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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I assume she is referring to an ill-fitting do rag. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do-rag
  2. I vote that nothing referred to as a "rag" belongs on any person's head. But, yes, your husband is trying to compromise so you will have to do your best to not micromanage the snood. (wow. There's something you don't say every day.)
  3. Dilemma. 40, public school. My parents, who both went to Catholic school in the 1950-60s, also spell it dilemma. I also spell "definitely", but have noticed that "definAtely" is the more common, though incorrect, spelling online. My husband just spelled it with a double m as well. 42, public school. (but he's unreliable, as he is prone to sending things like "hided" when we play Words.)
  4. No. Way too many negative, non-jello associations. Like port-a-pot deodorizer. :ack2: And then, well, it's jello. Jello that smells like a public toilet. More :ack2: . My children, however, have an inexplicable love for jello. Even they do not want green jello.
  5. Bummer. We don't get that with antenna. (I guess I'll go watch Criminal Minds, 'cause that's so the same. :tongue_smilie: )
  6. Do you like your induction? I'm a gas girl for cooktops, too (not ovens, except commercial ones) but we would have to get propane so I'm stuck with a series of electric (the one that came with the house was a General Motors, no lie) and currently have a radiant ceramic... When I have the opportunity to upgrade, I want to go with induction.
  7. I love our french door fridge with freezer on the bottom (LG). Nothing gets wedged in at an awkward angle, anything fits, I can find everything. Double/single ovens and center griddle are all personal preference for how you cook. It's rare that I would use a double oven, others would use the space constantly. Convection... I'm not fond of. Others are. Do go electric, though. I love my double apron sink. It's deep and huge. I could probably still bathe boy boys in it.
  8. No idea, but it sounds exactly like 40 at my house. :confused:
  9. {snort} me too! Thank goodness touch tone predated 10-digit dialing! :lol:
  10. If its just us, we use regular plates. If we have company, we use the company plates, crystal, silver... And the dining room table instead of lying around in the living room in our jammies. ;)
  11. The answer, sadly, is "the one that works best at your house". We have very soft water - lots of mineral salts, municipal water - and find that there are a whole lot of products made for hard water, which doesn't really make them effective in our house. I like Method dishwasher tablets and order them as "subscribe and save" from Amazon (because they stopped carrying them locally for some reason). For laundry, I use Seventh Generation 4x liquid in a front loader. A small bottle lasts well over a month with 5 of us. Ecological is as important to me as economical, so I try to find the best price for the least footprint.
  12. We love the LG LED we have in the bedroom. Another will replace the enormous eyesore (RCA projection 52" big screen) in the living room if that thing ever drops. It looked like it was heading south about 6 years ago but, alas, it rebounded. :glare:
  13. I did one several years ago. Everyone brought X dozen cookies, which covered a certain amount out for sampling and everyone taking X of each home with them. I made finger food - crudite, tiny latkes topped with a dollop of sour cream, snipped chives and red caviar, etc - so nobody slipped into a sugar coma by the end. Did you mean gluten free? There are a lot of gf goody recipes, but I would either decline or just make some gf goodies myself, depending on whether I really wanted to socialize. My family isn't gluten free, just me, so it wouldn't be a big deal.
  14. I agree. As someone whose children didn't enjoy FIAR, I generally say just that, not that the program is useless. As a homeschooling parent, I expect the same courtesy: not being labeled incompetent because some things are not a good fit for my children or need additional supplementation to make it an ideal fit. Unfortunately, I see that attitude from a lot of resource vendors and others in the homeschooling circuits. And I always think, if I'm as incompetent as they appear to think I am, then I shouldn't be educating my children, with or without their astute guidance. :glare:
  15. I usually make my own elderberry-astragalus syrup. I buy the dried herbs from Mountain Rose, simmer them to make a strong infusion, strain, reduce and add local honey. Much more cost effective than Sambucol (or, my commercial favorite, Honey Gardens). Between that and probiotics (and a mostly whole foods diet), we average one mild cold, maybe a quick stomach bug, per year.
  16. I should add that it's "take" here. As in, "if you TAKE my picture again, I am going to TAKE that camera away from you." I'm not a fan of being photographed, a concept completely lost on my husband's extended family.
  17. "Happy Holidays", as it is generally meant to encompass Hanukkah, Christmas , and New Year. And, frankly, if the recipient celebrates Yule, Kwanzaa, or any other holiday in the general vicinity of December and January, I would like them to have a happy one of those, as well. Northeast/Mid-Atlantic. I see I've jumped the gun on the poll. :lol: we don't send pictures.
  18. Yeah, it sent me for a loop this morning when I clicked on it and saw I'd replied. Thought I'd been sleep-posting for a minute!
  19. In my experience, people who are complaining about being victims while contributing to their own difficulties become bigger victims when you tell them they are contributing to their own difficulties. What they really want is agreement that they are being treated unjustly. Suffice it to say, I am not adept at biting my tongue, so I usually try to stay out of conversational range. (Which does not mean I don't listen to friends vent. We ALL need to vent at times.)
  20. Hey, were you also married to MY first husband? :lol: (in all fairness, despite MAJOR - as in opposite - views on pretty much everything, Jim-Bob is a much better catch than my ex.) (and then I just watched my husband sneak up on the dog in the dark... Yeah, he might be on the market, too. :lol: I'll keep the big goofball, but the dog might put him out.)
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