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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. If I recall correctly, Leapster is the game console, Leap Pad has books and a reading pen. No idea about Explorer. I think that was after my kids' time. All three of them still go through periods where they play games on their Leapsters, though.
  2. And just in case I was waffling before, I am now having trouble breathing while sitting up. I believe I will lie down a bit and digest before dessert.
  3. :grouphug: Feel better soon! During my teens-20s, I think I was sick every holiday. The last time was when I was 26. I had chicken pox for Christmas.
  4. That only works when you start with a turkey that's been sitting under studio lights. Lynn Rosetto Casper says 165-170. She works in radio. ;)
  5. And if you do, you can play Black Knight and yell "your leg is off" and then answer in a chickeny voice, "no it's not! It's just a flesh wound!" and so on. You should probably come up with an empty wine bottle to have out if you go that route though.
  6. Other than running away, I wouldn't think much at all. I never tie chicken legs.
  7. You pat it dry so the butter or oil will coat it. If you're not buttering or oiling, there's no need to pat it dry. It probably is better to get the spices to stick, even.
  8. No. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/best-ever-green-bean-casserole-recipe/index.html
  9. Happy Thanksgiving! (my turkey is resting while the side heat... yeah, that's the ticket!)
  10. No. I refuse to stress myself out trying to get it all done or properly delegated. I employed the same policy for my wedding: if it caused me stress, it was off the list. Luckily, my intended kept to his best behaviour so he could make the cut. :D
  11. Well... I just made Alton Brown's no-tins-of-carp version, tweaked to be gluten free, including the oven toasted onions for the top. The Mysterious Spot of Disappearance seems to have spread to the onions from the pumpkin squares, though. eta: The 10yo, who doesn't really care for green beans at all, and green bean casserole in particular, was just eating it out of the skillet where it's parked and waiting to be topped and warmed in the oven. Awesome.
  12. I did this, too. Just dropped the whole bag it came in (from the butcher, not shrinkwrap) into the sink, rinsed the cavity, plopped it into the roasting pan and dried it with towels before buttering it all over. My sink will get cleaned by the end of the day. I don't worry too much about it. I guess because you can see the big herd of turkeys running around next door to the butcher? I also don't get too worked up about the whole chickens I buy from my Amish dairy farmer's nephew, other than trying to time it so I'm not there when they're offing the birds. (No, we have never had a food-borne illness from our kitchen. Yes, I understand that the birds were offed, I just can't eat something I've had direct impact on killing. Yes, I realize it's absurd.)
  13. This is a tweaked (gluten-free) combination of the pumpkin bars from Joy of Baking and the (firm, already gf) pumpkin pie from Flour Arrangements: Shortbread Crust: Heaping 1/2 cup (50 grams) pecans 1 cup (130 grams) Gluten Free Mama's Almond Blend flour 1/2 cup (113 grams) butter, room temperature 1/2 cup (110 grams) brown sugar ( I like dark, use what you like) 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Toast the nuts in the oven, then combine them, the sugar, and the flour in a food processor and pulse until it's fine. Add the vanilla and butter and pulse until it comes together in a sticky ball (like cookie dough). Press into a 9x13" ban lined with parchment. Filling: 15 ounce can pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling :) ½ cup brown sugar ¼ cup powdered sugar 1½ tablespoons corn starch 1 egg ¾ cup condensed sweetened milk ⅛ cup whole milk (I used the leftover evaporated milk from my white potato pie) 2 tablespoons butter ¾ teaspoon cinnamon ½ tsp salt 1 tsp ginger ½ tsp all spice ¼ tsp nutmeg I whirred everything in the blender because the butter refused to incorporate with the mixer and it was irritating me. Pour the filling over the crust and bake in a preheated 350F/175C oven 30-40 minutes, when it should be set and the filling edges are browning. Cool, watching closely for signs of the Mysterious Spot of Disappearance. Serve as you will. My vote is for covering the entire thing in whipped cream and slamming your face into it, but others might think that's bad manners. I've attached the photo so you can see the Mysterious Spot of Disappearance. It was just a corner yesterday afternoon!
  14. You know, I used to work with a woman who was so traumatized by the tainted tuna scare of the, what 70s?, that she would open a can of tuna, give some to her husband and some to her dog and, if they were still alive the next morning, she'd make a sandwich from the rest for her lunch. I think spoiled egg product makes you horrifically ill in pretty short order. No worries.
  15. Totally. When you refrigerate pumpkin pie, more often than not it oozes water. Not tasty. :ack2: If it makes you feel better, I pulled my pumpkin bars - pumpkin pie with a shortbread crust, in a larger pan - out of the oven before noon yesterday and they've been sitting on the counter ever since. Althooooough... I think there's something wrong with the pan. It seems to have a Mysterious Spot of Disappearance, which has been swallowing up the bars as it grows. :D
  16. There's one in every family. Hang in there. :D
  17. Rosie, is this where "have a whinge" comes into play?
  18. :lol: my husband and I are fast eaters, too, but it's firehouse eating. I've had to consciously evaluate whether our kids eat too slow or if it's just my perception. I've come to the conclusion it should not take 90 minutes to eat a piece of toast. OP, yes, commenting on someone's eating is rude. Continuing to make comments you know makes someone uncomfortable is rude.
  19. Or just that the stores are making their employees come in to open at midnight, as if 4:00 am wasn't obscene enough. Or morons on game shows. (or am I the only one not allowed to watch those?)
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