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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. My grandmother used to sharpie bad language in her favorite - Danielle Steele, et al - library books. :svengo: I'm surprised they didn't ban her.
  2. This isn't a free speech issue. The First Amendment protects the right to publish porn, not to look at it. There are other laws in place that require adults-only material be kept from the view of children. Adult videos are sequestered in a closed area of video stores, magazines are sleeved and kept on a separate shelf from general magazines. "Gentlemen's clubs" have covered windows. It's not unreasonable to ban the same images from public view at the library. OpenDNS and other services block at the router level (OD is free), so would also block personal computers on the wifi. I use it at home and have had no trouble viewing anything else I want. Since the database of sites lives online, there is no update required on my part, but I could access my account dashboard and add something to the "permitted list" manually if it blocked something legitimate. (There is a refresh period, which is probably why the library policy posted mentions the delay.) In short, I see no difference between the "s3x offender" who was urinating in the bushes and the one watching movies in the public library. Well, that's not true. The guy taking a leak in the bushes probably didn't have a reasonable expectation of children being around.
  3. I can't find season 2. Where is season 2?!?! Series 3 is on deck for airing January 2012. I need to catch up. :willy_nilly:
  4. I am thankful for rope caulk and spray foam. They make it incredibly easy to fill the gaps in this drafty house. :D
  5. Indefinitely unless moisture develops in the wrapping or it dries out. It's aged cheese. It was covered with mold before it came to you. And it has been around for years and years already, so it doesn't exactly have a tight shelf life. If moisture develops, it will get slimy. If it dries out, well, that's just not tasty. Just wrap it tightly and it should be just fine. Eta: ok, I just saw the 7months/100 days... I'm not sure that counts as aged. Same rules apply, though. ;)
  6. I love Trader Joe's. They are the only place where I can find frozen shrimp without TSP. We also get Joe's Os - store brand Cheerios, huge box, $1.99 - Joe-Joes - Oreos, but better - and their tongol tuna ($1.49), olive oil, canola, maple syrup... Most things are minimal ingredients/processing, very tasty, and a great price.
  7. Um, no. Though it is possible that in summer, when everyone has the windows open, my neighbors have heard a very pointed "are you being deliberately obstuse?" I have also been known to bend over very close to the face of an unruly child and stage whisper "do NOT make me peel off my human face in this store." I make it a point to not scream at people in public. And I'm a yeller.
  8. My wedding ring is white gold or platinum (I honestly don't know which) from the 1880s. It doesn't tarnish. My engagement ring is from the 1930s. It has never tarnished, either, and I have never had either of them replated or anything else. I usually wear a wide sterling band with the Song of Solomon "I am my beloved's..." engraved around it in Gaelic, but I do that because I'm really, really hard on rings. For the record, the only issue I have with tarnish on that one is when I make egg salad and cut up the eggs in my left hand. :)
  9. Because it's a cat on one side of a window, and therefore MUST know what is on the other side of the window. Same is true for doors, but the next-door kitty doesn't know there's a door unless he's seen you just walk through it.
  10. In that case, I will add that a friend of mine in highschool drank SlimFast shakes with meals in order to keep weight on during soccer season. She just couldn't eat enough to keep up with her metabolism when she was active otherwise. Maybe something like that or one of the nutrition shakes would help? I realize it's not the most delightful prospect when you eat real foods, but that is what Ensure, Boost and the like were intended for.
  11. Yeah... what is WRONG with people? :confused: Because these little people are not legally allowed to fend for themselves - presumably because they are not even remotely fit to and need to remain a protected class - until they are 18. Why on earth is everyone so eager, then, to set their 5 or 6 year olds free to fend for themselves among their feral peers? That screams Lord of the Flies to me.
  12. Our state credit union. Love them. They're great. We bailed from BoA this past spring.
  13. This was our experience with my eldest daughter. She got them at about the same age, after her adult teeth had moved everything around, and she needed comparatively little correction.
  14. We had the same problem with a string of HP printers. Random "deal killers" like a perpetual error that the automatic document feeder was jammed... On a printer with no automatic document feeder. :001_huh: We've had a Samsung laser printer for 4 years or so, that we got for around $60 because it was a floor model. No issues. And we bought an all in one (with an ADF) Brother a couple years ago on clearance for less than $30. Works great. And, just to up the ante, we order non-brand toner and ink dirt cheap and have never had an issue there, either. I think this trend we've fallen into, buying higher ticket printers on massive sale, is working out well.
  15. They haven't fully developed their frontal lobes. It's why children should be supervised; they really are not capable of thinking past the immediate entertainment. They are literally in that place where "it seemed like a good idea at the time". I really hope the woman hit recovers to full capacity, and that the boys get some counselling. That kind of stupid youthful mistake is a hell of a thing to carry with you, I would think.
  16. I parent very differently than I was parented. BUT... Much of what works with an only child doesn't flow so well when you have multiple children (I see this when friends with onlies come over to hang out, too). I definitely parent differently than my mother, but we are very, very different people and value different things - often in complete opposition to each other - so that, too, is more a product of difference than a conscious effort. Lastly, my children's childhood itself is different. We live in different times, in a different place than where I grew up. I had a lot more freedom than they do.
  17. I am thankful for my work, awesome co-workers, and the best group of members! Seriously. 4 a.m. comes awfully early, but I totally look forward to opening the doors with the early-morning guys at my heels.
  18. We live in an old, drafty house, made draftier by the horrible, evil "DIY" projects former owners did to it. (Seriously. I am amazed the house hasn't burned to the ground because of some of their projects, like walling over live, cut, bare wires... I'm not bitter.... I'm not bitter... I'm NOT bitter...) Anyway, we just added two new woodstoves (we have 3 fireplaces). One is a fireplace insert with a blower, so it moves heat out into the room. The other is a regular stove but also has a blower. That or a pellet insert would do wonders for the warmth. (We ordered ours through Northern Tool and paid half the cost of a single woodstove at local prices, including the shipping) I also have spent the past couple of fall seasons attacking drafts with spray foam, caulk and rope caulk (each in its appropriate application), which has made it significantly warmer in here.
  19. I have to share that this is by far the best GF pizza crust recipe I've found. (I just finished wolfing down yummy, yummy pizza) I have made some tweaks, though. I use Mama's Almond Blend flour (because I'm too lazy to make my own flour blend and keep track of all the different components and whether I have them in the house), and I tweaked the amounts of some things - generous cup of water, 1 T sugar, heaped T of yeast, 1.5 tsp gelatin (I double the recipe & 2 tsp was too much, same with salt)... And tonight I let it sit in the pans and proof a bit before par baking. A double recipe makes 2 large (14") pizzas and could easily make 2 16", if you don't fold the edges under. The crust is standard thin crust - crisp-chewy.
  20. For the spot she's sitting in, or the one HE is? :lol:
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