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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Oh. That photo looks exactly like the hunk I have in the freezer! It does say it will make pulled pork, which I've made a gazillion times...just with a shoulder or something. I was afraid a ham roast had a different texture.
  2. We were given a ham roast. I've had it in the freezer. I don't think it is cured or anything. It looks like a slab of pork with a bone in it. What would one do with it? I'm thinking of slow cooking it, because it looks like it has the potential to be tough. Any ideas?
  3. Nothing. I cooked for three days straight for the 4th. We have leftover BBQ chicken and pork. Actually, I'll probably cook something comfort food-ish tomorrow since dh is leaving Friday to spend two weeks in Taipei. He'll miss our food..lol. Maybe meatloaf.
  4. I am floored that BBQ could mean sloppy joes :confused1: :confused1: :confused1: I would have been so confused..lol. Around here it is *usually* a smoked pork butt/shoulder that has been shredded and is served with sauce. But it could reasonably be chicken cooked the same way. I certainly wouldn't have thought it odd to be asked what kind of meat.
  5. :grouphug: I understand, all too well. The hill of becoming "over the hill" has been almost palpable. I found myself looking down the barrel of 40ish years of empty nesting, with a dh that is sick to death of his job, and becoming physically unable to do it much longer. I am not the type of person that can be content just staying home anyway. In fact, the less busy I am, the worse my mental health becomes. So, back to school now that the kids are pretty much grown. I'm trying to get my foot into the door of a decent career before my dh can no longer work. Some days I feel too young to be in this stage of life, but some days I feel too old to be starting over. It is exhausting whichever way I look at it. Then you throw in crazy mid-life hormones that make me wake up hating everyone on the planet. Fun times.
  6. I have had cameras but rarely use them. They have a much bigger blind spot than I do. I usually look behind me first, then use my mirrors.
  7. toilet paper Those stupid garlic stuffed marinated olives that I can't ever stop eating once I start. Jack's Salsa Organic Tortilla chips Chicken and meat Salmon or fish burgers frozen fruit cheese Actually, just know that half our paycheck goes to Costco :glare:
  8. "Lookie, Lookie, Lookie, here comes cookie....Cook's Pest Control." My oldest dd's nickname is Cookie, so it stuck worse than some others. We still sing the Menard's jingle even though we only lived in MN for less than two years, over 15 years ago!
  9. I've seen a few no smoking OR vaping signs start to pop up around here. I'm glad. It affects my asthmatic dd just as much as smoke to breathe that garbage. She was sick for two days after riding in the car with her boyfriend's buddy that vaped the whole time they were out. I personally don't like walking through a cloud of french vanilla any more than a cloud of smoke.
  10. There are numerous people that can do your job at the church. You are the only you your family has. If you don't need the job, and it is causing you more stress than joy, then let it go.
  11. No. Especially after driving a van that had a back up warning system. This system frequently assumed that gravel was an obstacle. It also never even saw a car I backed into (obviously, neither did I...lol) I can just imagine a car with auto pilot misreading the road/cars/pedestrians/motorcycles. I also think the automatic braking systems are a bad idea.
  12. That I get to witness these three beautiful young women experience life, and to know I had at least a tiny part in how they turned out.
  13. You should be able to get bifocals that have a weak prescription on top. They make mutli-focal contacts too.
  14. I would work up a transcript that fits state requirements, fill in with related experience/knowledge where needed. Graduate him, and give him the diploma. There is not productive reason to deny it at this point. It isn't as if he's grossly undereducated. I graduated my oldest without her meeting our homeschool goals. She scored well on the ACT, and was ready to move on. I awarded a few credits based on knowledge, not actual classes taken. She's in college now and doing just fine.
  15. I don't usually say holy anything. I do say cr*p, and probably other things that would offend some other Christians. I've cleaned up my language a lot over the years though...lol!
  16. Are you getting help at home? Letting go of some of the homemaker responsibilities/stresses? I am *almost* in a similar position. My kids are all still home, but one is in college and the other two will graduate in the spring. Although they are "homeschooled", one is doing all her classes at either CC or a co-op, and the other is doing independent study to CLEP out of some classes for college. Anyway, I'm in school full time and working part-time. I may be working full time soon and going to school full time. It really was exhausting at first. Especially the stress of the lifestyle change. I had to let go of some things (I don't cook much any more.) Making sure I get enough sleep and eating well (struggling with that one) help me a lot. I also try to take some time to get out in the sunshine fairly regularly.
  17. Are you getting help at home? Letting go of some of the homemaker responsibilities/stresses? I am *almost* in a similar position. My kids are all still home, but one is in college and the other two will graduate in the spring. Although they are "homeschooled", one is doing all her classes at either CC or a co-op, and the other is doing independent study to CLEP out of some classes for college. Anyway, I'm in school full time and working part-time. I may be working full time soon and going to school full time. It really was exhausting at first. Especially the stress of the lifestyle change. I had to let go of some things (I don't cook much any more.) Making sure I get enough sleep and eating well (struggling with that one) help me a lot. I also try to take some time to get out in the sunshine fairly regularly.
  18. Our party menu actually doesn't involve a grill at all. I make pork ribs with a Texas style rub, with some smoked sea salt thrown on. Cooked low and slow in the oven. I also do pulled pork (can be done in the crock pot) with BBQ sauce on the side. And in the roaster I do boneless chicken thighs with a McCormick's Maple BBQ seasoning. (We'll be feeding 125+ people) Sides are usually things like baked beans, cole slaw, potato salad, etc.
  19. I've had a photography business, and am back to hobbyist. I won't do weddings. I did one paid, for a friend, and I did my nieces because I knew they couldn't afford to hire one. I regretted agreeing to my niece's, simply because of the stress. Anyway, I think she did right by turning it down. You don't get a lot leeway for mistakes, and you have to make a lot of shot decisions on the fly. Maybe she could offer to be a second shooter, or shoot the reception if she wants the experience. My 16 year old dd was my second shooter at my niece's wedding.
  20. I may say things in a much harsher way than intended, or say things that I probably should have kept to myself, but they are usually things that I've been stewing over. I don't argue well, though, and usually cry and get all flustered and give up trying to say anything useful.
  21. Well, my college student still lives at home and goes to CC, so her life didn't change much other than not going to class. She's working at the library, which is the same job she has when school is in.
  22. I made the switch when my girls were very small, and never regretted it. The family doctor can be much more in touch with family history/issues. Plus, the convenience is great when something like strep blows through the entire family. I did end up briefly going back to ped when we moved out of state for a while. The girls were all just beginning puberty, and I found a female ped. to avoid some uncomfortableness of a new male doc. Plus, we hadn't found a family doctor yet. We are back to a family doc now.
  23. My 19 year old is the same. It was a battle I gave up on years ago. She's just a messy person. I figure she'll figure it out when she has her own place to care about. Or not. She shares a bathroom with her two sisters who care a lot more about things not being nasty, so it doesn't get too bad. However, they are going away to college next year, leaving her to her own devices. I'm afraid. Anyway, all three of my girls were raised to know how to clean. It just didn't take with one of them. You aren't a bad mom!
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