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Everything posted by Sisyphus

  1. We move very often, and like others, have never considered letting the kids pick. Oldest has a queen bed so his room is bigger to fit it, but he also has to vacate his room when guests come because we put them there. They have shared a room in the past when we needed an office or school room and only had 3 bedrooms, they have shared when we had only 2 bedrooms, youngest had the big room for a while since it doubled as a playroom...it always changes. We decide though, when they pay rent they can!
  2. One of my childhood friends has a stuffed bunny (not that you could tell that is what it is anymore) sewn to a throw pillow. When I first met her in 6th grade, it was a well worn, but recognizable rabbit.by college, it got sewed to the pillow. I visited her last year (we are well north of 40) and it's on her bed still. She and I are well adjusted, public schooled (lol!) women with jobs and families...and she has a lovey still on her bed. So unless your kid is (cough cough) 46, I'd say he is not yet at the acceptable age!
  3. I am imagining finding a possum, multiple times, in my bathroom and....eeeeekkkkk! It does sound like a magical possum, so maybe they are nice and without the scary pointy teeth and hissing. No advice I'm afraid, just....eeeeeeeeekkkkkkk!
  4. Congratulations, and thank you for raising such an awesome young man! You should be proud!
  5. I love Muriels Wedding, I just made my kids watch it! They are boys, they didn't appreciate it. Korea: The crossing Welcome to dol mi gol (may be dongmigol on Netflix, but it dolmigol) seriously beautiful film with a happier ending than most Korean films
  6. I love dogs, but I see nothing wrong with kicking/spraying the dog. Yes, the dog is innocent. So are you- it's the owners fault! We have a dog down the street who hangs out in the unfenced front yard and garage all day. He is perfectly nice (and we like dogs) except that he has a pathological hatred of bikes. Ds rides his bike every break he gets, he has add and it helps him to get fresh air and exercise. Dog bit Ds a few months ago, after several near misses. I told Ds to kick him (his name is Brady) next time he came after him on his bike. I could have called animal control, but a dog who bites a child around here would get put down, and I wouldn't want that and Ds would be crushed. So, he kicked him next time. Brady still chases kids on bikes, but he doesn't chase Ds anymore. Sad it came to that, but the owners wouldn't keep him up, even after I talked to them about him biting. Said Ds is at fault for not being in school, they only let him hang out in the front during school hours so he won't bite anyone...uh, no. Obviously Brady's owners are irresponsible, and this dogs owner is too, but they are also unreasonable so...do what ya gotta do. The way I see it, a kick in the teeth is not nice, but nicer than being euthanized as a dangerous animal, which where this was headed due to the owners refusal to be responsible. I do see a difference in a dog actually biting and just approaching/being friendly, myself, but what is important is your perception and opinion, not mine, not anyone elses.
  7. Tablet class math! They are even having a sale right now, for May. We have used their pre algebra and algebra, and my kids love it. Very clear instruction, there are now workbooks available too. Affordable, hands off for mom (that is important here, maybe not for you) solid instruction in higher level maths.
  8. I'm so, so sorry Rosie. So awful...
  9. That is ridiculous! I wouldn't take my child to a dr for stomach flu, sinus trouble, etc, but he would miss school, so how can they expect a note for every single absence? I like plansrme's idea! I also was very sick to my stomach, diarrhea, with my period when I was about 12. I would miss school and be just miserable.it did even out and get better, but not for a few years. A dr can't do anything about that, and the school can't expect a student be in class like that!
  10. My niece has a curvy bum and a small waist...poor girls crack is always hanging out because jeans are cut so weird now! they rest halfway down her crack, that is just where they are cut! A belt doesn't help, she cinches them but then gets the unflattering pull in the front I won't use the name for. She has taken to wearing jeggings, the stretch jeans, because they don't gap and generally come up higher. she also wears long thin tank tops under everything to cover any gaps. I am a beanpole with no discernible bum or hips and have the same problem- it's the cut of the jeans now, I swear. I too wear a long tank under everything to cover my crack. I do most of her shopping, and I will have to show her the link...I personally feel those are fugly, but she is 12 and fashionable, so perhaps she will be excited!
