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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I probably didn't make much sense. I was replying to a post where someone else was quoted and had not read the initial post in context at that point. I was just noticing that nursing came up and was weighing in that the two things weren't quite the same to me. The closest comparison I could come up with was me choosing to nurse around a cluster of men vs. elsewhere (comparing that to choosing to use a room occupied by several opposite sex members of a gym). I actually would worry that I might scare some poor unsuspecting kid if they saw me naked haha You just never know. I just try my best to be considerate of other people's comfort zone. I actually am pretty discreet and tend to nurse in the car though I support a woman's right to nurse where ever. On that note, there's a bill that might pass here (Senate Bill 2070) which is very interesting. Fining people that try to stop a woman from breastfeeding. I'm so glad the OP had a nice update to share :)
  2. I think nursing in front of ds makes dh more uncomfortable than any of us. Sometimes I nurse in another room, but not always. Yes, I have nursed in public, but I don't think it's quite the same as the locker room situation. Maybe if there were a group of men and I sat down right next to them to nurse it would be somewhat comparable as far as comfort level boundaries.
  3. Yeah, I thought it was kind of high as well. I was just comparing it to pricing for other PC games we've bought. Fallout was like $60 for PC at Christmas.
  4. haha! Yeah, I'm realizing now as ds just tried to play again and said it was only letting him do certain things. I think it only gave certain sets of questions. We haven't studied many multiplication facts yet so he's not really ready for that area. He knows the answer to something, but it won't let him answer it. The question is floating on a wall. I don't know what he's supposed to do lol. Maybe they already asked that and then it remains on the wall.
  5. I think we have something similar to this: http://www.bigbrainz.com/Addition-Subtraction.php But I don't know how much of the game we have access to. Like one area said, "coming soon" during the game.
  6. I haven't used that PC in some time so I just turned it on to see what we have. We have a program installed on it with the Beta version of TimezAttack. The file dates are 2012 and 2013. He used the addition version, but it is letting me select other options as well. They lump addition/subtraction as one option. Mult. is separate from division.
  7. Dh said he's going to investigate the encyclopedia for me (I linked him to Usborne the other day. I'll look into Kingfisher, too). I'm not sure if I know what a page spread is? Like a series of events for that time period?
  8. This is probably one of those things where you can't win so don't worry :) To one person you may say too much. To another you may wish you had said more. I don't even have this scenario but I can imagine coming up with a one liner response would maybe help like some of the previous posters have offered.
  9. Oh my goodness, no wonder you are having trouble getting school on track. This year has been tough for me as well and I've been trying my best to get us back on track lately so I sympathize. When we got to the mid way point of the school year we had done less than half of the school days. My first thought is, why are you in charge of the business? Does it require being physically present? Sounds like you are just as busy as your dh so I don't know that either of you should bear that weight solo. Are there any other options? Selling, outsourcing, etc.? My ds is currently in second and I would guess that if he went into a brick and mortar setting he'd be behind in writing. I just haven't pushed it as much as I think schools do. We discuss proper sentence structure and he does penmanship/copywork stuff but not an extensive amount of writing. I plan to expand on it more, but this is where we are. I do not think what you are describing is so strange. I like Barb's chart. We have been bad about not filling ours out, but ds has one as well. We have one on the fridge for daily tasks/hygeine and another one that is specific to school subjects. Our goals used to be X number of hours of school/day. But now are goals are just tackle a number of subjects per day and finish certain curricula. We're behind in MM (should be on B and we're finishing A). So now we're doing more pages per day where possible. I haven't read the whole thread yet. Is there a specific struggle with math (math facts, etc)? Maybe we could suggest some supplemental materials. I've found some good suggestions on this board and we actually just found one for next year for multiplication tables. Good luck!
  10. We never paid for it, but used it. So maybe it wasn't a full version? Ds didn't get too far in the game. It felt like the game never moved forward if you missed something. I thought we'd be in that swamp for a life time. He probably wasn't ready for the problems at the time.
  11. I think my parents did that last time I visited lol I called ds dh's name this week. I realized it immediately but it just came out.
  12. Are they aware you have two children? Maybe they are so fixated on the fact that your ds got into college they totally forgot you have another in school! Or maybe they just think you'll have a little more time once one is out of the house. Hmm. I think a quick explanation/response is fine, only if you want to give one. I'm not sure if some of your to-do list is universal, so they may just have no idea. Like, "investigating financial aid" in my mind means filling out the FAFSA or such and waiting for a response. I'm not trying to be an oblivious jerk, just saying how things register in my mind and how others might be making assumptions. I don't know what "final reports to colleges" means. I'm seriously oblivious.
  13. I think it was the day before we celebrated dd's 1 yr birthday dh texted me to ask my opinion on a toy for her. He showed me the price and color options. I'm glad he asked... the item was already purchased (at a lower price) and waiting for her to open at the party. I had told him when I bought it, but probably didn't go into great detail. It wouldn't have killed our budget but it would have been a pain to return. So maybe there's a slim chance the buyer needed to check to make sure her dh hadn't run out and bought a coffee maker yet lol.
