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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I work for the Y in membership services. I'm also a personal trainer and meet with clients by appointment, and will be teaching a group ex strength training class two or three days a week, starting in January. My work schedule is made around my husband's schedule and, if there is a conflict (for instance, I met with a client every morning this week) the kids just come to work with me. They've become quite a fixture there and the regulars all know them. (ill socialized as they are :D )
  2. I would counter that the society you are surrounded by shapes your cultural mores. I would prefer my children go off to college thinking recreational drug use is not the "norm".
  3. I once kicked someone in the throat trying to get away while he was holding me down and tickling me. He outsized me, out powered me and I couldn't calmly extricate myself. I like to think I have higher mental powers than a dog, but there you go. My 10 year old sat on our dog (quite by accident, she wouldn't intentionally sit on her) and provoked a bite. And then the 10 year old was distraught because she hurt and frightened the dog. (our dog is not aggressive, she was sleeping in a chair when a 80 lb person landed on her, and reacted in the same way I would if someone twice my size landed on me without warning)
  4. :lol: I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe. Maybe a little icing flower is in order?
  5. I have an account, but only go on when somebody sends me a message. It occurred to me several months ago that I.just.do.not.care what random carp is floating around in the heads of others. At all. Between that and the political/religious/social rants... Yeah, no interest.
  6. I think contentment is something we learn to embrace, not necessarily something that just happens when the right factors fall into place. People are often content under conditions others would find horrific. Maybe the lesson is simply that: contentment comes from within. I also think worthiness is something most people need to learn to feel, whether they are overcoming an unfortunate childhood or not. Learning to feel equally worthy goes a long way to contentment. :)
  7. :iagree: I spent years thinking I was just a "low energy" person, until my low energy became no energy. Now that I've found my sweet spot in Armour dosing, I actually have an energy level that matches other people's. I can't even describe how incredible I feel. (not like speedy, just like a normal, functional person) Eta: Nance, my levels were "just a little low" to low normal range, too. That's not where my body can function.
  8. Good news: gluten free jelly donuts are very easy to make. Bad news: I ate a LOT of jelly donuts today.
  9. There's something you don't hear every day! :lol: Eta: I mainly laugh because I honest to God cannot figure out how such a transaction would play out over Craigslist. I mean "Seeking dodgy cup of sperm for insemination"? Are there pictures? Would it be mailed or for local pickup only? Clearly, I am getting bogged down in the details so I can just block the rest.
  10. I'm 40 and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. :D In my teens, I worked in restaurants. In my 20s, I was a paramedic (volunteered - I knew I didn't want that as a career) and worked for various doctors, then did some unrelated things, one of which led to... In my 30s I worked as a software engineer for a consulting company. Now, deciding I wanted a part time occupation, I went to work for the Y (front desk, membership stuff), got certified as a personal trainer, and will take over the group-ex classes for one of my young colleagues who is off to school in January. My work life has been a very odd mix. Probably because I'm always looking for a new challenge.
  11. Wait. Wait. Waaaaaaaait.... What, exactly, is the "nature" of the donation? I mean... :blink: I'm very confused. I think "donation" is a delusional euphemism, but it seems to be used without quotes, so...?
  12. I just use a slightly damp microfiber cloth. They cam in packs of 25 for $12 at Sam's club and we've had them for... 7 years now? (they started out folded up as overnight diaper doublers)
  13. Insanely good, and easier (I think) than standard filled donuts. I used raspberry donut jelly. (Also, I usually make beignet for Christmas and this dough will be absolutely perfect.) Gluten Free Sufganiyot
  14. Ooh, Ellie! Did you have a telecopier, too? My step-dad's office was right next to my bedroom and that thing was like an alarm clock. Ring... Ring... Zhuuuup, chucka chucka chucka chucka... Good times.
  15. This. I would copy/duplicate portions of a book within the confines of fair use. I do not, as a rule, copy workbooks, though I have in certain circumstances, when the child working in a workbook has somehow rendered a page unwritable - excessive erasure, for instance. Then, I've copied the page - either photocopied or typed out - for them to use. It gets affixed into the book. If I feel my 10 yo needs more practice in a certain grammar lesson, I might copy or type out the sentences from her text book (which are not the same ones from the practice book) and have her do those. I have also been known to photocopy and laminate knitting patterns, so I can carry them around in my knitting bag and write on them.
  16. Yep. Out here in the non-metro area, we don't get next day. They seem to get scanned in the next day, and the next one is sent when that happens, but it's more like a 3 day turn around for items in the metro hub, and sometimes 5 if it's something that isn't stocked all over.
  17. Yup. I live in a rural town (bad, bad grocery, no butcher, sketchy farmers market) but I have one of these for walking to the library and markets in the summer. You could totally put a 20 pack of TP in that. And then you'd have room on your back for the box of wine. (you'll have to forgive me chuckling at the bleak, soviet image of you toiling down the road with a mega pack of TP on your back. In my mind, there's a ratty overcoat and babushka involved. And wind. Lots of wind. :D)
  18. I think my transition was (emotionally) easier because I took a leave of absence from my job after the boys were born (I worked from my bed until two weeks before), and just never went back because I was so fried from having twin nurslings and never sleeping. Last year, I went back to work part time, in a less taxing job (front desk work at the Y vs software engineering for huge clients), just to do something non-kid related. I've expanded my role since then, but it's more flexible than my former career.
  19. Yes, I would. I would expect that, when they ran the ISBN to get an idea of what the selling price should be, they would also see that there are other parts to the book, and would adjust their description to reflect that. OTOH, I am often astounded at people who sell books on Amazon marketplace as "collectible", with an astounding price, when the same edition is available new for $8.99 and free shipping, so...
  20. I would do neutral carpet with an area rug in front of the desk, where the chairs sit, and pick a color out of the rug for the walls. Coordinated, color, and changeable without having to completely redecorate.
  21. HAHAHAHAHA! I just updated a workout app I'd forgotten I had, only to open it and realize... It's forgettable. :D
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