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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. That's exactly the same number of times I googled, "Dick and Jane".
  2. A friend of mine was helping her mom clean the attic after her father died and they noticed a loose board and under the attic floor were dozens of boxes of women's shoes. Then they found boxes with pictures of women feet in shoes, coffee table books about women's shoes etc. But the part of the story that struck me as funny was she told us about it at a tea party for our young daughters as if it were just some quirky collection, like they had found out her dad had a thing for Hummel figurines. I almost choked to death on a scone trying to keep a neutral face. Inside I was screaming, "WHA WHA WHAT!?" :willy_nilly:
  3. I am so happy for you! Frankly, I find your attitude and approach to life very inspiring. :001_smile:
  4. Unless Paris can restore the part of my brain that committed suicide when I stupidly clicked a link to a certain paparazzi photo of her getting out of a car then she will NEVER have paid her fair share.
  5. :lol: Seriously. Who the heck does Jupiter think it is? You're a good mom.
  6. So is that how we're going to determine what wealth actually means? What people on the bottom consider wealthy? Should that also be where we go to determine what everything means. Go to the least educated to decide what it means to be educated? Find the dirtiest house and use that as a measure of what's clean by comparison? I have many relatives living on about $450/year (in the Third World). To them, 5x that would be wealthy. But it wouldn't be to us. So, yes, it is relative to other factors and living comfortably is not the same as being wealthy.
  7. I have avoided opening this thread out of fear. But now that I see it I'm very: :willy_nilly: Ahhhh! *takes ALL shoes inside*
  8. This could have been posted before the debate and achieved the same results.
  9. You are right. I was confused. It won't be the last time for either of those events I'm sure.
  10. Hey, I know an adorable little boy who has the middle name of August. Not naming names. Oh, wait...
  11. Annnnnd...there it is...my son's middle name (almost his first name) finally made the list! :D
  12. I started drinking as soon as it started and I'm not stopping until November 5. Its not so much a game as it is self-medicating but I can't recommend it too highly.
  13. My husband didn't speak any words until he was three. Just babbled. He seems okay now although there are days... I don't think it has to mean something is wrong. In fact, I think the odds are in favor of this being nothing to worry about.
  14. But can we legislate or tax people into being more compassionate? Is that appropriate?
  15. Color matters! I'm a traditionalist. I also stay far from candy corn b/c once I start, I can't stop.
  16. I'm completely opposed to taxing income. I love the idea of a flat tax.
  17. I'm not sure I even want to see it in black and white. Each older child gets 30 minutes of computer 4 or 5 days a week. Each child gets to watch one 30 minute show of their choice but, of course, they all watch together. And they sometimes watch each other play computer. So that's up to 2.5 hours of screen time about 5 days/week on average.
  18. Okay, well, I will say that, like many big cities, what goes on in the areas surrounding the city proper do not reflect what happens in the city. There is a lot of wealth in SF and it drops off considerably outside of the city, picking up again in pockets here and there.
  19. I'll take your word for it. I certainly don't trust my head for statistics. Its not what I see here but my anecdotal information is limited in scope. ETA: Is your information for all of the Bay Area or just San Francisco? That would make a considerable difference. I'm seeing a page with similar results but it includes the Bay Area beyond San Francisco.
  20. I haven't called anyone a socialist although I wouldn't hesitate to do so if I felt it were accurate. And I certainly mean for it to be outright negative. No decoder ring required. I have said that the bail-out was steering us in the direction of socialism and my disappointment with it extends to the Bush administration and John McCain. I do feel that Obama's policies veer sharply in the direction of socialism even if he and his supporters feel that they can enforce these policies and maintain democratic ideals. I disagree that they can keep the camel out of the tent once they let him put his nose inside. (FLL anyone?)
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