  14. It's a baby carrier. That's the only association I have with this word.
  15. I wonder how he knows if she spent more. Does he do all the shopping? I'd go to Wal-mart and add a cash back option to the end of my ticket.
  16. No and I'm thinking the $10 coffee maker example could be the spouse asking something like, "will you use it? Or are you set on another brand?" "Do we have the money right now?" "Do you mind? I'd really like to replace the one we have." Dh's pay comes in at weird times (some monthly, some not) and pay day isn't even the same day from month to month so I usually check the bank account or talk to him before certain purchases if I'm unsure. But every purchase? No. And if I know we're good I'm not gonna sweat a $10 purchase if I can justify it. Maybe she couldn't justify the coffee maker to herself. I went to the store for only a couple of items yesterday and ended up buying dd shoes and ds Easter clothing. I stopped and asked myself if I should check with dh but knew we had the funds so didn't bother. His jaw dropped at the price of the shoes and I said mine did too at first but then I decided that it sounds normal ($15 for shoes for a 1yr old. Her Christmas dress shoes were $9.99 and not easy to find in that size/price range). As a pp said, sometimes dh is out of touch with prices.
  17. I got a little jaded this week when I saw this: (warning: language) http://rare.us/story/this-guy-explains-why-he-hates-the-big-bang-theory-and-he-makes-an-amazing-point/ I do like and watch the BBT when I can (I don't have TV at the moment), but it's true to me that often the laughing is happening when there's nothing to really laugh about.
  18. I don't understand why laugh tracks are still used in this time. Even "live studio audience" is not excuse for the excessive laughter on shows like The Big Bang Theory. You know darn well that studio audience isn't yucking it up every minute.
  19. I usually just wear two shirts. Nursing bra + cami + outer shirt. Then I lower cami to nurse and the rest of it covers my torso if I need to feed while I'm out. These are pretty stretchy: http://www.target.com/p/women-s-favorite-cami-merona/-/A-15643730 Some women liked the Latched Mama clothing.http://latchedmama.com I made the mistake of buying nursing tanks from Wal-Mart and the elastic? band under the breasts was so tight I couldn't wear them. Ordered two sizes. Gave them both away. Really baffled me since I'm small framed and don't have very large breasts yet both sizes were ridiculously tight. I ordered a bra on Amazon that snaps in front and opens differently. I like the concept, but the type of snap is cheap and difficult to fiddle with. They also run small. But I am glad I got it because it's my only "cute" nursing bra and it's thicker than my others so camouflages the fact that I'm wearing nursing pads. I don't even use most of my nursing bras properly. I lift them up because they have stretchy material under the breast. The dumb flap just got in the way and would get milk on it. I have a couple of Medela sleep bras, but they are horrible quality. Ride up the back (again with the weird sizing. I don't get it). There are some other threads about new baby items so I'm probably repeating myself but I think the swaddle or sleep bags are nice. Made it so much easier to use velcro than try to fold.
  20. Another site just in case http://alabamamaps.ua.edu/contemporarymaps/world/ Also, have you used Seterra? It's free and you can quiz yourself. You click to label.
  21. Mine wants to start cursive now, but I've been holding off. I am considering the Zaner Bloser book. Not sure.
  22. I had Barbies. I don't think I gave the size much thought. I always thought it was annoying her feet were posed to fit in high heels at all times lol. One of my fondest Christmas memories as a kid was getting a Barbie camper. I don't think I had extra clothes for any of them. I'm glad to see more dolls to choose from, in general. I heard that Bratz dolls are being changed to have a more mainstream look (not sure what the wording was) but I can't find the link so now I'm wondering if that was even true. It was basically a petition to ask them to keep the old style even though they were releasing the new ones. There were side by side images. I agree the Ever After dolls are weird lol. But they also look kinda cool I guess. Really I was more excited this past year to see the line of dolls with "disabilities" and a birthmark. I don't know what term to use for the line but here they are: http://www.today.com/parents/british-toymaker-makies-includes-disabled-dolls-t21676 Too bad they are so expensive. My niece got some doll with a wheelchair over the holiday. I think the wheelchair was an American doll accessory (she owns an AG knock off). My niece does not use a wheelchair and I don't know if she asked for it, but happily showed off her doll and accessories.
  23. The Build Your Library sample I looked at relied on SOTW. Same for some other secular materials. One curriculum gave a choice between SOTW and Gombrich's A Little History of the World. The Amazon reviews left me feeling defeated. Of course, I don't think any history book is going to please everyone. Sorry if I'm derailing the thread, but I appreciate all the suggestions (from you and others) and will discuss them with dh. Amazon didn't have too may Who Was books on people I wanted to talk about in class (they were all over the place. Michael Jackson, etc) but I will see if I can find more elsewhere. :)
  24. I'm just difficult, but I don't like olives and capers or particularly care for gnocchi. I would do my best to eat what I was served. Gotta vote for the roast chicken. how so? Cut those parts off? I'm just trying to say that it's hard to avoid food that is not on the side and I think serving sauce on the side is a good idea if you want to keep a sauce. Your meal sounds very fancy and I'd be flattered you did all that.
  25. I would draw the line earlier but maybe that's because I have a nephew under 10 that I wouldn't dress in front of.
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