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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. That's awesome that they allow your younger to enroll in such high level coding camps. I've asked about it around here and always get turned down because Sacha is 'too young.' :(
  2. When I search for Mosdos Press, I get a website called Mouse Ninjas. :(
  3. If Sacha stays on his current trajectory, he would begin AoPS Algebra at age 10. Dragonbox, he did at age 4.
  4. What about a compromise by taking the WTMA's AOPS classes? They go slower than the regular AOPS courses.
  5. What you're doing sounds great. I'd drop AAR if she's already reading well, follow her lead with Singapore, and throw in Story of the World on audio and Handwriting Without Tears. I'd leave science casual and fun -- read, go to the museum, watch documentaries, if she likes them, and play with science kits.
  6. This is how I feel too. I much prefer Whole Foods to Sprouts. The deli and seafood sections at Sprouts are awful.
  7. I don't know anything about First Start French, but you might check out the CAP French for Children videos on You Tube. That might be what you need to get him going.
  8. He got into the camp! (Still waiting to hear about financial aid, though). :hurray:
  9. You can test him, and the scores are good through 6th grade. You'd have to retest in 7th to remain eligible. Sacha is in 2nd, and just tested in the fall. It was pretty painless, except for him not knowing that / meant a fraction. Lol.
  10. Agreed, but I would start with Getting Started With French, and then head into Galore Park. That is how we are proceeding.
  11. Did anyone notice that WTMA added AoPS C&P as a summer course? I love that WTMA has expanded to offer so many courses. If they could just get A-G accreditation, I think my life would be complete.
  12. I would think that an AP stats book would be your best bet, though the counting and probability course has some crossover stats topics.
  13. That gave me a much-needed chuckle as I procrastinate on studying for my stats final. Thank you. :)
  14. Sacha (Third Grade): Math: Beast Academy 5, Borac, HOE, MOEMS Science: Athena's Chemistry (uses McHenry), Mystery Science Lit: Athena's Upper Intermediate Lit Grammar: MCT Voyage Writing: Writing & Rhetoric 3&4, Treasured Conversations, Killgallon History: Athena's SOTW4 Latin: Latin Prep 1 French: Online G3 French (uses Galore Park) Hebrew: Duolingo/Memrise and Shalom Ivrit Logic: Logic Liftoff, Detective Club, Philosophy for Kids Computer Programming: still figuring out the next step after Youth Digital Mod Design I. Maybe game or server design, or Intro to Python? PE: Soccer, Gymnastics, Tennis Art: Through his charter school Music: Homeschool Rock Band/Guitar Lessons and Musical Theatre Ronen (PK4): Another year of preschool, which includes music, art, PE, and Spanish Hoping that he will graduate from speech therapy, otherwise that will continue Afterschooling math and learning to read with mostly apps and games; may try to throw in some TV/movies in French and/or Spanish to see how he does Me (Old, Pre-Nursing): Final in Stats this week Biochem and Oral Communications in the Spring (because, apparently a JD, and five years of litigation practice, don't prove oral communications proficiency to the State of California. :cursing: ) Anatomy & Physiology in the Summer Microbio, Developmental Psych, and TEAS Prep in the Fall. Application to SDSU's BSN program due by end of 2017. :svengo:
  15. I am over the moon ecstatic for your DD, 8. Mazal tov to you both!
  16. We did MCT Island in 1st, and it was totally fine. It may actually be somewhat redundant after FLL. I only glanced at FLL once, so I don't remember what all it covers at the various levels. I just remember thinking that it moved really slowly, and wouldn't work for my kid. MCT is definitely more engaging.
  17. Yes, Athena's has live classes. Sacha is an extrovert, and a motormouth, so these are probably better for him. Thanks for the feedback!
  18. Olga, how have you liked the CTY Young Readers classes? I am trying to decide whether to stick with Athena's/OG3, or to venture over to CTY's offerings.
  19. Third Grade: Math: Beast Academy 5, Borac, HOE, MOEMS Science: Athena's Chemistry, Mystery Science Lit: Athena's Upper Intermediate Lit Grammar: MCT Voyage Writing: Writing & Rhetoric 3&4, Treasured Conversations, Killgallon History: Athena's SOTW4 Latin: Latin Prep 1 French: Online G3 French (uses Galore Park) Hebrew: Duolingo and Shalom Ivrit Logic: Logic Liftoff, Detective Club, Philosophy for Kids Computer Programming: still figuring out the next step after Youth Digital Mod Design I. Maybe game or server design, or Intro to Python? PE: Soccer, Gymnastics, Tennis Art: Through his charter school Music: Homeschool Rock Band and Musical Theatre
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