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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. BlsdMama, Hmm. I don't know. I definitely did fudge up some things in this thread, but when I google things it's usually from self doubt on definitions rather than spelling. I don't feel like I struggle when I read, but I also hardly ever have a desire to read for enjoyment. I read for knowledge. Which is enjoyable to me, actually. So is there a test for both of these (dyslexia, dyscalculia) that could be done at once? lol. I will ask my psychiatrist about this at our meeting this month. It will be my first time seeing her, but maybe she would know what to tell me. I don't think she diagnoses it. Thank you.
  2. Ok. I will admit I do sometimes think things like, "why don't people know the difference between your/you're, etc" but mainly in a, "come on, you're an adult. If you don't remember this from school then look it up. It will take a few seconds." If that makes me a bad person or I was on a high horse for thinking it, well, I definitely will think twice now. In the cases where dyslexia is not an issue, I still think people should educate themselves on simple things like that. If I'm not sure about a word I open a new tab and google it. I do it all.the.time. Whether it's a spelling thing or alternative definition or how to pronounce it on youtube. Although, I'm still mastering my math facts so maybe I have no room to talk lol. I'm basically learning tricks as I teach ds since I never really got them down for whatever reason. I think I just didn't practice them or something. I did fine in math classes, excelled and got permission to skip a class, even. But I am just not good at mental math. I do want to say though, not all of us non dyslexics (I don't even know if I'm considered NT. I really do think I have dyscalculia but I heard testing is expensive and complicated) had a great time reading in school. I skipped kindergarten (cut off date situation) and they expected me to know how to read so I was behind. They bumped me down from the first grade class to the K-1 class. Basically the teacher worked with the Kers and the teacher aid worked with a small set of first graders (like me). I guess I caught up but I hated reading (maybe because one teacher made us track passage of time and page numbers? And I hated that darn book Sign of the Beaver LOL) and I don't know that I was bad at it, but I just didn't like it. I was embarrassed in school when one teacher made a chart with a paper mountain and we each had a paper hiker. My hiker was near the bottom of the hill and I knew that even if I read more I wasn't going to catch up to the hikers near the top because that just wasn't me. The person that reached the top first got a prize. I knew that wasn't going to be me so I wasn't motivated. Ironically my mother worked at the library and for years I hated reading. My parents would have had me reading sooner if they'd realized I was behind the class expectations, but it was too late by then. So while I can't relate to being bullied when reading aloud maybe, I can relate to feeling stupid or frustrated with reading.
  3. I used to think of dental hygienist as a possibility but after all I saw/heard about the toxins in the office I kinda freaked. There's a YouTube video with images using a blacklight or something. We carry these things around in our mouth if we've had typical fillings or are exposed to a machine in the office that pushes the junk in the room. You know it's floating all around that office. Many just have short walls or open door ways. Garga, there is a thread somewhere where my dh and I think redsquirrel?'s dh commented about what they do in their jobs. I don't know if anyone else answered. But there is a huge difference of what each librarian does. My dh is an academic librarian. He works with college students daily and that is one of his favorite parts. The students know he cares (he genuinely does). His job entails cataloging (among other things), but not all do. He obtained his Master's (MLIS) online while he was working part of the time. Not too many librarians are retiring (or they retire later than usual) so it's kind of hard to find openings. Usually you need a master's degree, but we have met people that didn't have one. It is probably a supply/demand thing. For example, our tiny town has a public library and the librarian does not have one (I didn't ask, but this is what I was told). Tell me more about the ESL (or whatever acronym is popular) thing? Did they already have a degree in education? Because otherwise I don't see how it would be easy. The way you worded this I guess all the homeschooling moms you know are already certified in something.
