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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I don't have a problem with the term "furr baby" etc. It's just that I don't think Mother's Day is about that. I have an aunt that never had children but has had cats for many, many years and I don't care if she thinks of them as her children or not because heck, even I do (in a sense). But I don't think she would go around wishing all her friends with pets only "Happy Mother's Day" or expect a phone call from someone wishing her one. Yes, there are similarities in raising a pet and a child, but I could leave my house with my pet alone. I am not going to leave my children home alone (at their ages). As for the saving an animal/saving a pet thing. Well, no one was asking "is your pet's life more important to you than some relatives you don't particularly like?" lol. It was more like, "if your pet and your child were in danger, who would you save first?"
  2. I think it's interesting how many women you see talking about being fur mommas but I don't think I'll see one male say anything of the sort on Father's day because he has a pet.
  3. Well this wasn't just tears in the pew. Dd was being fussy and I stepped out with her and ran into the woman twice, once in the hall and once in the bathroom and she was quite upset. I think she wanted privacy, though. I don't think it's weird for someone to find MD distressing.
  4. I find it odd when people celebrate being "furrbaby" mothers lol. But whatever. They are mothering their animals, I get that. It's just odd to me to act like that is the equivalent. I saw a woman crying at church yesterday and I was wondering later if she had maybe lost a baby or mother :( I didn't know if I should say anything, especially since I was wearing my baby. ETA: when I wished my friends on facebook a happy Mother's Day I made the message to moms and honorary moms.
  5. Uggh!! Ironically we were just discussing this the other day. Dh says if I ever need a tow I should call them but it would require me to pay up front and get reimbursed. Meanwhile, my parents keep sending me AAA cards lol. I told them they don't need to do that and they said it's no extra charge to them and if I need help I won't have to front the money. After reading this I'm definitely keeping my AAA card. I'm so sorry that happened!! I wonder if it varies from office to office how they handle that.
  6. Call and ask questions. I was told to fast before and I complained due to being hypoglycemic. Depending on the test, you may get permission to eat something or more flexibility. I did. Oh and once dd had medicine where the bottle directions said NO food and the fine print said it was okay. I wish I'd had the fine print with us when we were traveling and I called the pharmacist asking questions.
  7. Well tonight dh told me that he explained borrowing to ds in math. Umm, you mean that thing introduced chapters back and done in this chapter recently with me? :banghead: We're not in the two digit ages yet. I labeled the inside of his shoe with a sharpie the other day because he was wearing his shoes on the wrong feet again and somehow doesn't even notice. That just can't feel right. Maybe we'll get out of this phase earlier if we're in it earlier?? Or maybe this is normal for boys his age.
  8. Just because someone is described as lucky doesn't mean others around them aren't lucky, too. I think it's just an attempt to say, "that's wonderful they got adopted into a loving family." Someone took the time to seek out the child(ren) and these children may have otherwise not known "family" in the same sense. There may have been a lot of red tape, etc. Not to say this can't happen in all families, but it may be perceived like, "wow, you went out of your way for these kids." /shrug
  9. Is there any time to have a sitter set up for that time? Even a "Mother's helper" that keeps an eye on the kids on campus. Maybe they could walk around or grab a bite to eat nearby. I don't know the answer. I used to have to drag ds to the dr and sometimes even with a tablet it was a disaster.
  10. Sometimes the pregnancy gets written into the script, other times awkwardly hidden by taller camera shots. Of course if you gain weight in your face it might not be as easy to hide.
  11. Sounds like you would need to hire someone for your ds unless you could pay/trade favors with the Girl Scout mom and include him? I wouldn't rely on the GS mom to always be free after GS, though. Asking about getting in the class by talking directly to the teacher sounds like a good idea. Maybe someone else will drop and it will balance out.
