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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Found this from a menswear "expert": "There is no hard and fast rule about this. In general, the socks should be of the same general color (i.e. different shade of the same color) as the trousers, but should under no circumstances be lighter in color than either the trousers or the shoes. Read this next bit at your peril (It IS confusing): Of course, the shoes should match the trousers to a certain degree, and if, in this case, the socks are also to match and be as least as dark as the shoes (which they must), then the shoes should by extension be at most a different shade of the same color as the trousers. (end of confusing bit) If one follows the above strictly, then this will lead to a lot of monochromaticity. So one can't follow it strictly - what does one do then?! The answer is that the socks should be an extension of the trousers in appearance - the aim is to obscure the fact that the trousers have come above the shoeline, if such a thing happens. History has proven that this is best accomplished by the socks matching the trousers." Good luck!
  2. I think any combo could work. I chose the first just because that is what we are doing (DD 8 w/DD 3 and DS 6 alone). I find my older child is more tolerant of the 3-year old than my 6-year old would be. More careful about toys, more able to help the 3-year old keep the room tidy. :001_smile:
  3. I don't have anything yet...you know who has one...I think its Laura in China. Hope that helps. Yes...go to her blog and it is in the links.
  4. Can you describe it a little more? Does is feel like a "skipped" beat precedes the racing? Do you drink caffeine? If so, you might consider cutting back gradually (don't go cold turkey...not worth the literal headache). See if that helps. I do have some experience with this and after many tests it seems to be completely benign. But it is worth pursuing.
  5. I agree with using the broader term when its either known that the group is mixed gender or when its not clear and the narrower term when it is known that the group is limited to one gender. For sure the narrower term when referring to an individual. And while I try to be mindful of my usage I refuse to take umbrage with the usage of others' unless it seems spiteful or scolding (stubbornly refusing to use the broader term when appropriate or pointedly and needlessly using the broader term to prove how inclusive one is) which is rare. My father survived a massive stroke that destroyed the communication center of his brain and I've learned that being understood and being able to understand others trumps any of the nuances and semantics of communication.
  6. Great point. I was just remembering that my left a weird facts-of-life book laying around and I *think* I was supposed to find it and read it and it had drawings. I was a young teen. I felt like I was looking at contraband (I tended to do that...no diary or letter was off-limits to my prying) and the secrecy of it made me feel awful. Plus, I in no way felt like I could ask anyone about it. I knew my mother was so uncomfortable with any discussion of s*x. But, I guess the fact that I'm only remembering it now means the picture, even under those circumstances, didn't seer a horrible impression into my psyche.
  7. Count me as one more who is usually a stickler for accuracy that has still found SOTW to be an invaluable resource for introducing history to my kids. We use CHOW with it. I haven't really seen anything else though. I was happy where I landed.
  8. Thanks for the tip! I have an account now that will be up in November...I'm wondering if I need to get on board with a group buy NOW or if I can renew at the rate I paid initially. Sounds like I can. Did I understand that correctly? Sorry to be so dense about it.
  9. I think so much is dependent on *how* its presented. Even more than so than what is actually presented. If one is uncomfortable with the picture then don't show it because your discomfort will come across. Whatever method/age allows you to comfortably discuss the facts of life so that kids won't be scared or alarmed about sex is probably best. Right? I hope so because that's what I'm trying to do. My parents didn't let me see "the movie" in sixth grade because they wanted to tell me themselves. They then proceeded to never tell me. I got my period when I was almost 14 and thank goodness for my friends because I did know what to do but it could just have easily gone another way. I've been telling my daughter as she asks and have used books. I've used her reactions as a guide to how much to tell...when she stops asking questions, I stop explaining. When she asked how babies are made we read about eggs and sperm but not how one got to the other...until she asked that. I haven't seen the picture but my initial reaction was, "Good grief, no." I think I would be so uncomfortable with that. But, my oldest is only 9...when she's 13, who knows...maybe I'll be ready. Kathleen, I'm so sorry. You're inspiring in your ability to get any clarity on the subject after going through that.