  4. My biggest issue with my field is unrelated to kids. It's keeping up with technology. I worked in graphic design for four years, but they used already outdated and/or less popular software. Since I've left even more versions of Photoshop, etc. have come out. And now you have to buy a month to month subscription if you want the latest. I don't know how many companies have chosen to do that. I toyed around with the newer versions during a 30 day trial. I completely bombed an interview (part of it, anyway) because I was ill prepared for the "make us something" portion of the interview. That was my bad. I didn't know that there was one huge difference in the versions that affected my ability to manipulate any files. I was so embarrassed that when I got home I tinkered with my trial version til I could submit what I had wanted to and emailed it (not expecting it to be taken seriously as a candidate but just for my own peace of mind that I finished the task). I've been in touch off/on with a few of my references from my last professional job, but it's already been years. The last job I had was retail and I suppose if I had to, I could contact some of my former co-workers on facebook and ask for their contact info (I'm friends with a few on facebook). I have looked into the alternative route to an educator license in my state, but none of them apply to grades K-3. And I'd have to be doing some form of student teaching? for a year or two before I even finished the program. My parents are both former teachers and told me they didn't think I'd like it. lol. Dad keeps telling me to write kindle books, but I haven't made the time to do that. I'm kind of overwhelmed with it though as a child that was one of my career goals -- make children's books. I think that'd be more like a little side cash while I continue to stay at home. I've been contemplating trying to get a part-time job (just a few hours/week) next school year. It's been almost four years since I had that retail job, but I did do a little database entry after that til the job dissolved.
  5. I'm not dyslexic and I usually re-read my emails at least once before hitting submit. I don't know about having others read my emails, but I could see how one might need to do that if they cannot find errors easily on their own. I'm still trying to grasp how it works as I've never heard it explained this way. I don't know about others, but I kind of felt like your first post was you yelling at others' conclusions when obviously it'd take more than reading one post by one person to determine if they are dyslexic. I always thought of dyslexic as mixing up letters, not whole words. And in those cases I often blame it on typos and autocorrect/phones. I don't know why our ignorance = seniority complex to you. I think there's a lot of misunderstanding in this thread.
  6. Yeah. I'm directionally challenged and rely heavily on my Garmin and Siri. It doesn't matter if the reason is dyscalculia or not, I have to get places. Someone who won't take the time to proof read their own work/have someone else proof read it, probably shouldn't be in charge of social media posts. Although, everyone makes mistakes once in a while. Can't say we never had mistakes in the newspaper where I worked and there were definitely a few sets of eyes looking at things.
  7. Everyone woke up early and we got a good bit done. Went to an art show and *might* actually get dd to go to bed at a decent hour (her nap was disrupted earlier). One artist had made a Harry Potter sorting hat cookie jar. The bottom of the hat was a plate. So cool.
  8. I have seen "your" and "you're" and other homophones mixed up so many times, I really doubt that the majority were dyslexic. But I will pause and think about that now. And I don't think people think they are awesome for spelling basic words correctly. They are just annoyed when it's done incorrectly so often by others or in a professional context where maybe two sets of eyes should have been utilized. I probably have dyscalculia so I get mixing up some things I guess. I'm terrible with phone numbers and such. I live in a state with very poor education. I can tell you, many people just don't know basic English stuff. Not that I'm perfect by any means. But I've seen and heard so much I default to "this person doesn't know any better."
  9. That sounds fine for snacks. If you want something heavier you could try something like Slim Jims, deviled eggs, pigs in a blanket? You know, protein. My personal favorite chips may not be the popular ones! (Baked Lays, lightly salted Sun Chips, Fritos). Ask the birthday girl if she has a preference. Some are messier than others and you may or may not want the cheese fuzz haha. Veggie tray - I'm a fan of carrots and broccoli and/or cauliflower with Ranch dressing though these days I don't usually eat Ranch.
  10. Lol I use Time4Learning and other things. T4L is $20/mo. I print many of the worksheets. I've been going through the reading list for next year, which will be the first time the program asks me to get outside books. I know many people go without, but I think we'll try to include them. Otherwise you'd need to skip those lessons or modify them. We use the program's Language Arts, LA Extensions and science. There are two sciences right now that we can access. The T4L science and their new addition which is Science4Us (K-3 grades only). Might eventually try the social studies again. We ditched their math. The other programs we use are pretty inexpensive and I usually buy during sales (ie. Math Mammoth, Elemental History). A lot of my stuff is in PDF format so I can reuse with dd later.
