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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I thought you were talking about all main cast. I considered him among main characters, though probably not in every episode or as vital to the story as his spouse.
  2. Well, who is coming up with the difference? Me (mother of groom) or the bride and groom? I don't know that it necessarily falls back on the in-laws. Some couples don't have any help from either set of parents. I have no idea what $5000 pays for. My parents paid for my wedding and dh's parents paid for the rehearsal dinner. There was actually some awkwardness there because since they were paying it seemed I didn't have as much say about who was invited. You'd think it's a no brainer, but we didn't invite my friend that was a lector (he was at the rehearsal) because I don't think they considered him part of the wedding party and everyone else was family. If my parents had paid for the meal they would have urged me to invite him. Asking to invite him and pay wouldn't have gone over very well... we already did that with another family member that had flown into town but was not part of the wedding party. She came to the dinner and after all that my father forgot to grab a separate check for her so I don't know what happened later. I'm sure he tried to pay after the fact. I actually am not sure how much my wedding cost.* I really should ask, but I guess am embarrassed to bring it up? I think if your daughter knows in advance then this could be seen as a reasonable thing to work around. I mean, if she knows ahead of time she could put it in her mind to not have too many guests or not buy the most expensive dress, reflect the budget with the food choices, etc. I don't know how much $5000 covers, but for example she shouldn't be eyeing the $1000 dress and the expensive venue. Save up in advance, too. Like, maybe before she even meets Mr. Right. So I guess my reaction would be "that would be a bummer" but if I wasn't expected to come up with a bunch of money to make up the difference then it wouldn't leave such a sting. If the bride and groom came to me and said we have no savings, we need a lot of $ then yeah, it could be a problem. I am a bargain shopper, I would probably get involved and help them come up with an affordable solution :) I am currently in the midst of planning a bday party for ds and have found ways to make or buy inexpensive things for it. I don't want to involve a bakery but dh really wants to. I've already planned out cupcake/cake topper decorations of my own lol. But if the inlaws were very hands off, they better hope the bride and groom can be creative in their problem solving lol *ETA: I do know the price of certain things, but not everything. Dh got a deal on the catering -- family friend. I got a deal on my wedding dress -- knew the shop owner and she cut price as a gift. Venue was free church hall (parents gave church a donation), and I don't remember cost of cake/flowers but I do know my choice of flowers was kinda expensive (roses). We didn't have a large wedding.
  3. Well, one of the actors died before they filmed these new eps or movies I guess? so I'm sure that is reflected on.
  4. I tried sleeping naked before since so many people talked about it being wonderful... nope, just dreams about being naked in public LOL. Same for wearing just underwear to bed. Awkward dreams.
  5. We were planning on moving this summer to what we thought would be an upgrade... a second bathroom and a dishwasher! But then we discovered it is less bedrooms. So, we are staying here. We are trying to look on the bright side and thinking of how we can make it better work for us. We might even invest in a dishwasher later this year, but I don't want a portable one so we'll see. I hope you can find a way to make your home work better for you. We're concentrating on decluttering.
  6. I don't know about the discs but it's on Netflix streaming. Yes, that would probably be the best method.
  7. I wear pj pants/pj shorts/leggings paired with a t-shirt/tank/pj top and it's not uncommon for the most ridiculous sock mates -- whatever I can locate. I don't sleep as well barefoot. I get cold easily. I have no desire for the silky stuff. My robe is thick and has a hood! It's one of my favorite Christmas gifts. Dh got it for me.
  8. Part of that rule is incorporated in Billings, but not til after a woman is familiar with her BIP (basic infertile pattern) and sees it in other charts I think. That's my biggest issue... is identifying a BIP for myself. It would be a consistent pattern of CM (or none) with a dry sensation and I have yet to note that. I think all methods have cons. Being conservative with rules is good for avoiding but terrible for intimacy imo. I don't know if it says it in TCoYF but I came across a thing in Billings that says the average couple is fertile 3-6 days per cycle so sex up to 5 days before/on peak/immediately after peak are the best for trying to conceive.* *which is probably a no brainer LOL. But I was kinda shocked to see "3-6 days" as the average. I feel like my chart is all over the place.
