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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Well, while you're out shopping for butt paste ingredients (that stuff IS great. We had a local compounding pharmacy making it for us for a while), look for some Herbs for Kids Gum-o-mile teething oil. It's essentially oil of clove in a chamomile infused olive oil base. Works much better the orajel. ;)
  2. You speak the truth. Teething is the pits.
  3. oh. oh. no. worsted! make worsted socks! they're forever enough! You betcha. Seriously, I think I would be a deliriously happy middle aged woman, running around with stripey monster butt leggings under my skirt. Though I may develop an unfortunate mooning habit. :D (really, my biggest challenge is upsizing from 9-18 months to 480 months)
  4. YAY! :party: (we Yankees like you, too. :001_smile: )
  5. I would agree with your aunt. I'll crochet to avoid knitting icord, but I'm slow and go like :tongue_smilie: the whole time. To me, knitting's not hard at all. If you can knit and purl, you can do anything. (which, of course, does not keep turning a heel from feeling crazy clever every.single.time I do it.) Love that dishcloth. LOVE!
  6. AHA! I knew there was a completely reasonable backstory there! If I read subtitles, I miss the movie. Enjoy!! (and then, of course, check in and give us the skinny on how it is, please)
  7. I think there is a larger variety of garment patterns for knitting. You can make blankets or dishcloths either way... They're not mutually exclusive. You can learn both. (In fact, most knitters can at least functionally crochet so we can pick up dropped stitches and crochet edges on sweaters and whatnot)
  8. Waaaaitaminute... Does British English need to be subtitled? :001_huh:
  9. I really Like Kerry's Miracle Salve. It was the only thing that consistently kept my yeast-prone boys' bottoms healthy. FWIW, our pediatrician recommended Lotrimin (yes, the foot cream) or Monistat instead of the Rx stuff. Works just as well, for a fraction of the cost. (wow. apparently the quote button is the only way I know how to reply these days... goes along with random substitution of "dishwasher" for other, non-related nouns yesterday. :001_huh:)
  10. No, I don't think that's necessarily the case. It may be the case that companies hire more worker bees in the form of telecommuters before making an infrastructure commitment, and that could end up as a "first for layoff" situation. When I worked in IT consulting, the vast majority of people I knew telecommuted; the only people in the office full time were the "non-producers" - HR, administrative support, accounting and the like. If they'd fired based on telecommuting, there would be no income. I think it depends entirely on the job you're doing. *that would be an "other" response.
  11. Me, too. It's just horrible that a b#&^ coach can so totally destroy something she found such joy in.
  12. That is generally when I become sure that something has gone very, very wrong in the pattern. :lol: But, honestly, he could have an Etsy store. :001_huh:
  13. That's excellent news! And yes, you'd better not forget that camera tonight, missy! :toetap05: (or, ok, tomorrow... No fair for you to get to suck up all the good baby fumes and not even come back with a picture!)
  14. I eat lots of things I didn't eat as a kid, but it has more to do with the availability of different food than anything else. There was no sushi in Rumford, ME in the 1970s (I'm not sure there is now, to tell the truth). It's not that the food of my childhood was lousy - we had plenty of fruits and veggies, etc - it was just limited by what was available.
  15. The honest answer is "the one that works for you". That said, herbal combinations of valerian and hops work very well, are not hormonal (like melatonin), and generally do not make you groggy. St John's wort is great for chronic pain, skullcap is good for muscle relaxation. Yogi Bedtime tea has valerian, St Johns wort and skullcap, so that might be helpful in getting you to restful sleep.
  16. That's gorgeous Brianna! Do you just twist and Kitchener at the end?
  17. Me? I dunno. I've been knitting since I was seven, though. But here's the huge secret: it's not hard. It's just like garter stitch, except you go around and around instead of turning your work. ;) After 33 years, it confuses me when I have to use straight needles and turn... And purl! What a pain!
  18. Cute! I'm working on a pair of kilt hose for me and I need to knit the thumbs on 7 mittens. Maybe I'll do that tonight. Then I can finish my kilt hose. :)
  19. I really doubt that gorgeous little bundle of awesome did all that. It must have been somebody else. ;) Congratulations! (And take it easy. You remember how soon they start running!)
  20. There is a laundry detergent meant for stripping sporting gear. People use it to strip residue out of diapers... Let me try to find it. I think it's called "sport wash". eta: Aha! Here it is! Yes, it's Sport Wash. Made for technical clothing and will strip out the residue that gets left behind by other detergents/softeners (making your Under Armor stinky).
  21. We just bought a gallon of brown (Olympic "Ranch Mink", I think... I like their zero VOC paint) for our laundry/bath. It's the color of a cup of cocoa. I'm so excited.
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