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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. My table is the same general size. The only slippy table cloth was a ghastly polyester one I bought by accident. Those webby drawer liners can leave permanent marks in the finish. I would look into a protective table.. Pad? Those things you put on top of the table, under the table cloth, that protects the finish... I can't think of what they're called. I think they're a bit grabbier that the wood when you use synthetic table cloths. (that's what my MIL uses and they don't slide) I think they're modular, so you can add pieces in the middle when you add a leaf.
  2. No. We will be married 12 years in March, and have a happy, healthy marriage after working through some major, deal breaker, marital problems a couple of years ago.
  3. I agree. And I do not care for the slidy-ness of leather.
  4. 1. Are your earlobes attached or free? Attached 2. Is there hair on your fingers between the hand and the first knuckle? No 3. Do you have a widow's peak or a straight hairline? Straight 4. Is your hair wavy or straight? Wavy/curly 5. Do you have a cleft in your chin? No
  5. We do, too. The utilities who don't have an electronic agreement and send the bill directly to my credit union account still have an ebill option and email it to me. When the CU sends out payments, they send me an email with the companies, amounts and confirmation numbers. I use Gmail, and have filters that move all such items to their proper labels. Plus, Gmail is really searchable, so I can find pretty much anything easily, even without labels. The one exception is our water bill, but that's because our town office is less than competent.
  6. I had similar experience, except 6 weeks with one nursling, 6 months with twins.
  7. Love it. I love Inspector Lewis, too. (I did not love that one they had on the other night)
  8. I agree. Every single person who knew about this and did not call the proper authority abdicated his responsibility as an ethical human being. Every.one. Firing in your, what, 80s? is the very least of what should happen.
  9. I love my Dyson. We've had it for 8 years. Besides embarrassing me with the amount of dirt it picks up, it has great features, not the least of which, in a house with children, is that the entire air track snaps apart at strategic locations so I can retrieve the pencil/hairpin/Lego guy/whatever that gets sucked up and can't make it through the J loop into the cannister. We had to replace the hose (eldest daughter vacuumed down the stairs with the hose, which became crimped after the vacuum proper tumbled down on it), which also just snaps off, and we added a second HEPA filter at that point so we can vacuum when one is drying.
  10. I usually wear scent, either sandalwood/orange or sweet patchouli. (I agree, most patchouli smells like dirt in the bottle... Seems to smell better once it's on {some} people, though, and the sweet patchouli doesn't have the dirt smell either way) I have perfume triggered migraines, so I do just use a tiny dab. The only people who comment on it are those in my personal space, so I guess I don't reek. ;) In the late 90s, I worked for a tech company and was the only woman in the call center. The guys used to ask what I was wearing, and at first I was paranoid that I was wearing too much, but then one of them clarified that they all liked using my phone! Apparently, I didn't give off a cloud, but transferred some cradling the phone in my neck. Lol.
  11. That was my choice before the younger 3. After them, my husband adopted the final solution because, really, going through a few layers of skin is much easier than going through one's abdominal wall, and there is a much lower incidence of long term issues. I just don't care for chemical alteration of the endocrine system. It's too complex a feedback web for me to be comfortable with adjusting one part or another without cause.
  12. Yes and no. I wear a band. It is not my wedding ring. My wedding ring was made in the 1880s, the engagement ring in the early 1930s. I lost a diamond once from the band, and one from the side of the engagement setting, and bent the shank... So, in the interest of preserving the antique/vintage pieces, I bought a silver band engraved with "I am my beloved's..." in Gaelic. I wear that one all the time.
  13. Today I am thankful for our ability. I spent the day mudding walls (again) and cursing the people who used to own our house (some more) but at the end of the day, I am really thankful that we are able. I'm sure there are many people who aren't or don't feel they are, and live feeling stuck, with few choices. :(
  14. How about some of the Masterpiece series? Cranford, Emma, Downton Abbey? They're all rather short series (DA season 2 is coming to PBS in January) but worthy viewing, IMO.
  15. Me, too. And I'm ok with it. I know my children's capabilities. I spend all day with them. I can't abide laziness and time wasting; we have way too much to do.
  16. Evening attire is black tie. It means you wear floor length and your husband does not wear a dinner jacket or morning suit. Since it's a home party, though, I would assume it means "please dress up". But I think you should call and ask.
  17. And the older gentleman who was in line ahead of me in a 7-11 in the early 90s, who plucked one out of the bucket, paid for his purchases, turned and handed me the rose, bid me good day and left. Gas station roses are great for random gestures of day brightening by perfect strangers. Otherwise, I wholeheartedly agree. I want real. Period
  18. My 10 y.o. has a sub-account that's part of my gmail account. (so her email address is "myemailaddress+hername@gmail.com") I set up a filter so emails sent to her go directly to her own folder, but in my inbox. My kids don't have open access to the internet or email, and I rarely check her folder, but a cursory check says pretty much everything is my dad, a couple friends who she knows in real life, and library notices. I almost never get randomly generated spam. I get spam from homeschooling sites/groups that I have clearly not signed on to receive email from, but that's an issue with other HS groups/sites sharing their mailing lists. :glare:
  19. I use/manage Yahoo groups. I never, ever get an email if I post the message. I have to ask another group member if it went out. And, about half the time, I don't get other emails. I have gmail. They're not being peeled off by antivirus. Not in my spam/trash. My account is good. I've found two things helpful: switch to digest (I seem to get digests, and I get a daily update email of what's going on in all groups), and switch to Google groups. I've become weary of dealing with Yahoo's issues. Google groups works better for mine.
  20. yeah, what's THAT about? Who's in charge of relaying info??? :toetap05: Denise, I love that you're the grownup of the group. ;)
  21. Sweet potato casserole (with brown sugar/pecan topping) and white potato pie. Mmmmmm.
  22. The Vermont Country Store has merino tights that are warm and not itchy. I second the leggings suggestion, though. I wear leggings and boots under skirts all winter. And it doesn't get nearly a cold here as it does there. You want the lighter weight, snug ones, though, not the ones intended to replace pants with a tunic top.
  23. I do, too, but I would like to channel that calm with the 3 I have at home. ;)
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