  9. that's so crazy! I am trying to chart again and to think you couldn't rely on dry days is scary (if you weren't trying to get pregnant and you were observing the wait 3 dry days after peak rule, etc.). I'm waiting to hear back from a local teacher and am using an app. Just throwing that out there in case you decide to chart with the app. I think it's called NFPCharting and it has a green background with a white leaf. Reviewers complained about the price, but it didn't ask me for money so maybe they changed all that. Or maybe after a while it will ask me to upgrade if there is an upgrade. Hmm I don't have a choice to leave a plain white box, though. There is a color code I was taught and I'm not sure this app is going to allow for that quite right. I'm considering contacting a Creighton teacher although the BOMA one might be able to help me. I know you used FAM before. Did you primarily learn from the Taking Charge of Your Fertility book? You may want to buy the Billings Method book. I have both. If you want to find a teacher you can look by state at boma-usa.org. I took a class many years ago, but the main teacher was male and although I spoke with his wife I just couldn't ever figure out my BIP and kinda gave up. The teacher I recently contacted is also listed on my local church diocese website so that's another place you could look if you wanted to find someone. Billings Method says that sex during a fertile phase even with condoms will tend to confuse the CM pattern and make it hard to know fertility. I don't know if that affected your readings in the past. /shrug. I can tell you right now, looking at the TCoYF book, their rules might conflict a bit. Billings would have you wait longer if you notice a change during the early days to allow your BIP to be seen longer. I haven't read all the FAM rules, but I know Billings does not rely on temperatures at all so that's possibly another difference. You probably know enough already, but I tend to forget things and like having the Billings book around.
  10. watch out haha. I see the cloth diaper collections online.
  11. Oh wow, how exciting :) And how adorable how you found out.
  12. Step one -- don't tell anyone your plans LOL :ohmy: :rofl:
  13. Ok I didn't know exactly where they could survive. Sorry. Now that you mention it, there was a "bed bugs" warning on a piano in a show I watched the other day.
  14. My son asked me if the people in the history lesson were alive and I said, "no, it was a long, long time ago." Then he asked if it was in the 1980s. And he KNOWS dh and I were alive in the 80s and some of the shows we introduced him to recently are from the 80s. Psssh, what are you trying to say, kid? lol
  15. For wooden furniture... coffee table, dining room table, end tables, desk, etc. have you considered used? I don't think the bed bug thing would be applicable. When I was single I got my coffee table and end tables at a used furniture store. I think they are all solid wood. One of our chest of drawers was bought from the local newspaper classifieds and appears to be solid wood (got it for $60).
  16. My old bumper sticker said, "Well-behaved women rarely make history." Duh, sometimes you gotta break laws...
  17. I edited my last post to also include links to ideas for cheap chairs if you want to piece something together. I think I saw something somewhere about cats and furniture in this thread. I need to re-read but if cats are a concern, our recliner has never been bothered by our cat. Like she never sits on it or anything. I thought it was microfiber but when I looked it up it says 100% Polyester. The chairs with real or fake leather might be an issue with a kitty, though.
