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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. My dd has been doing a theater camp for the last 3 years and she loves it. Its 3 weeks in the summer.
  2. We're using SWO and I am starting to notice an improvement in my daughter's spelling in her work. She's always done well on the tests but then didn't seem to carry it over before. I'm wondering if part of it is getting away from the "guess and go" spelling she was taught to do in school. I like SWO and will stick with it.
  3. I'm doing a chapter a week with my 5yo. No test. No activities except for an occasional coloring page. He's just not into crafts right now but he loves the story and the mapwork. I've been doing 2 chapters a week with my 8yo trying to get her working closer to the rotation schedule but we're slowing down now that we're doing Greece and Rome because there's a lot of great supplemental reading and the subject really interests her. She does do the quizzes.
  4. We're using SOTW for the first rotation but I'm really leaning toward a living books second and third rotation.
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