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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. :grouphug: IIRC, Hodgkins is a very treatable cancer with a super high success rate. The early weeks after diagnosis with something like this are very difficult so :grouphug::grouphug:
  2. You know, I had a very long response to this typed up and when I went to submit, my mouse battery died. I'm glad it did because my response was too personal and I don't owe you any explanations. Please feel free to think that I have no idea about life threatening chronic illnesses and debt related to medical costs. I'm just sitting in my ivory palace keeping all the goodies to myself.
  3. Then you would be VERY VERY wrong on that point. Very.
  4. I had a child that had RSV as an infant and then pneumonia 4 times in one winter. I would get very angry about people bringing their sick kids around to places. My option was to keep her home ALL of the time so that they didn't have to keep their kids home at all ever. I still have this child but her lungs finally healed and she doesn't get that sick anymore. Every cold turns into bronchitis but no more asthma and no more pneumonia. Knock wood. But, a runny nose w/o a fever isn't really a big deal.
  5. Actually, I've said that government has a responsibility to provide access to health care to its populace. Your original statement was more broad than health care. I was responding to that. It seems that some people feel that if you don't believe that the government's job is to redistribute all the money equally then you lack compassion.
  6. Try MedHelp. They often have expert forums where you can ask a question or search to see if someone else has asked it and had one of the physicians answer.
  7. Why would taking government out of the equation mean that it would be every man for himself? Is it the thinking that without being strong-armed into it people wouldn't help other people? Are people really only charitable when they are being forced into it? Is there really such a shortage of compassion among people such that only a select few manage to have any?
  8. :lol: But I think the point is to go the other way with it. To take your disagreement into the sign-off so as not to appear pandering or phony or sarcastic. Disagreeably yours, Zelda (MISS Zelda to you!) See, I dunno. I like, "Cheers", better. :D
  9. I don't think anyone claimed that the the rich had a right to health care that the non-rich do not. That's confusing "rights" with "access". Rich people eat in nicer restaurants than I do, not because it is their right but because their money affords them access. It can be argued that health care is indeed a right but it can't be suggested that anyone here said that health care was a right only for the rich.
  10. Education is not, IMO, a right. It is a privilege and it is in government's best interest to see to it that the populace is educated by providing access to a basic education. It is the responsibility of parents to see to their individual children's education in whatever way they deem fit.
  11. "Cheers" is in my signature line. I don't change that from one post to another.
  12. I love the bit about bargain hunters. You mean people who buy stocks at one price hoping to one day sell them at a higher price? What a strange concept.
  13. I see healthcare as a privilege and governments have a responsibility to see to it that as many citizens as possible have access to it. A healthy populace is of key importance to any state. A government who would ignore it would do so at its own risk. In no way do I see it as a right.
  14. :lol: What a great thing to hear and what a great thing for him to see. Hope he's better soon!
  15. Not to mention that there is a huge difference between training the unformed mind and providing comfort to a mind in decline. I know of few cultures that would advocate treating children with the exact same level of deference we would pay to our elderly. Very strange. The child was offered a perfectly fine meal. If she chose not to eat it then I wouldn't make her another meal. She could go without until the next meal.
  16. I had no idea. I guess a cheerleading outfit makes everyone seem younger. Hmmm...
  17. Big "I do not know" from me. I just keep trying. Everyday. Falling down a lot but working hard to not become so discouraged that I give up. I hope someone has a better answer.
  18. :grouphug: Done. My mother said incredibly angry and hurtful things to me just about everyday. Sometimes they weren't so bad and were along the lines of what you describe (she really dislikes her mother-in-law). A lot of hurt can be forgiven with an admission of wrong-doing (not excusing her behavior, natch) and a hug and love. 35 years later I got the admission of wrong-doing. Know what? It worked. I never got the hug or love (everyone now, awwwww) so I can only imagine how comforting they would have been if a super duper late apology took away so much resentment. Anyway, you'll have to fight me for the trophy today.
  19. That makes sense. I'm 36 for a few more weeks, btw. I notice things are different and I can't get by on 5 hours of sleep anymore but I have a great-grandma who is 98. She would not be happy if she heard me calling myself old at 36.
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