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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. I'm thinking of getting a 3-person canoe (originally, I wanted kayaks but with 3 of us -- me + 2 tweens -- I'm now leaning toward a single canoe). I do have kayak and boating experience but never owned my own. My main concern is transport and loading. This will likely be a "mom and kids" hobby, and I can only carry/lift but so much (and the kids -- even less). 😉 If you canoe/kayak, what is your setup? Rooftop transport or trailer? Do you use any lift assists to load it to the vehicle roof? How about a dolly to get it from car to water?
  2. We don't wear heavy coats unless it's snowing (in NC). Otherwise it's lightweight zip-up hoodies for all winter weather (so...say temps down to the upper 30s). No coats at all until we're in the 50s.
  3. Yes, full beard. When we were first a couple, he just had a really long goatee (no 'stache). ETA: The only time he's not had facial hair is when he was going through chemo. His double chin demands facial hair.
  4. Nothing to offer except: that sounds like pretty lousy customer service.
  5. Great idea! We get my MIL Godiva chocolates every year for Christmas. It's become tradition -- I'll have to keep this in mind.
  6. Meh. Depends on the kid. Here's a review; don't know how close the movie stuck to the play... https://www.commonsensemedia.org/movie-reviews/into-the-woods
  7. Yes, I think something has. Last time I was paid for something, I went and it was "pending." And I had to either transfer it to my bank account or *something else* (can't remember what the choice was, but I couldn't just leave it as a PP balance to use.) Different from how I was previously using PP.
  8. I'd send them out back with some water balloons/nerf guns/boxes to make forts-capture the flag/etc. and let them go to it. Maybe they'd get it all out of their system outside. If that doesn't work, manual labor. 😉
  9. Last year, my oldest (7th) did EiW 5. It was a good fit for where she was. After that year, I feel comfortable moving her up to grade level in the program.
  10. It's quite possible she'd qualify for assistance, even with a full-time teaching job. Many new teachers don't break $30k for a few years. She should just go ahead and meet with a social worker; she can get started with WIC now. (And she might qualify for Medicaid during her pregnancy.)
  11. My girls are 13 and 11, and we recently enjoyed The Fourteenth Goldfish. (There are fish mentioned that previously died.) Quick, quirky read, maybe slightly young for the ages you have (we didn't mind).
  12. We blow through shredded cheese here, so that's not an issue...but the sandwich meat!!! YES!!! DH will open it to make a sandwich and I'm all like "whoa! We weren't eating sandwiches until Friday -- you can't open that!"
  13. I've seen those in my flower bed before -- I always assumed they were animal puke. Now I know better.
  14. I was thinking demogorgon egg. A tiny one. 😂
  15. I'm thinking the reference was for a (higher paying? more steady?) job, and she's not coming back...
  16. I'm impressed that he asked! My DH usually just Facetimes me and pans the camera across the aisle until I say, "Stop! Grab that right there. No, right *there*!" Last week, I had him stop into Ulta on the way home. I texted him a pic of exactly what I wanted. He said he walked into the store and up to a sales associate, held up his phone and said "I need this." LOL. 😂
  17. That sounds like the best outcome for the young friend. I'm sure the neighbors realized that being parked illegally might limit their recourse with the insurance companies!
  18. I get this. Our school year went long (truthfully, we still have a few things to finish up) and then June was hit with some medical issues. It feels like all we've done is go to appointments and talk to doctors and watch screens. If you have the funds, how about a "fun box" from Amazon each week? You could order a craft or Lego set, water balloons, weird snacks, activity books, a movie, etc -- enough stuff to keep a kiddo busy for a week. Then repeat every week or two.
  19. We replaced our kitchen floor due to subfloor rot. What followed: painting the ceiling, walls, trim, and kitchen cabinets. New curtains. New rugs/mats. Basically a complete kitchen overhaul.
  20. I think it's pretty unrealistic to be expected to entertain an 11 and 15 yr old (no matter how gently asked). That's old enough to entertain oneself. (And if it's a matter of bored kiddos disrupting Dad while he's working, then they need to be given guidelines about when they can do so, i.e. "don't interrupt Dad from 9-11:30 and 1:30-5" or whatever.)
  21. I must be doing Kohl's wrong. I walk in, find whatever object I need (often on the clearance rack), decide if it's the right price, and then buy it. The end.
  22. I just finished Uprooted (Naomi Novik) and my first thought was that it belongs in this thread. (And it already was mentioned!) It does have a couple of scenes that are s3xual, but they are very brief. I really enjoyed this one (I have Spinning Silver ready to read next.)
  23. I have a list of foods I can't eat after 3pm (or I'll regret it in the evening - either reflux or keeps me awake). I enjoy coffee, not only because it's tasty, but for the digestive help it gives. The extra weight is harder to shake. And I have things like "bad knees" and "bad ankles."
  24. My rising 6th grader is a terrible speller. I try to remember that her sister was the same until about 6th/7th grade, and to stay the course with Apples & Pears...but yeah, it's shockingly bad...
  25. I've looked at RV rentals and, like said above, they're very expensive. You could rent a car AND stay at *nice* hotels each night for cheaper. I'd lean towards flying out and flying back with them, to make things easier.
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