  10. I'm starting our second year and all I can tell you is that the first year is full of surprises. Most of them good. It takes a while to hit your stride so I would just say to go easy on yourself. I stressed over how long our days were but I probably shouldn't have. It takes that long in the beginning to work out the bugs...even if you did nothing to tweak your schedule your days would naturally get shorter over time. Reading this board helped me along during the first year and helped me prepare for the second year. But nothing beats actually being in the trenches. Best!
  11. I purchased DS with Homeschool Buyers' last year. Do I need to purchase it again this year or is there a renewal rate? How does this work? I'm having a devil of a time finding info on that.
  12. We were going to start the Tuesday after Labor Day but had the chance to go on vacation that week. Anyone starting on Monday with us?
  13. Looking forward to getting started.
  14. I tend to be more moderate so I'm not 100% comfortable with everything that was said but then...no one is ever going to appeal to me completely. I try to find the balance between what I want and what I can live with...I think that has to be what most true moderates are forced to do. I think we're just dealing with a classic election where in the end its going to boil down to ideology. I just don't think there are scads of undecided moderates out there. Some, sure, but not enough to sway it. The important thing is going to be to get your base to the polls to actually vote because I don't think there's going to be a lot of splitting the middle this go-round. People know how they're voting for the most part. Both sides are just trying to get people fired up enough to actually vote.
  15. Remember that this was the Republican Convention and everything is meant to rally the base. Its like a pep rally, so, yeah, it gets a little contentious when the other team is referenced. That's the tradition and the Democratic convention went the same way...as it should have...that was their pep rally. Also, saying "Islamic terrorist" isn't the same as saying Muslim = terrorist. I understand that there is a subset of the population who doesn't make a distinction but this wasn't addressed to them. I can see where this would be uncomfortable and it raised my eyebrows because it was a loaded phrase and I knew how it was going to play to non-conservatives but I also don't think it was out-of-line or prejudicial. I think she did a fine job. She sure didn't look like the small town goober that the mainstream media has been trying to dish up for the last week. She proves that smart and small town are not opposites. She speaks to those of us from oft maligned parts of the country who are sick to death of the coastal elitism we deal with on a daily basis.
  16. Thanks for the replies so far. I feel better that it seems to be, based on this anecdotal evidence, fairly common. It does make me feel better that they can stay buds for a while. I will try to remember to breathe. I want to mention that I wrote a bad sentence because it made it sound like dd was excited about developing. She was excited by the tooth fairy and seems oblivious to developing breasts. I'm in shock because I was a late bloomer AND my blooming was, um, rather subtle. Also because she's always been significantly smaller than kids her age. I brought her home from school last year, in part to preserve her childhood...hadn't banked on this thing I can't control. Good point about the father's genes. The women on her father's side are probably early developers. It would be easier to deal with that as the source rather than soy products (we eat 'em) or hormone laced dairy (we eat some of those too). Is this considered early puberty?
  17. My oldest dd will be 9 in one month. She has developed breast buds seemingly overnight. I was a late bloomer so I'm puzzled and, to be honest, alarmed. She seems so young. Her tooth fell out the same day I noticed and I realized I had a kid that was excited about the tooth fairy and developing. Can some moms with older daughters please help me navigate these waters? Is this a "normal" age for this? I really trust the moms here at WTM so I wanted to ask here first. Thanks.
  18. You'll post pictures, right? I would love to see them!
  19. Wow. Thanks for the heads-up. We start in another week (dh vacation time happened to coincide with my original start day of Monday) and it will be good to remember this as it is only our second year. I am also going to back-up my hard drive, tonight.
  20. How much is it now? I've had mine since last year. I've gotten my use out of it. I think I could have gotten by without it if I had to choose between this and something else though.
  21. Great space! Love the cat! And that huge window...we could use more light in our room.
  22. Be relentless with your insurance company. They may try to discourage you by having you jump through endless hoops to get coverage but usually you can get at least part of the therapy covered. But they are gambling on you giving up. Nothing personal, I guess, just business.
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