  12. Based on the wording, I'd say they leave themselves open for customers thinking all are 50% off. Based on experience and "if it sounds too good to be true..." the idea of getting them all significantly reduced would have me asking for clarification before I got my hopes up. Oh and I used to make ads for a living. If I were the one making this ad I would tell the person supplying the info that it was a bit unclear and we should modify it lol. A month or so ago I went into a store and the cashier greeted me and announced that "everything" was 50% off (or some percentage). I browsed and saw a sign saying the same thing. Unless the print was really small, I didn't notice a disclaimer. When I got to the register the item I bought did not ring up 50% off and she said it was because it was already marked a specific sale price. I told her nicely that I thought they shouldn't advertise "Everything" if it's not everything. She agreed but I don't know if it sunk in to her that she was part of the problem.
  13. It's Friday night and everyone in my house is in bed?! :) I should probably follow suit.
  14. Count me in the club. I'm not sure if Audrey meant make sure our husbands know how to do those things, or make sure they do them themselves all the time. I read it the second way originally. Dh actually suggested we iron his shirts together this coming weekend so that's progress. I know he's nervous about ironing. I told him just not on Mother's day LOL
  15. The schools have a monopoly on the YMCA stuff? How can they do that? I really wanted to get my son in Boys & Girls Club, but they meet another town away and I'd have to bring the baby with us and uh stand around waiting? There's nothing really to do in that area except like go to the dollar store.
  16. Does going out of the house with others count to her as filling her needs? Maybe have the whole family go on a walk together. Going on a bike ride alone is not the same. We've been walking lately and ds has asked me like 3x today if we can go see the neighbors LOL. All because we stopped by to say hi when we saw them outside after walking home the other evening. No one there is even close to his age. He's also been fairly interested in going on walks when we don't talk to anyone. I think it's just good for all of us. We didn't go to day mainly because he wasn't being very productive and I'm trying to get him to do his work, but we might go out later. Maybe your oldest could even stay home (not sure about rules with age and staying home alone) while the two of you went on a quick walk.
  17. When reading your post I felt like you were doing a lot. Can your dh take her out on the weekend so there are less days that are "non social"? Maybe you already go out on weekends. In my head I was trying to figure out if the sports met on the same or different days as the other events. So does she have something going on a total of 3 week days, 4 week days...? That seems like a significant part of the week, or maybe just to me.
  18. I posted "bought" instead of "both" on this thread earlier and edited it. But it was before the word "taught" so it's like I combined "both" and "taught" in my head lol I can't tell you how often I edit posts on FB where I left out an article or something minor. Sometimes I'll delete it just so I don't have to see "edited."
  19. Yeah. Dh wanted to be an archivist. They didn't offer the class(es) he needed to finish his certificate in archives the final semester he was there?? And I think jobs were slim, not local, and/or didn't pay much. It was not his intent to be a librarian, but I think it's worked out well. I don't know what $ per hour would make it worth it. I never thought about it in those terms.
  20. Maybe they were referring to where you said: That is what I'm guessing, but I don't know. It does seem that you may be quick to jump to the conclusion. Of course, I may be dyslexic. So really, who knows.
  21. I don't know about public libraries, but where dh works, often times he's the only one that can answer the students' questions. I believe this has to do with things he learned outside of job experience (he has previous experience in other libraries). I would imagine that same job or not, a degree would make a difference in salary as well. But not a difference necessarily worth going back to school over. I hear you.
  22. Ah, I see. I don't think we even have a need for ESL teachers in my state lol. Or very little. So the odds of there being a language school sounds slim. My father and my sister both taught ESL, but not here.
  23. I don't even know where to begin, but I'm going to look into this. I have a bachelor's.
  24. That's more or less what I thought, but then I felt like a jerk for thinking it because someone shared an article about librarians that don't have an MLS/MLIS and it kind of confused me. The article didn't really explain to me if the workers had a master's degree or something else, but said that their degree was not an MLS/MLIS. If I find it again I will link it. Well both cases in which the person didn't have the MLS/MLIS, they were called librarian and they were not an assistant to anyone else in the building.
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