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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I tend to stay "old school" here and prefer analog. I can zero them out if they get wonky. If a digital gets off, how would you know? (eta) the digital affair at our vet's office had my dog gaining 8lbs once, just by going into the exam room and coming back out. I don't think "modern" is an improvement. (I can apply the same to lots of things beyond scales - razors, coffee makers...) I really prefer a balance scale, but that seems over the top for home so I just weigh myself at work. :D
  2. Me, too! I always joke that the first time, you're bummed to be wearing your regular clothes for.ev.er. The second time, you are shocked to have to get out the stretchy pants so early. After that, you can't pull up your pants while you're still waiting for the stick to give you an answer. :lol:
  3. Other. She can reach it, but doesn't drink out of the toilet. I do think it's disgusting, but we've never had to discuss it. We did, however, have to discuss the no-snacking-from-the-litterbox rule. :ack2:
  4. I enjoyed Not a Traditional Christmas selections so much when we had satellite radio, I bought it for a friend... I should get a copy for myself.
  5. This was my thought as well. I wasn't explicitly taught - I entered school reading - but most children in my class, and all of my children, as well as the other children I know, needed to be explicitly taught.
  6. I went to 13 schools in 12 years. The whole thing is like a blurry, uncomfortable dream. Like the one where you realize you're naked or in an awkwardly wrong place, but for a decade.
  7. I don't think it's irreverent. I don't knit during mass because I feel like it divides *my* focus. I totally get how it would enhance your focus; I focused my way through college lectures making ordered patterns of dots on a notepad for that very reason.
  8. I'm sorry, I was ambiguous. When I said one obligates oneself, I was not speaking to legal obligation (though in plenty of states, it IS a legal obligation... that just wasn't part of my thought), but moral/ethical obligation to one's children, as Chucki so eloquently said, to enable them to function in their society.
  9. I agree with this. I think, when you select a non-standard approach (i.e. homeshcooling), you are obligating yourself to produce an equivalent or better result than the standard. Now, that obviously covers quite a spectrum, given individual differences, but there is still the obligation to educate to the individual's potential.
  10. Knudsen Mega Green! Looks like pond slime, but it's fruity, sort of pineappley. I like their Very Veggie, too.
  11. In my experience - and usually in the "fine print" when we get flyers - they all raise their rates after a certain period (6 months, 1 or 2 years). The rest of the fees you generally don't hear about until you're ordering service (taxes, equipment, etc). Technologically, we've had better Internet service with dsl than cable, presumably because cable was the only thing available for so long that everyone on the street had it (and you share bandwidth/throughput). We went through DISH and DirecTv (with cable Internet), cable for tv/phone/Internet, and finally ended up with antenna, dsl, and plain old dialtone on our home phone. That's what works for us.
  12. I peel and wedge them, toss with olive oil, salt and pepper, and roast them in a moderately hot oven (375-400F), usually with other root vegetables. A friend has a great recipe for beet salad (bulbs and greens) on her website. The kale salad is crazy good, too.
  13. Tom's makes both fluoride and non-fluoride, at least in the Silly Strawberry flavor.
  14. The boys are doing the Star Wars one this year, too. There'd better not be a naked Yoda lurking in there! I'll need therapy!
  15. In my experience, box mixes are far too moist to then add a syrup (or booze) to. It would just collapse into mush. Cakes that are soaked like that are much sturdier.
  16. I made the 10 yo an advent calendar of her own, from a template on The Toymaker (but using seasonal card stock). The boxes are hanging from the mantle in the foyer. Now, I need to finish the knitting UFOs. And finish painting the laundry room so we can put in the new shower... Good grief.
  17. I tend to think of glue traps as cruel and unusual punishment. We use the electrocution traps. You just empty them and reset.
  18. :lol: (That is the extent of my comparatively paltry vocabulary I can use at this time.)
  19. Awesome! Thanks! Logic and Latin are my daughter's favorite subjects, and I am loving anything I can add to the pot. We started Intro to Logic (Gensler) over the summer with my 10 year old. I pitched it as a college freshman level, but when I went to look at his syllabus (JCU) it was for a 300 level class... I didn't mention that to her until she got sucked in. :lol:
  20. I noticed it when my hands were itchy, red and swollen from wearing exam gloves all the time. I also react to balloons, bandages (but not latex-free ones), undergarment elastic, and certain (latex containing) feminine products and barrier contraception. None of it is life threatening, but some of it is rather icky. ;)
  21. I was tooling around this morning, looking for some work to supplement Gensler, and I found this logic text from UCDavis, which is offered free for educational use. Thought I'd share. :D A Formal Logic Primer
  22. I'm generally of the mind that the shorter the skirt, the higher the heel. With that dress, though, I think any of the choices would be adorable.
  23. Ack! That drives me crazy. And then, I'll find it in June. Because that is sooooooo helpful. :glare: I ended up buying a new magnetic wreath hanger because, literally, the only time I ever find the one I have - 5 years, never used - is in the middle of summer. Good grief. And, uh, speaking of the Lego advent calendar... I wonder what awesomely safe place I hid ours in.
  24. I'm rather partial to the iPhone. I'm typing on it right now. (3/4 battery and I've been up and at work since about 4 am) ;) My husband has a droid X. It's HUGE. And slow. I don't care for it.
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