  11. Mine are 12 and 15. They can clean a house to my standards, alone. They can't cook very well but won't starve, lol. They can do laundry. Mow the lawn. They do these things on an as needed basis, when I need them too, we don't have "daily chores" per se, just pitch in when needed. I do laundry when I have time, they do laundry when they have time. I need to teach them to grocery shop, and cook more past toaster bagels and eggs and ramen. But actually, should they find themselves in an apartment tomorrow alone, they can manage. Except for the earning money part, lol. They can grocery shop if it involves going to a market daily Nd buying food for a meal...not so much the American coupon clipping, weekly trip type.
  12. I remember cherry bumps too! Maybe it's regional and we are from the same place. Rocking the swing set until it bumped off the ground was cool! Probably dangerous, but eh, it was the 70s and 80s. I think the best thing is since the girl is older, tell her it's for younger kids. if there are lots of older, slightly built kids around obviously that won't work, but if it's just her in that age bracket, age is a perfect reason. My youngest had a horse that you could sit on, rated to 100 pounds. He loved horses, but we are transients and obviously a horse won't fit with our lifestyle. It was fairly expensive, for a toy, about a hundred bucks. A neighbor kid who was very overweight broke it. I didn't have the heart to say she couldn't use it, so when we got Ds a new one, it went in his room and the neighbor kids always played in the playroom or basement so it wasn't an issue. so I am not the best to ask, I couldn't bring myself to address the issue with the toy horse, just avoided it. Ds knew friends weren't allowed upstairs, so I never had to have a conversation about who could use it or anything. I'm a coward, but I'd rather buy 2 hundred buck toy horses than hurt a little girls feelings.
  13. It drives me batty trying to buy sudafed these days. I had an international drivers license the first 6 months back here, but I have a military ID, which is much harder to counterfeit, etc. Didn't matter- no drivers license they could scan (ie, a state license) no sudafed. Their stupid system only accepted that as a form of ID for tracking, not a passport, nothing else. Sent a neighbor for me to buy it, as dh didn't have an ID that work either. Then we went over the "allotted" amount we could buy at our corner store another time...look. I am north of 40, hauling kids around, I clearly am not cooking meth with my measly 2 boxes of sudafed! We find it easier to get it from a dr prescription now too, even though the dr visit is unnecessary really since Ds knows what works for him and we could just buy it if it wasn't such a huge PITA!
  14. I have a "thrown under the bus" story too. When mine were about 10 and 7, I figured it was time to teach them to do laundry. I called it laundry lessons, and the kids found it very fun. One day shortly after laundry lessons started, they had back to back check ups for no real reason but to see a US ped, since we were briefly in the us. mind you, the appt was in the afternoon, and we had done a regular day of school- math, phonics for my youngest, etc. But they had also learnt how to do towels on hot that day. Well...we get to the clinic and the ped just has them come together, weighs, etc, and asks about school. They pipe up brightly they are homeschooled. She asks what they did in school today, and wouldn't you know- my normally shy children wax rhapsodic for 20 minutes on laundry lessons. 20 MINUTES! She is giving me the side eye, and of course I can't prompt them because that looks suspicious, so I just hang my head and when we get home, call my husband and tell him if CPS shows up, here is why, lol. Not a word about math, or Chinese- my kids spoke Chinese and my youngest read it better than English at that point- just laundry. I imagine the dr thought I kept my little drudges home from school to clean whilst I ate bon bons. You may be totally right- they are getting a crap education. But the hard truth is, in the us at this time, that isn't negligence or reportable. And in the grand scheme of things, if they are loved and well looked after, they are ahead of many.
  15. I had a preemie, then "failure to thrive" kid I delayed and selectively vaccinated. This was easier when a pediatrician did it, but then we moved and the health department did all vaccinations. They were, sorry to report, quite eye rolly and sighy about us. I just ignored it, but it was annoying. They did do what I asked, just with a large amount of attitude. Later still we moved overseas with this child, and the health dept there also did the vaccines, but they were totally fine with our delayed schedule and just seemed happy we were doing some, so perhaps it is regional. The first health dept was in the deep south, where the medical community seemed very "shut up and do what I say" in general, so that might have been it. My advice is go in firm, ignore any attitude you get, and just do what you plan. Do not brook conversation on anything- it isn't up for discussion. And trust me, you are not the first or last to have kids behind the schedule- do what you are comfortable with and let them sigh.
