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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. We've been insanely fortunate when it comes to OTs. We've had a couple (they have this thing about getting married and having kids) and they've all been fantastic. Maybe its just the kind of person drawn to the field.
  2. Yes, I can see that now. I think the word of the OP has been changed to better reflect what was intended b/c it truly wasn't clear originally. Hence my total confusion.
  3. Yeah, I just saw your comment and I have to say, I'm totally confused. It does sound as if both parties in the matter are being chastened.
  4. :iagree: Its not like she giggled and pretend slapped him and said, "Oh you naughty man." The faux pas is entirely his, IMO.
  5. Tough one. I actually involuntarily did the same thing with my own jaw while I was reading and it did feel good. But, yeah, that would make me crazy. I would probably try to ignore it for a while and then one day, out of the blue shout, "Why do you keep doing that weird chin thing? Stop!" I don't recommend that. :D Think it will stop if he gets some kind of hardware to fix the bite?
  6. I think it can get dodgy. I mean, on the one hand, dressing up in ethnic costumes like a Dutch girl or a in a kimono is fine (I hope, maybe that's changed recently) and I think it can be tricky to know exactly where to draw the line. On the other hand, I can remember clear as day, going to the bathroom to get ready for the school Halloween parade when I was in 4th grade, opening the door and seeing a girl and her mom putting together her hair and make-up for her costume as an Asian girl. I was like, "Oh my gaw, she's being ME for Halloween!" There was an uncomfortable moment between all three of us and then we all went about our business. I never did reconcile how I felt about it or if my feelings were even terribly important since she wasn't being mocking or obviously disrespectful. But, you could at least be historically accurate. And, always better safe than sorry.
  7. This is one issue accompanying a host of other issues neurological, behavioral and physical in nature. There are many schools of thought on how to deal with behavioral "quirks". I'm fortunate to have a very compassionate occupational therapist who is guiding us through these tricky waters. I'm hopeful that my son can learn to mimic some basic typical social behaviors and to read some basic social cues that will make it easier for him to interact with other people. He demands that people look at him when he speaks so there is some understanding on his part that it is a desirable action. I see possibilities there.
  8. Agree. Furthermore, when the world never seems to be living up to your dreams...wait. What? Why am I singing that? Presidented. Out. :D
  9. I ask him sometimes, "What are you looking at now?" He says, "I don't know." I ask, "Well, what did I just say?" And he repeats verbatim whatever I said. Sometimes he's staring somewhere else , sometimes his eyes are darting around. I've started to say, "Listen with your eyes and ears." But then he bugs his eyes out in an attempt to do that and I think, "That's not going to go over big either." B/c ultimately, if he hears what I'm saying I don't care if he's looking at me but I know that society will...and should. I just hope he gets it eventually...I'm very hopeful.
  10. Bwah! I didn't even know we had that! Going to go look for reasons to use it.
  11. Thank you SO much. It reminded me that part of the problem yesterday was that I just got so frustrated with my son for not looking at me when I was talking to him...even though that's just how its always been with him...you have to ask him repeatedly in every conversation to please look at you. Something about that day...I just couldn't ask one more time. And I felt terrible about it later because I know he isn't being defiant or difficult. So maybe I also felt defensive for a kid that had already taken it on the chin (not literally) that day. And last night I laid down with him and asked him, "Why don't you look at people when they are talking to you?" He said, "I try but I don't know when I'm looking at them and when I'm not."
  12. You're totally right. I have no reason to believe she's usually a rude person so I'm going to have to chalk it up to a bad day and let it go. I bet she hasn't even given it a second thought no matter how she meant it. Isn't it weird the things we hang on to? I'll have to figure out what about this *really* bothered me, KWIM?
  13. No kidding. Its not different from what happens here. Its just that season. I have definitely gotten caught up in the rancor and I'm not even living in a 24/7 political environment like they are. Where do you go for a sanity check on a presidential campaign? Your motivations and past are under constant attack. It must be insanely brutal.
  14. Hmmm...Now I'm thinking that maybe one of the reasons I felt so ruffled is because I don't usually just let it go. I work really hard with my son and so do his OTs. In fact, I usually get dinged for not being lenient enough. But, like I said, I was having a tiring day of it and was in fact, telling her about how beat I was. I'm going to have to let it all go but I don't want to leave the idea that I think its fine for kids to interrupt and I never do anything about it. The fact is that if it were just that easy for my son to get it from just being told not to interrupt many times every single day then he'd know it by now.
  15. I don't know...I'd need to be home in time to make dinner...could be tight. Traffic in the SF Bay Area is a nightmare. Sounds like a great night!
  16. Wait, *writes it down*, 100 senators minus 2, take away the one...what about the hypotenuse? What do I do with that?:D Have I mentioned I'm weak in math?
  17. This is the point in the discussion where everyone digs in their heels and starts flaming the opposing candidate just for sport. Good luck.
  18. Its so wrong. I don't know what to do or say. I'm trying to teach my own kids to feel free to not say everything that's in their head. I'm still working on it too.
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