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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I love color! Our formal living/dining, family room, kitchen, and hallway are are a golden color with brown accent walls in several places. One bathroom is light blue, which is the same color we used in the laundry room. The other bathroom is red. The kids playroom is purple with a white stripe going around the center. The nursery is yellow. And our bedroom is a very light green. We get compliments all the time. I think a lot of color in a house looks good.
  2. Wow, looks like a lot of people use their formal dining/living as a school room! I would definitely have to buy some bookshelves that look decent to have in there. And that could be expensive. Hmmm....decisions, decisions! Hopefully I can work this out this week.
  3. Right now we school at the kitchen table. While it works, there's just not enough space. I have piles of books on the kitchen table right now with nowhere to put them. This is the same table that we have to eat at! So I can't leave any projects or unfinished papers even lying on the table. I was thinking of moving our schooling area to our formal dining/living area. I love how I have it set up and decorated, but it really doesn't serve a purpose. We never sit in there or anything. Mine and DH's computer desks are in there too. So we'd have better access to a computer so that DD4 can play Reading Eggs online while I school DD7. But it's the kind of living/dining combo where it's seen immediately when you walk in the front door. I mean, it's not like we have house guests a lot, but I do take pride in my house looking nice, streamlined, and uncluttered. If anyone has their school room situated where it's seen immediately upon entering the house, how has it worked out? Would you change it to somewhere else if you could? We have no where else it would work in our house.
  4. Y'all are totally freaking me out!! :ohmy: Is it crazy that I'm not worried about labor (I get an epi) but I'm freaked out about after pains? I don't do pain meds....I really dislike taking meds. Tylenol and Motrin are about the strongest pain meds I've ever taken. I'm hoping Motrin will suffice.
  5. I really wouldn't think so. Taylor Swift is the only singer I allow my girls to listen to outside of "kids" music and Christian music. She seems like a pretty good girl. And LOTS of preteens/young teens with their parents will likely be there.
  6. Can you do eBay for something like this? You'd get more money. Since that's a specialized item that not many people will be looking to purchase, I always try to go to eBay (or possibly start with craigslist) for things like that.
  7. Yes. I'd love for my kids to grow up running and playing outdoors, with lots of room to roam. Everyone may (or may not) know each others business, but it would also be nice to have everyone keeping an eye on each others kids. I'm a very quiet/shy person and so are my kids so it would be nice to see the same people all the time to get to know them.
  8. Yes, I'd probably take him in. Especially after he refused the park.
  9. First, I personally wouldn't buy anything like that at a yard sale with all of the bed bug talk going around. Second, people around here (me included) are looking for a steal. I'd probably price it for $10.
  10. I would NOT have been happy. The least they could have done was offered you a free pizza for next time!
  11. THIS is what I'm afraid of with #3. I felt the after pains with #1, they were bad with #2. Now what? Are they going to be absolutely horrible after #3?
  12. I think that hormones can definitely cause chills. After I had DD#1, the night I came home from the hospital, I lay in bed shaking and shaking. I thought I was coming down with something! But then, they finally went away. Same thing happened after having DD#2. Now I chalk it up to postpartum hormones.
  13. $1??? I just paid $5 on Amazon for that same one a few weeks ago. It's great, but I would have loved to pay $1 for it. :glare:
  14. You mean you are not supposed to throw them into a clear box and just dig around it trying to find the particular block that you need? :tongue_smilie:
  15. Both of my girls (4 and 7) are totally into the Boxcar Children. We're currently on book #6 and they've loved each and every one.
  16. Actually, people probably view my children as "those unsocialized homeschoolers." But honestly, they would be this way whether they were homeschooled or not. My girls are both very shy. DD7 was diagnosed with selective mutism. She will gladly participate in activities with a group of children she doesn't know, she just won't say a word to them. My DD4 still cries whenever she goes into her Sunday School class each week. But my kids come from a family of shy people. I'm very shy and I went to public school each and every year. I was the kid who sat in the class and didn't talk to anyone. I'm still very shy. DH is quiet....I wouldn't say he's shy. My parents and both sisters are pretty shy and quiet. So I wouldn't expect my girls to be any different. So I guess we're probably the ones that people look at and think "Wow, those kids need socialization."
  17. No way. I don't own an ironing board. I got an iron for my wedding 11 years ago and it sat in the box in the linen closet for about 9 years before I finally gave it to Goodwill.
  18. That's right....basically no SLR camera's where you can change the lenses. Only smaller "point and shoot" cameras like the one you pictured. They don't want professional photographers in there getting great shots of the concert and selling them.
  19. Ummm....they do look quite warm and comfy. :blushing: Of course, I could do without the hatches...and I certainly would not wear it outside the comfort of my own home, but I could totally see lounging around the house in them. I don't have to worry though, it really doesn't get cold enough down here in FL to justify getting one.
  20. At first I was thinking Jumanji, like someone mentioned, but you said that's not it. It also sort of sounds like the movie called Bedtime Stories (with Adam Sandler in it). He reads his kids bedtime stories and they start to come true. Not sure if it is based on a book or not.
  21. :::sigh::: Why must you people post about such cool things? I just bought a laminator and pouches this morning due to this board. Now I'm about to buy a microscope/camera thingy. DH is going to make me delete myself from this board. :D
  22. What if you register under an umbrella school when your child begins high school? That's what I intend to do. Even though I plan to homeschool till graduation, I want that "just in case" protection.
  23. I'm in the same boat. DD7 is starting ballet next week and she cannot stand the seams on her toes. She wears Crocs all the time for this reason.
  24. Not daily, but not just once a week either. Probably 2 or 3 times a week. But sometimes that's just for 10 minutes to drop something off. We do eat over there each Thursday night.
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