  18. Much of our wall art came from Dollar General (it was more than $1 and you wouldn't know it came from there). Some of our art is that canvas that doesn't require a frame. I like that, so simple. We got our living room curtains from Fred's. It's regional, but these curtains are online on other sites. They were $12 a panel which compared to several I looked at was a great price. We found the grommet style. This house is full of windows. I needed 8 panels just for my living room. Got the curtain rods from Wal-Mart. These are our curtains. http://www.curtainandbathoutlet.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/340x300/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/h/e/henna_chocolate_b.jpg Our couch is a futon mattress, but since it is a pocket coil one it doesn't get all lumpy like our previous one. Just wish our frame fit with it better. We already had the frame. I don't know if you can still buy it, but there's an image of it on a moving ad on their site. http://www.us-mattress.com/futonbeds.html. Just an idea. I believe it was $500. Ours is queen and guests have stayed on it as a bed. These are my dining room chairs. We needed new chairs and I didn't have much money to spend. I got them at Walmart online. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/45/17/95/45179590c8da7b3aacefbbcd8b6551bc.jpg I'm a little more worried about PVC now so I don't know if I would repurchase (they look like PVC not sure), but they have served their purpose and actually look better to me than the chairs that came with our set. We have a cheap table bought used. They are similar in style to the ones in your dining room photo. They are folding chairs which could be good or bad... just be careful not to collapse them when you move under table. But easy to carry across the house.
  19. I don't remember a time in which a face was added to money in my lifetime and yes, I probably would have commented about how grumpy a man looked, too!
  20. Oh of course she's justified in looking or feeling grumpy. I'm just saying not smiling does not have to equal a grumpy look and maybe there was a warmer photo of her (not expecting one with her smiling per se). I don't think I'm doing a good job of explaining myself.
  21. There were a couple posts on my FB about it. One had an image of her where she frankly looks a bit grumpy. This is also the image that popped up on my Kindle. I don't know if that's the image they plan to use. The meme joked that Harriet's facial expression was her saying something like, "you don't need to buy that." I saw another post with her offering one hand and raising the other with a gun. I'm happy about the choice, but not sure about the final image they use. I wasn't super fond of the one that showed up on my Kindle. The negative comment I read said something about dividing people. I was really irritated when they said some negative things about her. Interestingly, the person complaining said that they would have liked to see Dr. King on the bill. Edited: I see the thread shows one of the versions I was talking about. And my comment about the images wasn't based on beauty, just I didn't want her to be remembered with a grumpy look on her face I guess?
  22. It's been a day here. Dd ran and slipped in the mud before I could stop her in the yard so that ended our outside fun fast. I finally got around to doing history with ds once dh was home to watch dd and I fell asleep reading aloud to him!! Woke up long enough to finish the lesson but not do any more school with him. Now we're getting ready to eat a late, late night dinner. Today is ridiculous. Dh is cooking but I don't know that the relaxing has started as dd is still up (I think she actually took a nap while I was with ds). But I do see some relaxing in sight. I hope you can nip the cold in the bud and that the challenging situation isn't so bad. When I feel a cold coming on I tend to gargle or drink diluted grapefruit seed extract. But I think the Emergen-C should help.
  23. We have the same ones. We cut out our Dish Network service, which I didn't even have time to watch that much. I relied heavily on the DVR and sometimes things would pile up before I could get to them. Entrance price wasn't so bad, but rates went up. Dh paid extra for the commercial free version of Hulu and even THAT has a weird exception with some shows. They'll say due to blah blah blah (I dunno, copyrights or such) this show does not come commercial-free. Then they play a commercial at the beginning and end of the episode. At least not in the middle. When we cut dish we started buying The Walking Dead episodes on Amazon but since we'd seen half the season already we didn't buy the season pass.
  24. internet/streaming/Roku lol I'd never see relatively new movies if we didn't stream. It's also how we can buy certain tv episodes. Not that I'd die without it, but it's very convenient for our family. We can actually watch a movie as a family or couple in the living room but cannot do that easily in the theater. Well, I'm not going to bring the baby and dh and I can't even agree on where to sit in the theater (he has to sit in this one row with lots of leg room and it's too close for me so as far as eye level comfort. We sat in different rows last time we went!). This is our main form of entertainment.
  25. You never know, maybe he is worried that there could be a health situation or whatever where he's in charge of all the kids at once and still trying to financially support the family to the same extent. That's more than a little inconvenience. Not trying to be negative here.
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