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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. The cardinal sin of laundry: He didn't sort. :lol: :lol: :lol: ETA: Is it bad that 24 years later, I still remember exactly what he did wrong?
  2. Once upon a time there was a boy and girl who just got married. They had a week of wedded bliss before laundry day arrived. The boy ever so lovingly did a load of laundry, just like his mother had taught him. The girl, being used to the way her (very picky) mother had taught her, thought that some gentle instruction may be needed. She informed the boy that he was doing it wrong. Twenty four years passed, and the boy has not willingly done the laundry one time. The moral of the story: don't look gift laundry in the mouth! lol. Seriously though...it ticked my dh off so much to be "corrected" over something so basic, that he decided that he would rather hear grumbles about me doing all the laundry than argue with me over how to do it "right'. I also decided that having the laundry done my way was more important to me than the help. PS. The kids learned how to do laundry at an early age, and now they wash their own clothes!
  3. We have the wireless one that is portable. It has worked great for our dog (a JRT). She has the freedom to roam the yard, but gets a reminder when she chases after a rabbit or something that she's not supposed to run off our property. It has a fairly decent range, and I've heard you can use two units to expand the range. After getting a shock or two, it only takes the warning beep for her to put on the brakes. The only downside has been how quickly they can run through batteries. I have found them MUCH cheaper on Amazon, so it hasn't been too bad.
  4. On scrubs....not everyone that wears them is in healthcare. The daycare my niece worked at required everyone to wear scrubs, for whatever reason. They have some really cute prints out there. Anyway, my niece wasn't any more germ infested than the average mom while wearing her scrubs..lol.
  5. No. I feel that our government is far too complex for that.
  6. Can you try setting up a new ID? Or contacting them. (I would want to make sure that my ID hadn't been hacked) I was able to renew mine with no issues.
  7. One, possibly two, of my daughters plan to attend MTSU. It had a smaller feel than UTK. We have a cousin that is currently attending there as well, and she loves it. She's flourished there. I liked the campus, and their science building is brand new and gorgeous. UTK has its own set of problems, but it is where I'll be attending next year. There's been some kerfuffles over the diversity programs, and football seems to be too big of a focus IMO. They do have some good programs though. My "bonus" daughter is a 2nd year student there and likes it. It is a bigger campus than MTSU and is right in the middle of Knoxville. UTC has a rep as a party school, and when we toured it the student representatives did nothing to assuage that rep. We decided against UTC. My daughter's boyfriend is headed to TTU next semester as a transfer student, and a friend's son currently attends. I've not heard anything bad about it.
  8. I just read today that CVS Caremark is discontinuing coverage for Adrenaclick. http://apps.npr.org/documents/document.html?id=3011316-2017-Formulary-Drug-Removals
  9. I was told by a very angry public school teacher when I pulled my oldest daughter out of 6th grade that "She would never be a leader in our community" and by pulling her out of ps I was "depriving the other children of a great role model". I hope he is still around and shows up at the public library. She's 19 now, and works there. She mentors middle and high school kids every single day when they hang out there after school, and she's becoming very well known as the cool librarian that is good with kids. (small community with the community center and schools nearby, so it is always filled with kids that don't have parents at home after school).
  10. I don't pay for chores. Right now we are pretty much in survival mode, and we just do things as they need doing. (with me dictating when they need doing because their standards are...different) Two of mine are in college classes and have jobs, so they aren't home much. They pitch in on Sundays and some minor picking up after themselves during the week. One of mine has no outside classes or a job, and she kind of rotates with me on the dishes. They all do their own laundry and have for several years. They are also responsible for cleaning their bathroom, which isn't a complete disaster, but it doesn't get as clean as I'd like. We used to have a set schedule for dishes, trash, etc. that they all rotated through, but it fell apart.
  11. Pretty much anything involving teaching or caring for kids that aren't my own or dealing with their parents. (bratty kids make me crazy, but bratty parents are even worse) Anything involving needles. No doctoring, blood drawing, nursing, or dentistry here. Oh! Flying. Anything involving flying. There is probably a reason I've picked a career that mostly involves sitting behind a desk, alone! lol
  12. Scholarships and admission dates are getting bumped up at a lot of colleges as well. IMO, it is always better to get in at the front of the line than at the end.