  11. Yeah, it's hard to know how to handle certain interactions. I don't know how to talk to people sometimes. I'm socially awkward. I saw an acquaintance at church the other day. She was clearly pregnant but I dare not say anything first. I just asked how she was and she didn't say a word about the baby bump. Then I asked if her child (that was standing by her) was going to attend the Bible study thing for kids this summer. I honestly forgot her age and was just trying to make conversation. Then I felt like I put my foot in my mouth because they said even if she was old enough they'd wait. She has special needs, but I wasn't looking at the kids' Bible study thing as more than some fun crafts or something for the youngest crowd so I wasn't even thinking along the lines of this might be difficult for her. We have never participated and I told them that. I worried that they thought I was oblivious (which I guess I was in a way) and insensitive. People like me should probably just stay quiet.
  12. We don't set a budget. I just pick things out as the need/want for them arises assuming they are affordable. I remember one year I wanted a phonics game and the Ring Around the Phonics game was soooo expensive I kept hunting til I found an alternative. I am very happy with my alternative and I want to recommend it to others, but for some reason I never see it for sale. I tried posting a review of the item 2-3x and it never appeared on the website (Barnes and Noble). So strange. In the past if I really want something sometimes I'll save up swagbucks and use that toward the item. I've also done this with Shopkick. I earn a few bucks here and there. When it's time to buy the item the price tag doesn't seem so bad. For other things I sometimes just make them. I made my own phonogram tiles and I think I'm much happier with them than I would be with the ones sold on AAS. Mine are made of craft foam and cardstock with a magnet on the back. I like how they are easy to handle.
  13. I took the test several months ago and cannot find my results. I don't remember what it was... I think it was INTJ or something with "IN" but now I don't have anything to reference. Maybe I'll force myself to take it again.
  14. You guys, one of dh's shirts ripped today. I couldn't help but think of this thread and the cost of shirts lol. Poor guy ended up rolling his sleeves up the rest of the day. I said at least the rip was in the arm. It got snagged on something at work. I found some comfort in knowing I got that one on sale, but still it was $30. When he told me he really liked the shirt I thought, "wish you had been that enthusiastic when I gave it to you" :lol: Hand washing is a worse chore to me than ironing. And driving to/from a cleaners that is literally at least like half an hour away is really impractical for us. Plus, spending the money on the service + gas just wouldn't be worth it to me. Not sure about the dry cleaning chemicals on a regular basis, either. I don't take anything to the cleaners currently but since you do that makes sense. Starch ugh. Dh lets me throw his khakis in the dryer. I told him to remove them from the dryer while the kids and I were out on a walk this morning, but I think it went in one ear and out the other because he wore a different pair of pants. Now the ones from the dryer are probably more wrinkled than they would have been had they been removed promptly. Eh.
  15. I'm sorry to hear. This thread brought me some perspective as well. :grouphug:
  16. I can't think of a time in algebra where any of this came up. Just speaking of my own experience, that is. ETA: of course this could be a memory thing or I was in la la land...
  17. Oh I think I am using a different definition of den. I was thinking the size of a living room. My bedroom (aka den) growing up was actually kinda big and one wall was floor to ceiling bookcases.
  18. $20 for a dress shirt? I wish! We don't have a Costco (though they might build one). We belong to Sam's Club, but they don't sell anything like that. I think we need to check Kohl's. They always have coupons/sales and I noticed last time I was there that they have a B&T section. Usually shop at Casual Male XL.
  19. I didn't bring this up, but yes, that's one of the reasons I avoided many "easy care" "wrinkle free" products. Some days I care more than others. Apparently formaldehyde may be in our toilet paper and paper towels. Can't seem to win!
