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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. No. I also have low expectations that people would do the same for me. I cannot imagine most people willingly doing that for someone that sounds like they rank as an acquaintance. I would probably compare that invitation to someone asking me to come to a "party" that is code for, "buy my stuff so I can make a profit."
  2. I just got one of those books with my audible credit. Thanks!!
  3. I never gave EF any thought really til this thread. Definitely food for thought. Dh and ds might both be ADD (or ADHD).
  4. Someone updated with some info from the blogger's blog that wasn't included in the original link. I still have no idea how she spoke to him so it's a little harder for me to paint a picture of the dynamic. Not saying those words are healthy, though.
  5. I'm wondering if reading these words is supposed to shock me. She could have been yelling, "ugh, with the f'n glass again?! How hard is it to reach your arm over one foot and open the dishwasher? Heck, sometimes it's OPEN and you don't even put it in there." I mean really, we have no idea the back and forth that occurred leading up to this. They could have been equally abusive. I'm tempted to put abusive in quotes, but that's because I feel pretty desensitized by the notion of this or could imagine much worse.
  6. I actually taught it as the "lazy" sound. I got that description from a YouTube video and just went with it. I thought it made it easy to teach. I don't think people are being lazy to say "uhbove" (above), but that's just how I describe it. I may or may not have heard the term "schwi" before this thread. I was just throwing all the sounds under the term "schwa" though that may not be correct. As long as my kid can read/speak I don't really care.
  7. wait, did I miss something? The blogger was abusive? Where did that get determined? I saw people suggesting that he was but I thought it was all speculation.
  8. Yes. That is how I'm feeling reading some of these posts. edited: typo
  9. What if it was something else? Would it eventually wear on you? What if everytime your spouse returned the car, the tank was almost empty. Let's say you asked them (repeatedly) to please fill up the tank or at least not leave it so empty. You are running late and don't have time to stop at the gas station and that's when you lose it and think if he'd just fill up the flippin' tank I wouldn't be so stressed out. So, do you rationalize that anger away and tell yourself that it's fine that he doesn't share your priority and you should just remember to make time for the gas station every time you leave? I don't know, maybe that would never drive you batty. I am just trying to think of other examples besides the glass where I could see it grating on someone's nerves. Pee on the floor by the toilet. Shouldn't bother us, it's not their fault/priority to pay attention? There's got to be something that would irk everyone I would imagine.
  10. Ok. I am not talking about tasks that children can easily take over lol. There are certain chores here that if I don't do them, I will likely still end up doing them later, but they will actually be much worse. Overflowing trash, kitty litter box, laundry. I've decided I'm really only hurting myself if I blow something off.
  11. I think I could become organized with the right tools, but getting there is not easy for everyone. You need to have space, time, etc. Decluttering is a huge help. Easier to make a home for items if you have less items to home. I flip flop between thinking Marie Kondo has the right idea and the woman needs help. Seriously, read the Amazon reviews lol.
  12. So does everyone here hate Kristina and Adam? lol. I don't mind them, but they can get a bit uptight and the mom sometimes doesn't know when to give people space. I think the writers of this show have an obsession with pancakes! I need to keep count on how many episodes feature pancakes LOL
  13. I think this would be like the word mountain (?) I have piecemealed our phonics. Some of the info. I got came from LOE, but it was from their website and Doodling Dragons book. I have yet to see the schwa come up in our main language arts program (time4learning) but I use materials from other resources. While I'm sure the list is far from extensive, that wikipedia link has helped me.
  14. What is Crosby driving now? I don't understand how he could sell the bike. Jasmine's mom has too much control in the episodes I saw. Made me feel bad for Crosby. The family is a bit too clingy to me. They show up at each other's jobs. They call each ohter at work. And for me it was maybe overkill that they all I don't think I've seen About a Boy.
  15. People go on "strike" or do similar, but I have never found this to be particularly successful lol. Maybe I am reading this post out of context. I don't know if we're talking just about children.
  16. Dh has gone off caffeine a few times. It's never pretty. Is there some sort of substitute drink that might help you shift focus? He usually does it when he's trying to lose weight. His go to replacement drink is iced tea. Sometimes sweet, sometimes not. Mainly he goes back to caffeine to stay awake (before a car ride, in the morning at work because they sell coffee).
  17. His comment didn't really bother me because I think his wife is a little clueless about how much he does and how draining it is. I got a little upset with Jasmine over the birthing video. I mean, if I was Crosby I'd be so hurt and upset I don't know if I could watch it. She said a couple times, "what was I supposed to do? You wouldn't take my calls." Well, how about not wait 5 years to try again?
  18. Yes! As for the indoor/outdoor I hear this a lot on these boards but it doesn't apply here. We seldom do outdoor tasks and we pay someone to mow the yard. I think that's part of the reason I want more help inside. Yeah, I think this has a lot to do with behavior or expectations.
  19. Ok. I am not familiar with the Google gift card and was wondering what streaming devices it worked with. We watch all our movies on our Roku via Amazon. When people give us itunes cards I just use them for buying apps on my iphone rather than movies since I think you have to have apple tv or something for it to work with the tv.
  20. What do you have to have to make a Google Play gift card work?
  21. Oh is Joy the name of the actress? Were you talking about Jasmine? Oh crap I just saw a poster with pictures of the characters and it was a total spoiler. Don't go to imdb.com
  22. Oooh good, we're watching together lol. I might be a little ahead of you, but I've been binge watching lately. I didn't like Haddie, either. She has some likeable moments but mostly I don't really like her that much lol. Dh hardly watched it with me and said he didn't like the teenagers and how they were all disrespectful. I think the teenage boy has become better. I'm at the beginning of season 3 now. As far as Joel, I didn't like the way he was acting during that week long reno, either. I didn't understand why they didn't line up someone ELSE to pick up the daughter. They have like 20 family members HA. Do they seriously not have anyone they could call, though? Some parent from the playgroup circle?? I don't dislike Joel, but it was clear that he and his wife are not on the same page. I actually sympathized with him a lot when (spoiler???)... he said he needed a break in the evening. It seems like his wife didn't get it. I'm going to have to look up Joy. I'm blanking on who that is! lol.
  23. It's probably one of those things you have to want to change. I want to modify my time management issues. I feel so much more relaxed if I leave on time and have everything organized.
  24. Maybe because people want others to modify behavior to please those close to them? Or even those they just interact with a lot? Or... something like that. I have time management issues. It takes a lot of work for me to be on time. If I am late and someone knows I'm chronically late, they still might consider it disrespectful. Because, well, I'm infringing on their time and should just get my act together lol.
  25. I know you two have come to an arrangement of sorts, but I would consider just not having the wooden lol. I'm planning on phasing out our metal because this is our third set of non stick pots/pans and I see scratches. For me it's a health concern. I've asked dh not to use the metal, but I think he does it anyway and doesn't intentionally scratch. This is why I no longer use one of our rice cookers. I got a set of silicone utensils recently and we have some plastic as well so I'm not even sure if we should have the metal.
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