  13. It has always seemed easy to me. Third year, for four different people, and I've never really had an issue.
  14. I think a lot of students just aren't cut out for online classes. You have to be very self-motivated to get it done, and done well. I'm taking three online classes right now, and one hybrid 5-week class that meets once a week with the rest done online. The short-session classes can be brutal. I'm glad they are offered, but I think students should really think about what they are committing to! lol. I also have to admit...I dropped another 5-week hybrid class this year. It was mostly because I was disappointed in the content and how it was presented (it was a lit class), but also partially because I spaced on an assignment that was due online and it would have meant a guaranteed B in that class instead of the A I knew I could get.
  15. She sounds exactly like my niece. That child was a walking tornado. Cute, but destructive. She repeatedly cut her hair, destroyed dolls, drew on walls, made "concoctions" out of anything and everything, poured things out of containers, and climbed every vertical surface she could get near. She was very sneaky, and very good at it. She ruined the carpet and paint in nearly every room of their house. She was like this until she was around 10. She's 17 now. Looking back, she was extremely smart and had a LOT of energy. She was curious about everything, and loved being creative. She was going to explore and satisfy that curiosity, no matter who told her no. Punishments had no effect other than to make her sneakier. She finally grew out of most of it. She's still mischievous, but funnels it into harmless pranks. (She still does things at my house like hiding your phone or putting a few dried beans in your bag of chocolate chips.) Anyway, she needed a lot of ways to use her smarts and energy. Giving her boxes of junk to play with was very effective. As was letting her decorate her dolls as she saw fit and letting her rearrange her room to her heart's content. Contrary to what adults around her said, she didn't turn out to be a felon ;) She's actually a pretty great young lady. Super smart, a little sassy, and headed for great things.
  16. Well, I can definitely say that the denominations you'll find in the south were not around from the beginning..lol. Try after the 1500s or so. I think to work through a lot of your questions, you should read the Bible from cover to cover, perhaps with some commentaries from different perspectives. Then you may have a lot of them answered. But you will likely come up with a lot more questions you haven't thought of yet. To me, a Christian is one that believes in Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for our salvation. It has nothing to do with what building you are sitting in on Saturday or Sunday, but with your relationship with God.
  17. Genetics/dirt. Dh and I don't get sick very often. (not catch a bug sick. Dh has a chronic illness that causes pain and joint problems, but hasn't had a cold in I don't know how long). We both grew up eating a lot of junk. We aren't big exercisers. But we did both grow up in the country and spent huge portions of our childhood outside playing in the dirt with animals. Our kids get sick way more than we do, although they are still pretty healthy. They didn't play outside nearly as much as dh and I did, but they did some. We've always had pets. I've never been one to sanitize everything. Our diet during the first part of their lives was pretty typical SAD diet stuff. It is better now, but still not awesome. That said, I still have a kid that is allergic to pretty much everything. However, that allergic to everything kid very rarely gets sick outside of her allergies. P.S. I have two kids fighting off strep this week. I wish we had immunity to THAT.
  18. Check it. Even kids that are trustworthy get tempted to slack when no one is checking. Math is extremely easy to get lost fairly quickly if you don't know you are doing something wrong. I left one of mine to check her own. It didn't end well.
  19. I don't carry, nor do I have a license or desire to. My FIL is a gunsmith, so yeah, we have guns around. :) I know more public/private school families that carry than homeschool families.
  20. :lol: :lol: :lol: Although, this applies more to my dh than my girls (even though they are guilty of shenanigans too). After a point, you realize it is better to stop asking questions.
  21. I've used Groupons for years and have only had one minor problem. That problem stemmed from the business' lack of understanding of how they worked. That reminds me, I have one right now for a Thai restaurant that I need to use!!
  22. One actual mom-taught school thing? Assuming they could read, it would be math. That is what seems to be hardest to pick up naturally. Our family culture would take care of the rest, as we are big recreational readers, and we all love to learn about history and science outside of school. If they couldn't read, and learning to read had to count as a school thing, then it would be reading because you can't go much further educationally without it.
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