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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Whatever I said, I'm sorry! Please don't report me! :lol:
  2. But, Obama will also likely fill 3 seats on the bench and, IMO, has the backing of the MSM. That's a lot of just one voice. I get that in a system with free elections whichever philosophy wins the elections earns the right to set the agenda, I'm just not sure this will be the best thing for everyone. Not as in, "I'm totally sure and just saying I'm not sure", but as in, "I can't predict the future but I'm not sure this is a good idea and it makes me uneasy."
  3. "Yes, but if you rip off their wings they'll eat whatever you give them" -Kelly Bundy
  4. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122428260748146061.html "How Obama Would Stife Drug Innovation"
  5. :iagree: Mostly. My mother is from a communist country and still marvels at being free to say whatever she wants to about the heads of state in this country. My grandfather spent five years in a prison camp for speaking out against the regime. I'm not embarrassed by our country or its citizens. I support someone's right to feel embarrassed and scream it from the rooftops. I don't get it, but I support it.
  6. It has nothing to do with other people's kids. Its watching mine not be babies. That makes me sad. My baby is 3.5 and I'd love another but, it wouldn't be prudent...not at this juncture.
  7. The banana reminded him of his greater purpose. He discarded the peel and was about to move inland when a voice shouted above the night, "Hey Bloke, is this your rubbish?" John panicked. There was no way he was in Tubal, Arkansas. ***singlehandedly! SNORT.*****
  8. "That MUSIC MAN taught us everything we know about pyrotechnics. And the tuba!" Mary retorted as she reached into her handbag.
  9. Sweet. My grandfather met my grandmother on an R&R in Australia (I know its not the same). The marriage was a disaster but the courtship, I understand, was rather nice.
  10. "Are you kidding me with this," John sputtered in exasperated rage, "You wore the shoes again? Even after the incident in Gary, Indiana?"
  11. This is the exact age when kids discover real lying. Its so upsetting, especially if its a hot button issue for you already, but this is developmentally normal. Not to say it doesn't need to be addressed but its probably not necessarily a character trait just yet. Good luck...its one of my least favorite phases.
  12. Yeah, I figured the time period. The stock response is terrible. It doesn't fit into the song at all.
  13. Amusing. But, I think a large number of Americans find everything said with a British accent to be perfectly acceptable. I know that I do. A British person could berate me by shouting at me the most vile, disgusting, vulgar, obscenity-ladened tirade ever heard on the face of the earth and I'd probably respond by shaking my head and chuckling, "The British have the most droll sense of humor. Sometimes it seems like they aren't even trying to be funny." That is why British people hate me. All kidding aside, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. And I once dated an exchange student from Wales who liked to say that he got me to go out with him because of his accent. I acted completely repulsed by the idea but it was like, easily 70% of the reason.
  14. Oh, no, that's terrible news. I certainly hope you find an alternative with as little anxiety as possible. :sad:
  15. Well, that all sounds a bit discouraging. I also prefer to not have to secularize materials but I guess I will if I have to. Thanks for the heads up. I will start looking at my options now.
  16. Hahahaha! I just knew y'all would appreciate this as much as I did. I can see why the NRA loves Sarah Palin...check out her guns!
  17. I wouldn't put too much thought into it, Alphabet Pam (I love that). Its a throw-away term from a rival camp that reflects how I, predictably, feel about their site. Its like my husband's old basketball team used to play a team from Scottville and they called them the Scottville "Villains". Then after the game everyone shook hands and went for ice cream. I hadn't read further down and didn't realize how ugly this thread had gotten or I wouldn't have posted at all.
  18. Sure! Its a pejorative term used to describe the rabble rousers at Daily Kos. The scoundrels.
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