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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. When it's just us, we have prime rib, latkes, salad. That's what we had tonight because my husband is working tomorrow. In the past, when we've had extended family for dinner, it's been turkey, some kind of roast, or leg of lamb, and a ridiculous array of trimmings and desserts.
  2. My kids love going to the markets and getting goodies from the vendors, too. I would have had less of an issue with even just a random stranger giving them a treat if he'd not done it - literally - behind my back and then smirked at me and disappeared into the crowd when I asked them about it. It was that behaviour that set off the bells and whistles.
  3. Me, too! And I really should, but often don't. We did pre-assemble when they were little. (Santa doesn't wrap here) I can attest that there are approximately 3,000 twisty ties on the Weeble Treehouse. Thank goodness they're bigger now. The only thing assembled this year is a lacrosse goal. Whew.
  4. 7:30 GMT-5 and they are lingering over prime rib and latkes (and a weird Christmas cartoon) in front of the fire. NORAD has Santa at the west coast of Africa, heading to Western Europe. They'd better get eating!
  5. We were in the very crowded Amish market last year and I turned around to make sure I hadn't lost anyone, to find all three children had candy! I asked them if Mr. Eli (our cheese and egg guy, who routinely slips them treats) had given it to them, and they said no, it was that man and pointed to an older man who shot me a smirk as he walked by. :blink: no, sorry, strange man I don't know from the doorknob, you may not give my children candy. How can anyone even think that's ok?
  6. Whew. Yes, they changed their glaze recipe a few years ago. http://www.celiac.com/gluten-free/topic/74502-honey-baked-ham/
  7. No idea yet, but tonight we are going to our friends' house and I'm teaching her how to make latkes and maybe jelly donuts. (I'll make both gf) And she's going to take me for everything I have in "high stakes dreidel". :lol:
  8. To avoid withdrawal, might I suggest picking up an iPhone on your way? :lol: Have a GREAT time!!!
  9. I'd just send them Express Mail, insured. It's cheaper than UPS/FedEx, takes the same amount of time, has coverage... I've had many fewer issues with things getting lost with USPS than other carriers, and if they're insured then you can replace them easily should something happen.
  10. You don't get the same core stability component (using your core muscles to stabilize yourself while pedaling perched on the seat). Otherwise, you're exercising. Like any modification made to support limitations, the different position helps you participate in exercise to your ability. Never, ever a bad thing. :D The recumbent bikes are my first recommendation for clients with knee, back or balance challenges.
  11. I had the same experience. The icing was her deciding that, because I may have been a little nutty in my exhausted desperation, I am bipolar. Because THAT is the only plausible explanation for being exhausted and having run out of energy for "nice". :glare:
  12. Exactly. Other people's boundaries, no matter how plainly, frequently, or loudly stated, mean nothing. That is part of the narcissism. In my case, after many years of attempts with clearly defined and completely ignored boundaries set and defended by me, I had to go for total cutoff. I sent Christmas gifts. This will be her opening to challenge boundaries once again. :banghead: sigh.
  13. ^ this. Particularly the "necessary" part. I've felt compelled to reply to any number of threads and changed my mind because I'm reacting but not really adding anything of value to the dialogue. I hope I'm normally kind, but am usually blunt, so that may come across as something else. And, yes, I've noticed that our (global) filter seems to be slipping.
  14. :grouphug: you are held in love and warm thoughts while you move through this season. I hope it's a short one.
  15. Watergate salad. 4 ingredients, 10 minutes if you make whipped cream and don't use cool whip. So happy.
  16. My thought exactly. You may also be noticing "bulk" that happens when you build muscle tone but haven't lost the fat layer over it. This, too, shall pass. ;) I also have very suggestible muscles, and dancer's legs (as opposed to the long, lean runners' legs)... In my experience, my legs will never be skinny, so I'll go for ample and muscular rather than ample and fat. Because BrookValley's right: you can't change genetics.
  17. :iagree: and will add that the learning curve for the DIY sort is sort of steep for getting them to look nice and not fail.
  18. Us, too. We are fine with out of the house group activities,but tend to avoid those for prolonged periods in close quarters. I am also spearheading a campaign to bring back ladies' gloves: very cute and then you're not touching germy public surfaces with your hands. (Bonus: if everyone is wearing day gloves, I don't look like a nut. :D )
  19. Also, my holiday weight loss plan normally includes a less rigorous than usual training plan and sharing baked goods by the metric ton with those around me. I find fattening up the friends and coworkers goes a long way to making me thin and fit. :D
  20. I think your option #2 will give you a more well-rounded workout. Barre, Pilates, and yoga will all focus on core (knees to shoulders) conditioning. Add whatever cardio makes you happy. Triceps conditioning is always a challenge. Bench dips are effective and quick for specific focus there. I agree that life is too short to slog through an exercise pogram you dislike. Plus, it's unlikely to be effective when you're not mentally engaged - you tend to go through the motions without challenging yourself, or blow it off completely. (global "you")
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