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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. I'm only about 60 pages into it (what is that, like 1/5000 of the book?) but the one thing I wasn't expecting is how lovely the writing is. Its actually totally engaging.
  2. "Atlas Shrugged". I figured now was a good time.
  3. Notes waning interest in topic and cattily announces how glad she is that this thread is finally dead which bumps thread back to the top, instigating more incendiary posts and starting a few new flame wars and several spin-offs.
  4. You're too kind. It was great fun, wasn't it?

  5. I knew two kids who had this issue when we were kids. Everything totally fine and then all of suddenly they started wetting themselves. Both turned out to have a medical issue. Both are also happy, healthy adults today so it wasn't something devastating but it did need to be addressed by a doctor.
  6. There are things you can do with jeans to "customize" your fit. Especially jeans that stretch like crazy. Drying them can obviously shrink them but the results are usually temporary. Buying them one size smaller than you're really comfortable with and then getting them damp dry and wearing them for 15 or 20 minutes is another (sitting and stretching to really break them in). Then hang dry. I think anything higher than an 8" rise is going to be mumsy and anything lower than 7.5 is going to be underpants city but it will vary depending upon the length of your torso.
  7. Cites single instance of said news source leaning begrudgingly the other way as proof that bias in this particular publication is perceived and not real. Immediately contradicts this statement with attacks on media across the board. Slams political blogs. Suggests only real way to get truly accurate news is from holding shells to your ear. Is not joking.
  8. I would definitely be interested in a book club social group. I don't read tons of books in a year but would enjoy reading the reviews.
  9. You may never get to the point where you see a pizza and think, "I don't even want that!" But you will get to a point where salads taste great and you crave certain veggies and you think about the other stuff less. And I find I'm way more discerning about indulgence food...if its not something I really really like I won't even bother. Before I'd just eat anything that was close.
  10. I gained a lot of weight after my first two and I did not wear it well. I went from caring deeply to nothing. It was a phase that lasted about 4 years and 2 kids so I can't blame it just on being a new mom. After I finally got down to a more reasonable weight for my height I started caring again. I had a phase where I cared about it A LOT and that tapered off to what I now think is a reasonable balance but what I'm sure is seen by some as unreasonable vanity. Although I'm not sure I'd call it trying to be 'hot'. I think once I got the minivan and started saying stuff like, "The next person who picks their nose has to pick the nose of everyone in this line", and, "Who has a poopy diaper? I know its not me", that was over for me. At this point I'm settling for "Clearly Exhausted But Trying".
  11. Ha! That was way more cathartic than I'd even intended. I was just being silly. Love your last post. Bunny hop.

  12. Whew! It only goes to show how truly civilized and reasonable we both really are. :D
  13. I took one look at one and got short of breath. Nope, not happening.
  14. Feels slighted at high-handed reminder that I'm a newer member of the board. Makes mental note of offending posters so I can low-star any of their threads.
  15. Points out that Glenn Close is obviously a former KGB spy or NeoCon CIA operative. Cites movie roles as evidence either way. Blasts Hollywood in general as town of rampant debauchery and reverse-McCarthyism OR insists Hollywood is a corporate harlot and not that liberal. Suggests Paris Hilton will be given cabinet position if my candidate loses.
  16. *SNORT* Snide remark about maturity level of some posters who claim to be adults because I'm totally mad that I fell for it.
  17. :lol::lol: Feigned confusion. Proclamations of innocence. Insistence on my complete compliance with board rules and conventions. Righteous indignation at any suggestion of anything other than complete tact and tolerance on my part. Sophisticated language suggesting that I'm rubber and you're glue.
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