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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Bill Bryson's, "The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid". I also just finished Stella Gibbons' "Cold Comfort Farm". Really funny.
  2. If you really feel she's unqualified then you shouldn't vote for them no matter what McCain's age and health. As as been pointed out, JFK was a young man of good health. Richard Nixon was not older. My point is, one doesn't need to make age the issue. Lack of qualifications is enough. But if we want to make age an issue, according to the statistics, where should we set the upper limit for age?
  3. I don't follow the logic for why a VP choice one doesn't like makes ageism acceptable. It makes more sense to me to say, "Sarah Palin is unqualified to serve as President. Part of the duty of the VP is to step in as President should circumstances (the death, resignation or conviction of the president) require it. Therefore, I will not vote for McCain/Palin ticket." Then one doesn't even need to make the specious age argument.
  4. Without agreeing with you about McCain specifically I can still say that these all seem like legitimate reasons to be opposed to a candidate. Up until the insertion of the ageism.
  5. Good point, my grandfather had leukemia for about 25 years (probably longer, that was just the point that they incidentally discovered it in his blood work) before he died of, not leukemia at the age of 82. He also did not die of the recurring skin cancer he had. He was very active up until his unexpected death. ETA: I bring up these anecdotes not to prove anything other than anecdotal evidence is not at all helpful in this decision. It neither proves nor disproves his fitness although our experiences will certainly impact the way we view aging and illness. In my family and social circle there are quite a number of cancer surivors and I would hate to see discrimination against them in this manner. We can speculate on why McCain is guarded about his records. Maybe its a principle thing. Maybe he doesn't want things misinterpreted by a press that is increasing hostile toward him. Maybe he's hiding something. Its okay for you to decide not to vote for him based upon that but I would caution against making it standard to make full disclosure of potential health issues a qualification for jobs.
  6. Ha! I watched the show but I don't remember him. I'll have to check it out.
  7. I believe his has quit or is trying to quit since the start of the campaign. I wish him luck because I know it is a hard thing to do.
  8. Well, no, of course it doesn't make you fascist. But I do disagree that beyond a general disclosure of health we should require any more from our government officials for the reasons I've already stated. I also thought it was absurd when people were making a fuss about Obama's smoking and the risk of that. Most people who smoke actually don't get lung cancer. That also points to an issue of misunderstandings on health issues and common myths associated with certain illnesses and behaviors. Dangerous territory. And you can't put that genie back in the bottle.
  9. I also apologize if my tone is more harsh than I intend it. I'm afraid there is no appropriate smiley for serious but not ferocious. Graphic designers? I still contend that this is a dangerous area. Also, this kind of thing would be unacceptable practice in the private sector. Potential for illness should not be a figurative litmus test. Actual current illness that interferes with how one performs a job (blind airline pilot) is another.
  10. It was hilarious. SNL is at its best when its an equal opportunity skewering.
  11. Ted Kennedy, with no history, now has brain cancer. Maybe we should collect DNA on our government officials to see which ones are susceptible to cancer and if they don't meet a minimum standard then not allow them to continue to serve or to run at all.
  12. Also, for a guy who has been as busy as he has I didn't think he was looking any worse for wear at the debate. Its weird to me that people suggest that cancer survivors shouldn't run for president. Or that we can't utilize the wisdom of our older citizens in the operation of our government. It feels like slippery slope to all kinds of accepted prejudices against perceived physical shortcomings that don't affect how people do their jobs now but could maybe possibly affect future performance.
  13. At 72, all of my grandparents that I knew, bio and step, were very active, still working full time jobs as an automotive engineer, an accountant and an administrative assistant. My great grandmother was independent until she was 95. My great uncle passed away last year at the age of 112. I have a set of grandparents whom I have never met who are in their late 70s and from accounts they appear to be doing well in spite of harsh living conditions (extreme poverty, war). I also have a sister-in-law that died very suddenly and unexpectedly 2 years ago at the age of 40 and at 41 my father had a massive stroke that left him brain damaged. I will not be making age a consideration but then, I'm in the tank for McCain.
  14. Any updates? We finished Lesson 10 last week. Just wondering if there's a tentative date for shipment and/or plans to post additional lessons. Thanks for any information.
  15. The Little House series read by, I think Cherry Jones is fantastic. Also, anything by Greathall productions.
  16. Enjoy your time in VT. I lived there for a short time and there is no place like it. Gorgeous. Sorry I cannot help with recommendations...its been 11 years since I was there.
  17. What a great life. You can't be unhappy about having lived a life like that.
  18. I'm so sorry. Guinea pigs are so lovable. A few months back ours had a wonky ear that looked like it was just disintegrating and when we noticed that we noticed a large lump on his head. He was treated with some cream and an antibiotic and we switched bedding. Happy to say that he snapped right back! Best wishes for a similarly swift recovery.
  19. Any relief I felt at the rep system being dead was replaced by complete confusion over the new system. I'm not even going to try to figure it out.
  20. If you are just using the workbook then I don't think its really necessary. It does have some handy tips but they are extraneous.
  21. :grouphug: I am so sorry...everyday...awful. You've gotten some great advice. Here's to it working!
  22. No, no. Its me. Touchier about it than I had thought, I guess. Good to know. In fairness, the woman doesn't know about my son either. We're very fortunate that his case is mild (though he did get the physical problems that go along with it just for good measure). I guess I'm just used to moms cutting other moms some slack. And I guess I'm lucky that these episodes are far and few between. And,wow, what awesome thoughtful comments from everyone...thank you!
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