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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. I got the "Server Busy" notice too. My dh ran a check for ninjas. Negative. :D
  2. I probably wouldn't have said anything while the other kids were there except, "Yes, she will." If I felt it had made some impression on my kid I might talk to her later. I have ample evidence among my dh's family that you can actually do these things in any order you like (even if you are only 14) so I couldn't say, "That's the only way...". But I do give reasons why I think its the preferred way.
  3. Interesting. It seems like lots of countries struggle to balance compassion for humanity with maintaining a reasonable quality of life for its own citizens and ensuring safe borders. Of course, it can be satisfying to blame uncontrolled xenophobia and greed but I'm not that cynical yet.
  4. Not at all helpful but your question made me think of the old Vulcan proverb: Only Nixon could go to China.
  5. IMO, it isn't mean to make them drink water. Its mean to look the other way at the expense of their health. They will thank you later. My mom was pretty strict with our diets by the standards of the 1970s. Very little juice. No other soft drinks. No sugary cereals etc. I wasn't a fan of that at the time. As it turns out, I have a fairly serious health condition that could have been a lot worse without her restrictions early in my development. And thanks for the heads-up. I'm going to track our sugar intake next week. I bet I'm going to be horrified.
  6. Our indoor cat recently got fleas and, I hate to tell you, but it was about 2 months before they were really gone. The whole flea life cycle thing is a little complicated and if they are in the carpet or furniture then Advantage isn't helping that and your pet is picking them up again and then the flea has to bite them before they die. But it will work...give it time and treat all bedding, furniture etc. Good luck. I feel your pain.
  7. "I. Am. Bulletproof." "Oprah - What's the Deal with Her?"
  8. Yes, I've yet to be invited to a Bunco game. The last sales party I went to involved clothing and when a long black skirt was shown someone said, "Meh. That looks like something I'd wear if I were homeschooling my kids." That was met with hearty laughter. Then a few minutes later someone started talking about how "disgusting" it was to nurse a child older than 1. I realized I was really in the wrong place.
  9. I've kind of adopted the term "play date" to cover any get-together with kids/friends that requires me to drive. The phrase is kind of gross, I guess, but I got over that a long time ago.
  10. I agree, its completely ridiculous and has an element literary snobbery but I just can't help it. If I see that stamp I don't even look at the book. If someone brings it to my attention against my will, I'll hear them out but otherwise...no. There's nothing logical about it. Just a visceral reaction. I do have some bias against best sellers and all of her picks become best sellers. I'm sure that's part of it. Sometimes when the world says zig I can't fight my urge to zag. It will probably be my downfall.
  11. :lol::lol:;):D Completely joking. I also try not to read an Oprah pick unless directed to do so by my bookclub.
  12. The part that upset me was that I watched every single day and she never had the author on to explain why the book is so darned long. Or the names. Hello? Confuzzling! Oprah. What's with her?
  13. Wait...I feel closer to an ape than a cow. In fact, I feel downright primate-ish.
  14. As you can see, it sounds like migraines. The good news is that you can learn to live with migraines once they're identified. Best wishes.
  15. :lol: It didn't come with sound effects so I added them in my head. As if my neighbor would worry about the weeds. If they did that where would the rats hide? True story. Vector control has already warned them, to no avail. So, I was picturing them getting in my face about gun control while their rats sneak into my garage. And well, you already wrote the ending.:001_smile:
  16. I took a moment to picture that scene and let it play out for a while but by the time I got to small claims court the election was over. I really hope no one takes that literally. Aw, who am I kidding? I totally want to see this.
  17. I'm using LL with my 8yo and I'm wondering if Minimus would be a good choice for a 6yo who has strong reading skills. Or will it be enough to start him with LL in 2 years? Any opinions appreciated.
  18. We are doing FLL with WWE. FLL covers grammar and is also a very low-key and easy to approach program (mostly oral) that I've found to be a big success. If I were going to do just one I'd do FLL but I'd hate to have to give one up. It just really works for all of us.
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