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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. I recently read a poll that said that 90% of people think they look younger than their age. That cracked me up. 33-years old is very old...for a fruit fly. Given that the life expectancy for women is, what, late 70s? I think that 40+ years is a long time to consider yourself old.
  2. Some of the pork may indeed be beneficial to some people but the ends cannot justify the means.
  3. I've been in stores that have a size called "00". Seriously? Let's just go back to calling that a 2. My mom owns a bridal salon where the sizing runs the other way and you should watch people freak out when they've just bought a "00" at the mall and then she tells them they need to order a "6". Not good.
  4. Great stories! My kids impress me a lot with how kind they are. They are much nicer than I will ever be.
  5. :grouphug: Its not an easy thing, being the mom. I keep hoping I figure it out before my kids are grown.
  6. I didn't think it was as ripe for parody as other events like the Palin/Couric interview or the McCain/Obama debate. The funny bits were about Gwen Ifill and the "maverick" drinking game.
  7. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if an embryo attempted to break into the home of these ladies that embryo would be dealt the same hand.
  8. We do this too! The kids love it. I get them out of the stamp machine at my post office. It gives you change in dollar coins.
  9. Lands End has a nice selection of affordable, well made shoes.
  10. Not completely but I wouldn't hesitate to give it to my kids except that they wouldn't like the taste. I think your substitution will be great.
  11. I don't care what his politics are. The man is stone cold silver fox.
  12. I'm in Northern California and I consider it separate from Southern California because of the size of the state and the very different cultures. IMO, Lake Tahoe is the crown jewel. But San Francisco and Yosemite are close runner-ups.
  13. I think this is very well stated, if I can presume to be in a position to judge the wellness of any statement. I do not share your religious views nor do I share your views of homosexuality as immoral. I do believe it is most often biological and that from an evolutionary standpoint it is a flaw. But not a flaw of character. Even if one acts upon it. But even though I don't agree with you, I refuse to condemn you for your beliefs, even while that is the currently popular and accepted response to anyone who does not accept homosexual behavior (behavior and not orientation) as a moral choice. I refuse to treat your religion in a dismissive manner as crude and unrefined. If, in your actions you bring harm to no one, and treat those who oppose you with courtesy and respect then I would be ashamed to subject you to the kind of ridicule and slander that I too often hear directed toward people who share your beliefs.
  14. I live in Northern California...your party affiliation is assigned when you're born or when you move here. Signs are fine as long as they support the Democratic candidate and are cobbled together using recycled Crocs or woven out of hemp. Any first infraction of the law will result in a loss of your monthly allotment of fine Napa wines. A second infraction and you will lose your gym membership and be declared, "Too fat to live".
  15. Funny, I always think she sounds like she's from my (old) area. I get a little western MI/WI and a little MN/Dakotas and even a little Chicago.
  16. I do not know but I do remember buying a palette of that boxed milk from Costco only to open it up and pour a big glass of chunks. That was before the exp date. Its only ever happened the one time. It just indicates that at some point, bad stuff can happen.
  17. :lol: Also Biden: That's a good question but instead of answering it, let me tell you what we're not cutting! Palin: That's definitely a question but I'd like ta answer a question that no one's askin' instead. I'm already decided and I haven't watched the whole thing yet but so far it seems like pretty standard fare. Not as thinky as the Obama/McCain debate.
  18. No, you didn't misread. I was terse. I apologize. I did not see an earlier reference to not using cell phones. I thought you were saying that using a cell phone and using a keyboard employs the same motions. I do think that bending the elbows is part of using a keyboard no matter how you sit and I don't think his movement issues are limited to his shoulders. He can't tie his shoelaces and for that one reaches down.
  19. "Culturelle" brand has been studied by doctors investigating the effect of pre/probiotics on liver disease. I've been taking it for a few months and notice a difference in my overall gut wellness.
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