  16. Not a problem- dogs bark, it's what they do. Keep them in (the neighbors) if you don't want them to bark. Because my dog barks at everything, it certainly wouldn't be the winds, or the squirrels, or the leaves fault if she barks, any more than it is yours out walking your dog. So we keep her in after 9 pm (she is very old and not out except to go pee anyway) since if she was out, she would be barking. Walk away!
  17. I'd be really, really hurt the person, in my CHURCH no less, didn't value me enough to strike up a conversation and ask what happened. That's when I calmed down and wasn't angry anymore, anyway. I'm not sure I could get past that. I took my youngest to a library story time (it was for his older brother) when he was 15 months and had had eye surgery the same day. He had two black eyes and his nose was sort of crusty from bleeding, but he felt fine so we went that evening to the program. Several people- total strangers- were concerned enough to come ask, and I told them about the eye surgery earlier that day. If total strangers can get the cojones to ask about something, surely people at a church can. That is just terrible, I'm so sorry. You must feel so betrayed, I sure would.
  18. Ds went through a phase where he would sleepwalk and gesture and move his mouth, but no sound. Like he was having a conversation. He also played the violin (sans violin and asleep) sometimes. He grew out of it, but gosh sleepwalking scary. I was afraid he would get outside!
  19. Oldest Ds has been combating this for a while. His band director pushes heavily for the band members to go to district band competitions and others, and treats the competing/winning kids better, etc. Ds flatly refuses to participate in competitions, he plays for fun and says a competition would ruin the fun for him. His ps band teacher is actually more understanding than the home school band- go figure, huh? Kids look at him like he has 2 heads when he explains he will play in a duet or trio, but not at a competition. He feels the pressure keenly, and it's sad. Not for him, but for the other kids, who are so wrapped up in making first chair at xyz or getting accepted to abc music camp they won't take time to practice and perform music at a church performance or similar community event. Because that time could be spent practicing for something with a reward past playing good music, like a trophy or a scholarship. A lot of these kids, if past performance of the group is any indicator, do go on to prestigious music schools and professional accolades. So I guess the method is working. But it makes me, and Ds, sad there is no place for a child who plays for joy only.
  20. Wow. I can honestly say, as reprehensible I have always found Doug Phillips, Vision Forum, etc, I never dreamed he was such a sexual predator. That poor, poor girl- what a hero she is to come forward! I hope she gets every last dime from that predatory, slimy little skunk bag.
  21. Had a lovely day at the beach, even brought the dog. Discovered if we load the ancient, decrepit old dog up with Tramadol (in addition to her other arthritis medication) we can take her to the beach and she isnt hobbling the next day, so that is nice. Even missed traffic coming home- a perfect day! ...until I sat down to stay up late and watch Breaking Bad (spring break, woo hoo) and realized there is NO BEER. I really wanted a beer while watching late night tv. This is terrible. Totally unsat. (I realize how blessed I am the worst part of my day is no beer, but darn, I really wanted beer!)
  22. I think you should. You were considering replacing it anyway, so now is as good a time as any, and the effect of no transportation could send them into a worse spot quickly if they miss work. Van pools, buses and cabs are not realistic in most parts of the country, at least anywhere in the us I've lived.
  23. I've used the mens in a pinch when nature called and there was a back up in the womens, and no one seemed put out, so you having an exponentially better reason shouldn't be a problem. I just opened the door and called in "I'm a woman, I'm walking to a stall because I need to go and the womens is crowded" and then walked in looking pointedly away from the urinals. If you did the same (announced, look at the floor and walk your dh into a stall) I really can't see how you could have a problem. IMO, anyone who complained is a butt head, because you have a real need to be in there. I consider my poor weak bladder a compelling need too, lol. Don't over think it, it's not a big deal. If you can get a male kid to clear the restroom even better, but if not, do what you gotta do.
  24. Interesting- only my English friend pronounces the t in often that I can think of offhand. And I've lived all over the us, it's "offen" 99% of the time. I hate retch. It's so onamotopoeia-ish I can't stand it. Or however you spell that- my iPad underlines it but has no suggestions, but y'all know what I mean!
  25. I was thinking the candlestick was some sort of euphemism and...oh my. Now you all know what a dirty mind I have!
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