  20. Lol not necessarily. We could search for it online or ask a dr. I was actually going to post that I was surprised there weren't a million "kegels is the answer" replies. Seems everytime I've ever complained about incontinence that was the response. I know if you pee and stop the flow then you are using the right muscles for kegels, but I always worried I would cause myself to urinate attempting to do kegels lol. I actually once read one article that wasn't quite pro kegel, though most were. OP, I have discussed this with my own OB/GYN and in my experience, they won't tell you much but will refer you to someone else. Mine actually improved over time (between births and the second birth didn't seem to send me back to square one). I didn't really do anything in particular. Maybe lost a little weight? Mine was described as stress incontinence. Lifting objects, sneezing, laughing. Well, none of those were such a big deal compared to vomiting. Thank goodness that never happened in public because I'd have to have a change of clothing (hey this is a TMI thread, right?). The last time I saw my ob/gyn it was rather close to delivering a baby so we both agreed it wasn't a great time to go suss things out there. I don't know if I will ever go investigate further. I would definitely seek some answers in your case, but I don't know if the ob/gyn is necessarily where to start. Of course, they may have notes from the delivery that would help? My hospital had really crappy notes on my first birth as did my former ob/gyn office. They pierced my bladder and emptied it during active labor due to immense pressure/pain on my end, even after they manually broke my water (they first blamed the pressure on that and I was like no, really, I have to pee again). To this day we don't know if/what was affected by that but I agreed to it because I was in dire straits. I don't know if anything like that happened during your delivery. I told all this to my current ob/gyn but I don't think any of it was included in the medical records. I really don't know if that affected my bladder issues, but it wouldn't surprise me.
  21. These are my thoughts as well. You can stage it as a room, but on paper I don't think you can call it a bedroom. The room with the fireplace doesn't strike me as a bedroom. Yes, sometimes bedrooms have fire places, but generally speaking I would think "living room/family room/den" are the ones with the fire place.
  22. dh's shirts get hung up, never put in dryer so there isn't much getting around ironing. Scared to use dryer. In fact I can't even put his t-shirts in there (bad luck in past with shrinkage. Yes, I use low heat). He shops at Big & Tall stores and is hesitant to try new brands he hasn't tried on in person. His height is mostly torso so we don't like to risk shrinkage in shirts. Most "tall" ties are too short (he's broad, too so neck is wide) so he has to fudge length using tie clips. I do not like putting my own dress shirts in dryer either, actually. I really don't wear dress shirts these days, though. A while back there was a suggested wrinkle-free link I showed him, but none of the shirts were his style. I don't know if it was Brooks Brothers, though. Edited: I think they do have some of his size in BB and they are affiliated with one of the stores we go to. Maybe next time we go inside the store I can see what they have in stock in that brand.
  23. What is this "Kinko's/FedEx"? They are a joint store? I've only seen one or the other. Or do they both just provide the service? I would never think to walk into a FedEx store and ask about book binding. I may need to keep this in mind. I wanted to make copies of the back of Writing With Ease (just student pages) but holding it on the copy machine is a huge pain. Edited: Maybe Kinko's that I remember always was affiliated with FedEx. I should still compare the FedEx store to Office Depot and see how they compare on rates.
  24. More importantly, who has 28 oranges? Did that many come in a bag? ;) Looking at your picture, I would say 7 rows because rows go across to me (think crossword puzzle if nothing else) and columns down. But if I actually had 7 rows and 4 in each row sitting in front of me, I would describe it as 7x4. That's just me. I don't have anything to back this up, just this is how my brain works. We'll be going into multiplication soon, just barely touched on it. We bought the Times Tales DVD download. So basically I'm saying I don't have a BTDT experience to share, just thinking that you may be overcomplicating it. Of course, I don't know what higher math is affected by swapping things. The highest math I took was trig.
  25. black undershirts instead of white? My dh won't wear "undershirts." He insists on wearing his normal t-shirts under his dress shirts. And they are all dark. This topic is amusing to me since I just got mad about ironing today. Dh did something rude and I told him to iron his own shirt. Then he said he was going to show up a wrinkled mess and that people were going to ask why his wife didn't iron his shirt. What planet are we on? Would people actually do that... point a finger at me when a grown man wears a wrinkled shirt? That's his problem, not mine... I would think. But yeah, who knows, society might point the finger at me. I did end up ironing the shirt, but I also ironed all my own when I was the one working outside the home. Food - for snacks dh buys those packs with almonds, carrots and cheese. I've offered to pack lunches, but he usually just comes home to eat. Sometimes I've made something and sometimes he just throws something together. I would like to get more on top of the meal organization though. Today I boiled eggs so that tomorrow I can use them in tuna salad. I could eat it with or without eggs, but he really likes it with the egg. Dh and I don't share the same love language. Sometimes I have to be mindful of the fact that little tasks may mean a lot to him. So just find out which things mean a lot to yours.
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