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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Bothers me. This whole thing is very Kos Kids. Yes, Joe the Plumbing Apprentice is not voting for Obama...let it go.
  2. I can't pretend I think daycare is a good idea but a friend of mine recently said something that really struck me. She is also home schooling her kids and said that it was really important to her that she has CHOSEN this route for her family but that it would less meaningful if it weren't a true choice...that is if people didn't have the option to legitimately choose something else. I have to agree with her. My choice is only meaningful because its a true choice.
  3. I sure hope Lorne doesn't talk her into that. She should keep all her stuff covered. I can't wait to watch.
  4. Oh, there's everything wrong with it...that's why I wanted it to be real. I'm not right.:lol:
  5. Wow, we had the exact opposite reaction! :lol:
  6. I love Caroline. Its such a solid classic with cute nickname options. Warning: The new version of "Beyond Jennifer and Jason, Madison and Montana" is going to be called, "Beyond Ava and Aiden", reflecting how popular those names are. That may not be an issue for you.
  7. I saw that Megan Mullaly is going to be on 30 Rock with Tina Fey and I thought, what fun it would be if you got Megan, Tina and Sarah in the same room.
  8. Yes, and my UPS guy recognizes me whenever I see him around town. Terrible. I need to start going to stores.
  9. I was strongly leaning toward voting for Clinton because she was a woman. For some people, the thing they feel most strongly about is seeing certain groups represented in high levels of government. That's the issue that drives them. So, I don't see a vote for someone b/c they are a particular race as racist unless that person is absurdly unqualified and IMO, Obama does not fall into this category. Now, I don't know if I could have ultimately gone through with it. I imagine that over the course of the campaign I would have resumed being more concerned with matters other than gender parity but for a moment I did understand how a person could vote for a person b/c of an immutable characteristic and do so in good conscience.
  10. Best wishes!! :cheers2: Pretend they're foamy lattes.
  11. Oh man. I was dyin' when I heard that one. All the Clinton jokes were hilarious. After watching that the SNL debate skit kind of paled in comparison although the image of Obama talking to an imaginary, tiny Joe the Plumber is burned in my brain forever.
  12. It was a great and welcome relief, wasn't it? :001_smile: Favorite lines: "Barack is actually Swahili for 'that one'" "What they don't know is that Joe the Plumber recently signed a very lucrative contract with a wealthy couple to handle all the work on all seven of their houses" :lol:
  13. I'm very happy for you and your family. :001_smile:
  14. Wow. Awesome. Much better than what I used to use them for. I kid. I never did that. But what am I going to with my Culture Club tapes once I nab the case?
  15. Ditto. Its a good reminder to be vigilant in places where people expect you to not pay as close attention. Thank you.
  16. Just voted. Still a tie. Wow, tough race.:001_smile:
  17. Anyone watched/watching? Funny stuff and man, everyone looks like a million bucks. I think Katie has a cool mill hanging around her neck.
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