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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. This is interesting to me because, back in the day when I was looking into various homeschooling methods, I could.not.find an answer on what anthroposophy is. It was basically the "if you're not in the club, we're not going to tell you" vs "why would I want to be in the club if I don't know what you believe" standoff. :glare: Since then, I've met a couple (as in 2) Waldorf "purists". I felt bad for the children who were not allowed to read.
  2. :party: Doesn't it feel clever? That never, ever goes away, just so you know. Eta: it DOES look great. It looks like a sock. See here why this is "great".
  3. Once a week, and we have to drive our recycling to the transfer station. We rarely have a full outdoor can, though. Usually, we have one bag and I might grab the partial bag from the kitchen if it's more than half full. Bulk and yard waste are done Thursday/Friday, but you have to call for it and pay for bulk items (not yard waste).
  4. :iagree: and it's worth the $5 to not have to live waiting for this particular craziness to come back up 10 years from now. You have my sympathies. I don't know how you people with siblings manage. ;)
  5. True enough. Interestingly, while my TSH is suppressed to 0.08 with supplementation (probably non-existent now that I've upped the dose), my Free T4 stayed exactly the same & Free T3 was similarly unaffected. Weird, huh? Seems like they should be higher next lab round, since I feel like a functioning human again.
  6. Why am I suddenly overcome with a Young Frankenstein version of "Tomorrow"? :lol:
  7. We've actually been converting (one at a time, as they burn out) the incandescent and CFL bulbs to LED. The bulbs themselves sometimes look odd (not the mini spots in our kitchen, but lamp bulbs) but the light is FABULOUS! (And my electric bill goes down and down and down...) I just can't muster concern over CFLs, though. If you have carpet (or upholstered furniture) you're living in all sorts of not-delightful off-gassing. If you're anywhere near any industrial anything, there are likely all sorts of undesirable compounds being spewed into the air. My house is old and drafty. I am not worried about anything lingering in the air long.
  8. My experience exactly. My "optimal" seems to drop my TSH well into hyper range, but my body is very happy with the actual thyroid levels (no hyper symptoms, no more hypo symptoms, normal life). Without symptoms, though, I probably wouldn't pursue it, though. It may have been sluggish before as part of the PCOS.
  9. You have the unfortunate idiot attracting beacon. You can't have it removed because only idiots can see it.
  10. Me, either. Though I think hormones are not something to be played with, as the endocrine system is such a delicately balanced web, I also think they are displaying a glaring ignorance of "homeopathic" (or the people billing their products are).
  11. I thought specifically of our Amish friends during that thread, particularly with my agreement with Chucki's comment that education needs to enable functionality in the culture in which one lives. These children are well educated. They (those who are of a reasonable age, of course) are literate, bilingual, able to compute. I'm not sure how much history they get, or science, but really, they have a good handle on life science, being farmers. They certainly have engineering... So, if I examine MY daily life in comparison, exactly how much history, chemistry, physics or higher math do I use? Almost none. I use functional aspects of all, but none I learned in a classroom.
  12. Other: I've not been pulled over in the past year. I've been pulled over 3 times in 24 years: once for driving funny (I had developed a wretched stomach thing after finishing my mid-term and was driving home, apparently under the speed limit and without a lot of grace leaving the college parking lot. The cop followed me home in case I needed to stop), once for having expired tags (computer glitch at the MVA did not send me an emissions testing order and, since my emissions hadn't been tested, did not send me a renewal notice. $15, I challenged it per the direction of the "investigations" guy at the MVA), once a couple years ago for having a headlight out (work order).
  13. Neil Gaiman? Some are children's books (Coraline, The Graveyard Book), but one of our 30-something dad friends talks Gaiman with my 10 yo. He's quite a fan. (the 10 year old is only a limited fan ;) )
  14. I generally follow this rule (for gluten, not dairy) but was shocked to find that the Goetzke caramels (the ones with the powdered sugar center?) have wheat flour in them (like the second ingredient!). I can't figure out where it is. Insane. My kids really like the Yummy Earth vitamin C lollipops. I'm pretty happy that they're organic and pack in the C while the kids are licking on a lolly. ;)
  15. Yes, I always find it funny the difference between what I find obvious and what my husband does. (he does as well) There are a lot of jokes about who's wearing his/her Captain Obvious underpants around here.
  16. Well, that sort of situation would set up a feeling of betrayal, I would imagine. :grouphug:
  17. I don't recall having asked - I'm sure I probably did, but don't recall - but I never felt betrayed. I just chalked it up to the nonsense adults tell kids, like fairy tales and campfire ghost stories and whatnot... But I come from a long line of adults talking nonsense (in a fun, silly way), so there wasn't a sense of shame about believing. We just all got to an age when silly, fun, fantastic stories became just that, rather than a wonder. I wonder if people who felt betrayed just came from a different sort of more fact-based family? Eta: I will say that I figured out really early not to let my mother pick stories because she has a sense of "feel good" colored by hearing Little Orphan Annie and The Baggage Coach Ahead as stories. I did sort of feel betrayed when she would bill a story as "wonderful" and it would be thoroughly depressing.
  18. Mono? Are you sure it's just one node and not the whole chain? That just screams annoyingly non-specific viral thing to me, if it's not mono. (which, of course, is a specific annoying viral thing)
  19. Holy mother of :svengo: And I'm not spider phobic in the least. But really. Those are SCARY! And really, you people have concerns about North American BEARS?? Bears rarely fall out of your washing or crawl up your pantleg.
  20. Food Network is all reruns. I need a new way to spend my time... Oh! I'll join a gang! :lol:
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