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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. We are using WWE3 now, but will skip WWE4. Since he is doing WWE3 in 2nd, we are going to spend 3rd and 4th doing a combo of Treasured Conversations, Writing & Rhetoric (we are finishing Fable now) and Killgallon books, and Bravewriter classes. We will pick up WWS in 5th. ETA: We've seen so much improvement with WWE. We are big fans. We also repeat the dictation sentences as many times as necessary for him to have it in his head.
  2. Sacha finished The Black Stallion, which he enjoyed. He is now reading the 7th Harry Potter, the 4th Narnia, and the last book in the Protector of the Small quartet, depending on his mood.
  3. I thought the Explore was no more? My understanding is that there is no test for 3rd grade talent search, apart from the SCAT -- at least, according to Davidson. I asked them what I could offer for Sacha in 3rd grade, and was told that the only acceptable evidence for DYS was private IQ/Achievement testing (until he is old enough for the PSAT 8/9, which is a long test). The SCAT is a very short test, and not an onerous test.
  4. I know. It just seems weird to have one who was adding and subtracting at this age, and another who makes mistakes counting to ten on the regular.
  5. I'm with Jackie. Testing would be nice to have, but I know my kid is gifted. I doubt that he is PG or 2E, so his giftedness hasn't been much of an issue, apart from the need to homeschool him. I am gifted; Sacha is gifted. Seems pretty normal. What perplexes me more is that I don't see even close to the same level of intelligence in my youngest. He's the one that worries me.
  6. A favorite historical fiction writer is on sale today: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00YM34WM8?ref=pe_2267260_219371650_w_1_a8d8&tag=x_gr_e_d_default_control_us-20
  7. Do kids these ages actually do a good job with these chores? I have a 3 year old and an almost 8 year old, and they aren't tall enough to do these types of tasks, strong enough to take out the trash, or have enough attention to detail to scrub anything that I'd actually need clean. My oldest is barely coordinated enough to take the 10 lb dog out for a walk without strangling the poor dog.
  8. High 60s, gray, with rain on the way (0.25 inch). Depressing.
  9. I wouldn't do it next year, if you don't have insurance, but please do it! My sister was just diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at age 40. We have no family history, she breastfed two kids, doesn't smoke, etc. Doctor told her today that she will likely need a mastectomy + chemo. Cancer sucks. Ladies, please get your mammos. It likely saved my sister's life. For 70% of breast cancers, it is just rotten luck, with no genetic link.
  10. My not very language-loving 2nd grader is doing fine with CE. If the kid is a prodigious (see what I did there?) reader, he or she will be fine. Good to know that Paragraph Town is so good. I have it, but haven't looked at it yet.
  11. It is free on One Click Audio. Check your library's ecollection.
  12. This is why we are considering Bend. Coastal PNW is too gray. My parents live in the "Banana Belt" in WA, but it's still gray by So Cal standards. We are right on the water in San Diego, and have no commute. It's pretty much perfection. But, the housing costs here are forcing us to think seriously about Bend.
  13. You get that error if you don't vote in each section.
  14. Are there mosquitoes in any of these places? That's a deal-breaker for me. How much snow in these places? Any skiing? We've been looking at Bend OR because our COL is so high in CA.
  15. San Diego! 75 degrees year round +/- 15 degrees. All the good of LA and SF, but none of the bad. I've lived all over the world, and it's a great city. Only downside is high COL.
  16. I'm surprised these laws are still on the books.
  17. I am in San Diego, and I know at least three other boardies just in SD. But, I didn't vote until just now because I thought it was the same poll as before (which I had already voted in). Perhaps others are thinking it is the same poll.
  18. Why do these states mandate people pumping gas for you? What is the point?
  19. I agree that your whole post was crazy helpful! At what age did you DS enroll in Lone Pine? My DS also started with Latin young (2 years of SSL1 and SSL2/Minimus in K and 1st, and now GSWL and Minimus Secundus in 2nd), and I have been struggling with what to use next, given his age. I don't think I've read about anyone using LLPSI with such a young student, so I appreciate you sharing all of this.
  20. Thanks, Jean. I wanted LP because I thought it would appeal to my DS. I guess if I cannot get LP for a reasonable price, this would be the alternative + Cambridge for the story. Somehow, I missed the sample, so I appreciate you taking the time to find it and compare.
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