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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. The debates will still happen and of all of the debates the foreign policy debate is the one where McCain typically does best so this is the one he wouldn't want to miss.
  2. I have to say that after running through the list of cynical reasons why this would or would not be a good political move, what the best response would be, what the likely response would be etc. I then thought, "Well, they are senators." They should be there.
  3. Oh man, we've had weeks like this too. My youngest in particular seems to bruise if you look at her funny. It reminds me of something I read years ago in Reader's Digest or Good Housekeeping or something. A woman's young daughter had broken her arm and the running joke at their house became, "If you don't stop (insert action) then I'm going to break your other arm." So one day at the grocery store the girl, in her cast, is in a long line with her mom and fussing with the candy in the rack. The mom says, "Please stop playing with the candy." To which the kid replies in a nice, loud voice, "Or what, Mom? Will you break my other arm too?"
  4. I'm sorry, I can't help here but I think its a great idea to consider your real options for work with a poli sci degree. Good thinking.
  5. Wow! Thanks for all of the thoughtful responses and suggestions. I thought about if she were really trying to be helpful. I didn't get that sense at the time at all. But I will allow for the possibility for the sake of our future interactions. She's not someone I know very well but I do see her at our homeschool park day. So, I don't know her well enough to know if she's generally sarcastic AND I have to get along with her so I can't let fly with some of the very great comments that would put her in her place. It was a just a tiring day. In fact, my kids were interrupting me telling her that I was having a challenging day and I was glad that it was late afternoon. They were pretty obnoxious even by their usual standards. Maybe she was in a bad mood too and it was just the perfect storm. Its nice to hear that my kids aren't the only chronic interrupters. FWIW, my 8yo didn't interrupt us at all!
  6. By another mom. We were having a conversation and two of my children kept interrupting us. One of them is 3 and the other one is a 6yo Aspie so interruptions are fairly constant and constantly addressed. I confess that I did not, on this occasion, correct them as much as I could have. But was it appropriate for her to say, "Wow. Its really hard for you to talk when your kids are here. Should I go and let you deal with them?" and then, "My kids don't do that." Her kids are 8 and 11. I basically went, "Uhhhhhhhhhhh...." for about 2 full minutes before she repeated her question, "Really, do you need me to go?" I talk to my kids about interrupting a lot. So do the various OTs. But today at 5:00 pm I was not on my game. But, is that irrelevant? Am I being defensive?
  7. I would be tempted to point out that her argument is grossly fallacious. But I think the nicer ladies have a better idea. But maybe you can still slip that in.;)
  8. :smilielol5: How about: The Public Library. Forget about the books. Just pretend like they're not even here.
  9. Knives down but everything else up AND down because...that's how Martha says to do it and I'm not climbing into the ring with Martha.
  10. I've been happy with my OXO from Target for several years.
  11. I put the plates that need a bit of a rinse under the dishes I have to hand wash and let the water run over them...chucking them in as I go. I scrape but I don't rinse. I do have a newer dishwasher *now*. With the old one I couldn't get away with that.
  12. When Gymboree has a sale you can can pick up very cute and high quality hair doodles for a couple of bucks (less if you're patient).
  13. Are you sure this isn't the text for a future Doonesbury strip? Sarah Palin could be represented by a disembodied set of bright red lips and a pair of glasses.
  14. There are more theories on why people vote the way they do than could be covered here. Most of those theories will be biased one way or the other. None of them, even the less biased ones, will provide the definitive reason. I hate to see any one of them presented as fact. There's not a LOT of science behind political science.
  15. I've never seen anything of that nature in your posts. But, we've most of us had to eat our words and thoughts at some time. You'll find your sea legs soon, I'm sure. You strike me as very capable.
  16. Zelda


    Greetings! :001_smile:
  17. Haha! Looks like there's going to be a lot of competition for the SNL job. I'm going to work on my Joe Biden impersonation. :auto:
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