. seeing blood). Everyone is different. Yes, I think the child's age is relevant in this scenario, but I also think that people in general have a different idea of what they are comfortable discussing. If I was asking about a dog's training I might not be prepared to hear about an abusive past.
  23. Would it help to wear long johns or capri length leggings or something underneath? I know, it might be too hot for that, but just an idea. Or bicycle shorts, etc. Just something so if there's a leak it wouldn't go through everything?
  24. I hope it picks up. I didn't get that into the first episode or two.
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