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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Dismissive *gesture*. Cautious taunting of board PTB and Patrick Henry style offer to sacrifice board privileges in exchange for freedom of expression. Comment taking a step back from previous comment. ;)
  2. Gack! I was feeling bad about the way your night went but the 6:30am thing...that's just wrong.
  3. Cut and paste board rules for political posts. Emphasis on your infractions of said rules. And it is fun now that more people are playing! :lol:
  4. :lol::lol: Stoic quote from universally respected American intended to shame and silence you. Appeal to your sense of unity and/or patriotism. Rhetorical question that's really just a thinly veiled insult. Inappropriately cheerful sign-off.
  5. Aw, shucks...you guys are funny. I'm glad I found my way to this board.

  6. :lol: Okay, but what about Jimmy Buffet and Madonna?
  7. :grouphug::grouphug: The waiting can be so hard. Does this help? I found it at mayoclinic.com: Most breast lumps — as many as four out of five that are biopsied — are noncancerous (benign). :grouphug:
  8. Hey, thanks and right backatcha. I love your avatar, btw.

  9. :seeya: ETA: This smiley is labeled, "see ya", but I meant it as "hello".
  10. Disclaimer stating that I am not intending to cause trouble but am just providing very important information. Hyperlink to article from reputable news source indicting candidate I do not support. Passive/aggressive comment about hypocrisy of said candidate and those who support him. :D Commentary on sad state of affairs of our world when anyone would lend their support to said candidate.:tongue_smilie: Unbridled support of candidate I do support.
  11. I agree with this even though I have been guilty of exactly the kind of rampant consumerism I now view with horror. That being said, I'm deeply uncomfortable with passing judgment on someone who would buy a $13 bookmark if that's the only thing I know about them. For instance, what if instead of the usual lavish display of gifts a family decided to get meaningful token gifts instead and one person presented another one with just a bookmark that was less than $15. An indulgence but a minor indulgence compared to some and one related to reading. I personally use bookmarks that have cost upwards of $100. For some reason, I find myself grabbing the grocery receipt for bookmarking.
  12. I could throttle my adorable cat when I look at my furniture but I don't and I could never remove her claws.
  13. It feels wrong to me for people to judge pretty women as incompetent based on their looks in the same way that it feels wrong to judge people in a positive way based just on their looks. In that environment, a young, attractive woman could never assume high level positions in the way a young, attractive man (Kennedy, Obama) could.
  14. :iagree: I've seen talk about hijacking threads but in threads of this nature I think it has to be expected that tangential but related issues are going to arise and some of those issues may take on a life of their own. That doesn't mean discussion of the original issue can't continue.
  15. :iagree: Magazines like Newsweek don't just throw the thing together. Few things are left to chance. When they choose not to retouch someone's photo there is a reason. Its wasn't just something they overlooked. They didn't just say, "She looks good enough!" Even models who are paid to be beautiful and require as little retouching as possible get retouched. Covers are a serious matter in this industry and lots of work goes into making sure they are delivering the message and selling the magazine. This was definitely an editorial decision and it was entirely their right to make this decision. I rolled my eyes when the magazine arrived but I wasn't outraged. We still have a free press...for now.
  16. I think she looks fine but its more a fairness issue. Everyone gets retouched. Typically, her eyeliner would have been softened and the shadows of her nasolabial folds lightened at the least. One can argue about whether or not magazines should but the fact is that they do. Usually. Just not this time. She doesn't need much retouching. Lucky lady.
  17. This is getting worse. I have never said that they should be left to die. I said that it wasn't a right but it was a responsibility. And it isn't "has had", I wish.
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