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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. Right. I get that you can DE, but why spend $$$$$ at a private school to DE with a CC or SOHS? What's the advantage? Alumni network? Social opportunities? Sports? For all that money, I would want an academic fit. Re charter schools, ours has a lot of kids who DE with the local CCs. I would consider sticking with our charter for the long haul if we could use funds to pay AoPS, WTMA, PAHS, SOHS, etc. But, we get funds to enroll in a charter, along with all the social stuff. I wouldn't give up homeschooling to pay $$$$ to a private school to effectively continue homeschooling.
  2. Am I reading this correctly that your 6th grader finished AOPS Calc, WWS2, and Lukeion I? Even the best private schools are unlikely to have the ability to accommodate a 7th grader so accelerated, IMO.
  3. This is exactly what happened to my DS1. We reported it to VAERS. I really wish I knew the issue, and why we both seem to have problems with this vax.
  4. My birthday was the official flu shot day when I was in the Army. For 6 years, I was required to get that shot, and every year I got sick from the shot. Not sure if the vax stresses my immune system so much that I end up picking up other things floating around that I'd normally fight off. Haven't had the flu shot since I got out of the military in 1998, and haven't had the flu. My oldest had a severe reaction to the H1N1 (hives), so his pediatrician suggested no more flu shots for him. Since I seem to have some reaction to it, as well as my oldest, we just never gave it to my youngest. My DH doesn't get it because the flu doesn't involve his penis, so he doesn't care. ;)
  5. For those that have done the CTY courses in elementary, I wonder how those compare to Athena's? Sacha took Geology at Athena's last year, and loved it. He was a new 7 yr old at the time. He is taking literature and physics this year, and also really enjoys the webinars. We have had to do a bunch of them asynchronously this year, due to schedule issues that arose, and he still really enjoys listening to the webinars. The homework assignments don't always thrill him, and I have been more hands off with him than I likely should be at this age, but the discussion with other kids has been worth it for us. He gets really excited when he hears/sees his friends in the webinars each week.
  6. My roommate at Claremont McKenna is an MSTP. She said that med school was a cakewalk after getting her PhD. I'm almost 42, and she just barely finished her last fellowship a few years ago!! She is now a peds rheumatologist at Washington University, and married to a peds surgeon. No kids with all that schooling.
  7. I'm looking for book recommendations for life in Pioneer/Early Colonial America. My son has already read Caddie Woodlawn, Sign of the Beaver, and Sing Down the Moon, and enjoyed all of them. Middle school reading and maturity level. Can be from the perspective of the settlers, the Native Americans, or slaves, as long as it is not too graphic. He is understandably pretty disturbed by what happened to slaves and Native Americans, but he understands the importance of viewing history through different eyes. Thanks so much!
  8. Holding you all in my thoughts and prayers. The loss of a pet is so hard. I believe in your DD, though. DA would be lucky to have her. <3
  9. I'm very thankful for the enrichment classes at our charter school, and all the other activities that they run. It has provided us with a fabulous network of homeschooling friends. Summer camp has also been a really great experience for my oldest. He loves going each year.
  10. I get this a lot. People think I'm on top of things because my oldest is ahead. But, I've actually taken the direct approach. I tell people specifically that it's him -- that he is the gifted one -- and that it is not because of something I've done. I usually share that I was a reluctant homeschooler, but that this kid forced my hand. It helps, on some level, to have a younger son who is struggling because it again forces it to be about them, and just who they are, what they need, etc. vs. me bragging. That way, people are more likely to share in each child's individual successes and milestones vs. feeling defensive or behind. I'm mobile, so probably not articulating this well. I've found that people who truly care about you and your children will not feel threatened by being honest.
  11. Thanks everyone. We are all signed up for a November test date. ETA, we had no qualifying test scores, but it still let me register.
  12. We get the audio books free through One Click. My son loves History of US.
  13. We skipped it in K, but my January bday DS didn't have a problem with the scantron format in 1st.
  14. Should I wait then? If he doesn't score high enough, could he do it again later in the year? The test seems pretty simple for him, but who knows how he will do. Also, does he need to qualify with some other test first? I thought I could just sign him up for the SCAT.
  15. Which FB groups are you in? I love collecting ebooks and audiobooks for later use. Also, thanks to the OP for the post.
  16. I'm sure you could, but that would kind of defeat the purpose.
  17. Also, I've heard they run small. Did you find that to be the case?
  18. Do you use them as backup for a pad or tampon, or alone? Which ones do you have?
  19. You might look into these: https://www.iconundies.com/pages/incontinence-underwear-faq
  20. I'm thinking about trying Thinx period underwear, but thought I'd see if we have any reviews here. Anyone tried them?
  21. We started after Labor Day, then moved, and now are on vacation. So, we still haven't really gotten into a groove. This is our 3rd year with our extremely flexible charter, so I'm thankfully not feeling too stressed about being "behind" my mental schedule.
  22. I was definitely asked for SAT scores and LSAT scores when I interviewed with banks and consulting firms 20 years ago. There's an old story about a former member of Congress being asked for his LSAT score by Gibson Dunn. Seriously.
  23. Are there any that you specifically recommend? I'm anti-Hobby Lobby on political grounds. Not sure that we even have them in SD.
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