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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Absolutely want to know. Yes, it would be marriage ending.
  2. In every house we've had that had a formal dining room, we've used it as a school room/office. We are more the eat in kitchen type.
  3. I'm pretty sure it isn't. My girls have a friend who gets paid to be his autistic brother's care taker. (Something about allowing a payment for in-home care, which he was able to provide). I think it is fine. He's forgoing a paid job outside the home to stay with his brother, who needs full time, around the clock, supervision.
  4. After I got off work at 1:30, I drove straight to Walgreens to pick up dh's meds and went through the drive through so I wouldn't be tempted to buy something else. (I was starving). I went home and ate a bowl of cereal instead of stopping for fast food.
  5. I know that HR at my college checks it out. As do our grants department in trying to find potential donors. I believe other companies use it as a tool in addition to a resume. What I don't see much of is people finding a job THROUGH LinkedIn. It is more like a way to round out a resume.
  6. I wonder if something like a beaded necklace that she could fidget with would help? I'm also listening in, because I have a dd that does this when stressed. She won't wear a necklace other than the one she has (which isn't very fidget friendly). Bracelets help me, especially lose cuff style or beaded ones. I pick at my arms without even realizing it if I don't have something for my hands to do.
  7. My oldest is a former DE student that continued at the same CC, and will transfer as a junior to the university next year. She's made quite a few friends at CC, more than she had as a DE student. She does make an effort to join study groups and such. She will be a commuter at the university, so she still will never have that dorm experience. For her, that isn't an issue. Her closest friends right now are actually from her job, and she met her boyfriend at CC in the parking lot :lol:
  8. It keeps forever, although it never lasts long here..lol. It makes a wonderful coffee sweetener :) Especially for iced coffee.
  9. My Griddler with waffle attachment! We've been using it like crazy.
  10. Gatherings like that are fun. We do a few a year, and I usually enjoy it (although I'm often exhausted afterwards). Our biggest is on the 4th with about 130 people. We prep for weeks for that one..lol.
  11. I hope she has a great time. As a side note I'm a little saddened when I hear about people being creeped out by teens being friends with younger children. My girls have been on both sides of that coin and it has proven beneficial to both parties time and again. It is one of the things I love about homeschooling: kids that don't see age as a barrier to friendship.
  12. I will vote. Too many people have fought and died for my right to vote, so I feel obligated. I do not belong to a party, in that I feel obligated to vote along party lines. I'm currently registered Republican, but that was a last minute decision so I could vote against Trump in the Primary. Normally I'm registered as Independent. I will vote for the candidate that I feel would do the best job out of the options available.
  13. My most worn stuff just stays in a ceramic dish on my dresser. The other stuff is in a jewelry box, also on my dresser. I don't really have anything other than junk jewelry though.
  14. I went on strike. I cook when I feel like it, and the rest of the time they fend for themselves. Sadly, there have been a lot of frozen burritos and scrambled eggs consumed around here.
  15. ((Hugs)) I've always thought I'd be pretty cool with it all. Then, I've been informed in the past couple of weeks that this time next year all THREE of mine will be moving out at the same time! My soon to be 20 year old is planning on moving out to an apartment in a nearby city. My younger two will be going away to college. We will go from a full house to an empty nest in one fell swoop and it is hitting me a tad harder than I expected. Next year will be weird.
  16. My oldest dd has OAS, and other food allergies. She can eat grapes, berries, and oranges, but pretty much all other fruit is out. Anything remotely related to a melon is the worst. Most cooked fruit is ok. She's also allergic to nuts, shellfish, diary, wheat, sesame, and soy in varying degrees according to blood and skin tests. Most of it just makes her feel kind of bad. She stays far away from nuts though, as those test highest and make her feel the worst.
  17. Nope. I think it is a racket..lol. I have several perfectly good textbooks sitting here that are essentially worthless because they are both custom editions for our school, AND required a one time use access code for the class.
  18. We have friends that are doctors. The wife doesn't practice right now, and he's a family doc. They do fairly well, but are also paying back some pretty hefty student loans. I would say it has been comfortable for them, but not lucrative.
  19. It is possible, I suppose, but every time my dog has gotten sprayed it has been an eye-watering affair. And it smells like the atomic version of the whiffs you get in passing outside..lol.
  20. No. Check with the school to make sure, but the funds usually don't arrive until after the deadline. At our school they don't delete classes of unconfirmed TN Promise students because of this.
  21. 4-H offers much more variety in activities and learning opportunities, IMO. Girl Scouts isn't what it used to be, unless you have a very determined and active troop. I would look into what your area 4-H does. They have many areas that do not involve animals such as programming, service projects, etc. I know our area is also very active all the way through high school. They have a yearly formal that my girls have love going to. (they aren't in 4-H, but have several friends that are and have invited them along)
  22. I met my dh at 15. He was 18. We have been together since the day we met. We got married 9 months after we met, when I was 16 and he was still 18. (no, it was not a shotgun wedding, lol.) I don't regret dating him at 15, but I do think we got married a bit too young. However, by doing so, I likely saved myself from going down a very, very bad road. I did/do love him, but he was admittedly my ticket out of a bad situation. I think people that have a more normal life should wait at least until they are 20 or older. Finishing high school as a married woman wasn't easy. I also kind of skated through my last year, taking the easy way out. With my grades and ability, I could have gone on to a good college. Instead I took the easy classes my senior year to graduate a semester early, and got a job because we were broke. We started trying to have kids soon after I graduated, and looking back I wasn't ready. Miscarriages put me at 20 before my first child was born, and I still think I wasn't quite ready for kids. Especially with a husband that worked 80+ hours a week and was never home. We were separated and a court date away from divorce at about 15 years in. Largely because we had changed SO much as we grew up. And I was feeling the regret of not having done much with my education/career. We ended up back together, and things are decent. Not the best, and some stretches are harder than others. But it has been 24 years now, and I guess we are in for the long haul..lol.
  23. Not at all. I have a brother that is 6 years younger than me. He has substance abuse problems, and I last spoke to him about 3 years ago. I have another brother that is 20 years younger, and he lives about 3.5 hours away. He's more like a nephew or something. I also have step-siblings that I don't speak to at all. I wish I had close siblings, but it just wasn't to be.
  24. Honestly, it never works out "fair" if you are counting monetarily. Each kid's needs are different, and different costs will incur. This goes beyond school. Life just isn't fair, and things never work out evenly. I do try to avoid gross imbalances in making sure each kid's needs are being met in the most efficient way possible. For school, I've never kept up with how much I spent on each kid. I just had a "school" budget, and spent whatever portion of it that I needed to.
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