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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I think I'd run and get her something small and tell her she'll get her real gift when it arrives in the mail.
  2. My only thing about this show is that yes, most of the people have incredible talents.....but seriously, how in the world can the Mr Splash guy make an entire Vegas show out of diving into a kiddie pool of water? Same for the Kinetic King, the basketball spinning guy, the yo yo guy, etc. I wonder why they even let them enter if there's no way to make a Vegas show out of things like that? My favorites have been Team iLuminate, the Silhouettes, Melissa Villasenor (she does the impersonations....but still not sure if she could be long enough for a whole show), and Zuma Zuma (especailly their act when they used the tall poles). Haven't really cared for any of the singers this season.
  3. I only use the Free & Clear kind because I'm sensitive to the smells. We use 7th Generation Free & Clear.
  4. DH and I watch. I actually wasn't very impressed with most of the YouTube ones. I thought the cloggers were really good and they didn't even make it through.
  5. I think I'd have to take it to the vet.....even if it's just to put it out of it's pain and put it to sleep.
  6. One time we lost a book. It was gone for months and we finally just paid for it. Of course, later, we redid our kitchen floors and had to pull out the stove. The book was under the stove. Under the stove! Huh??
  7. No, we don't. My DD7 knows it (I think....for the most party anyways) because I think it is something that she should know. But I have religious objections to it.
  8. I read The Help and enjoyed it. Never read the Beekeeper's Apprentice. I got about halfway through Water for Elephants and just couldn't keep with it. The movie was amazing though.
  9. There are tons of blogs about planning kids parties. A lot of them are elaborate but you can always take what you like from the ideas and tone them down. I do that sometimes.
  10. Yikes Nakia! Swollen mouth, 911, a ride in an ambulance, and horrible ER care....girl, you need a rest after all that! I'm glad your DD is okay. I'm sure that Friday cannot come soon enough for you. Can you just quit feeding her until then? ;) Okay, okay, you can't (but I'd seriously want to!).
  11. Ugh, I'm not sure that I want to get rid of the pull ups at night. DD4 sleeps with DD7 in a full sized bed in our room. That would mean waking both kids to change the bedding. And once I get up at night, I can't fall back asleep for hours. I think we'll try the several days of being naked around the house though. We tried that when she began (well, began again) pee training when she was nearing 4 years old.....it didn't seem to work that time. But I have a feeling she'll be very reluctant to poop with nothing to catch it. I'm hoping that she'll go to the potty instead of just holding the poop in. I think I'll attempt the several naked days beginning on Monday. And I wonder where I can find cheap underwear? I'd LOVE to just toss them (and if they are particularly icky, I already do)....but the ones with characters on them, like we have, are expensive. I wonder if the Dollar Tree has girls undies? No, sbgrace, she does not have any special needs.
  12. We try to begin school at 10 (try is the key word there....it's probably more like 10:30 most days). When I get up, I eat breakfast first thing (low blood sugar issue). While doing that I surf the internet, check emails, check the boards....this is usually before the kids wake. After I'm done, I go into the kitchen and unload the dishwasher from the night before and then reload it with any leftover dishes (that I had already rinsed last night). Then I immediately start a load of laundry. So right after I wake, I already have the dishwasher and washing machine going. As my 7 year old does school at the kitchen table, I shuffle around the kitchen while she does her little bit of independent work (writing sentences, working a math problem, etc). I wipe counters down, wipe sink down. I give the kids breaks periodically throughout the day. Usually they are 30-45 minutes long. During those breaks, you can usually find me sweeping, mopping, tidying, transferring laundry, wiping down the bathrooms, etc. Every few weeks I'll dust (our house really doesn't have too much dust). If we have errands to run, I try to get school/chores done before 2:30 or 3, which is usually difficult. If we have errands to run before that.....well, school is usually a bust that day. It's hard to stay on track and get back on track after leaving the house. I at least try to get the 3 R's done that morning though. My nice little schedule will fall apart in October though when we add the new baby to the mix LOL. After having her, I'll have to add exercising back into my morning schedule too.
  13. DD turned 4 in March....so she's 4 years and 5 months old. We have had the HARDEST time potty training her. We attempted around 2.5 years old and quickly realized it was way too early with her. We attempted again around 3 years old. Again, it quickly did not work out. Every few months after that, we'd work with her. No progress. As she approached her late 3's, we really began working with her. And now, at 4 years and 5 months, I'm just all out frustrated. She's about 85 - 90% urine trained. She'll still have accidents sometimes....and I can handle that. She still pees in her pull up every single night. I can handle that too....I know that night training comes with maturity in some children. However, *if* we accidentally leave her pull up on, she makes absolutely no effort to go to the potty. She'll just stand there and pee in her pull up, not a care in the world. And then she'll walk around with a pee-pee diaper on until we ask her if she needs to go to the bathroom. Then she'll tell us that she already did. :glare: She's four years old!! I usually make her change straight out of her pull up and into underwear in the mornings. And I'll put on the pull up right before bed. But tonight, she had trouble falling asleep so I let her get back up and color (so she already had her pull up on and I didn't think to remove it)....and of course, she just pees while coloring. Doesn't even tell us. Ugh. And poop training....she's oh, 0% poop trained. She won't even make an attempt to do it on the toilet. Never. Not once. One time we happened to catch her in the act and ran her to the toilet, but that's the only time she's ever used the bathroom in the toilet. Usually we don't catch her. But when we do and we sit her on the potty, she says she doesn't have to go anymore. But then, 15 minutes later she'll go in her underwear. :glare: And poopy underwear is so much more disgusting to clean up than a diaper. :ack2: And again, she doesn't even tell us. She just goes about her business with poop in her underwear until one of us smells something icky. I just don't know what to do anymore. We've tried taking toys away....it doesn't phase her. She brings us the toys. :confused: Even her favorites. We've tried having her take a bath after each and every time she messes up her underwear, since she gets her bottom all dirty. Doesn't care. DH has wanted to spank for it, but I told him that this is not an issue I'm willing to spank for. (No debates about this, we spank when we agree is necessary, but I don't feel this is a spanking issue). There's no special "big girl" privileges to take away from her. I know some parents take away things like dance classes since only big girls can do dance classes....but she doesn't do any of those things. I've tried letting her earn stickers for a reward. She filled up the chart with peeing and none with pooping. I told her that each time she pooped in the potty, she would receive 3 stickers on the chart instead of just one. Didn't work. Then I told her that for every single time she pooped in the potty, she could pick out of our treasure box which is filled with all sorts of goodies (she loves to pick out of this). Hasn't worked at all. I told her that when she's fully trained, I will take her to the store to pick out a toy. That hasn't provided any motivation. And honestly, she just doesn't seem to care. I'll tell her that she needs to do it in the potty and she just says "okay" without even caring. I haven't a clue about what direction to go next. The doctor? Honestly, I don't think it's a doctor issue though. I'm just SO frustrated with cleaning her up at 4 years old. I'm about to have a newborn and I really wish I didn't have to clean up a newborn AND a 4 year old.
  14. Stupidity? That's the only answer that I can come up with. :001_huh:
  15. Yeah....I would have been ticked off that I had to go search the person out. I didn't know you couldn't block your own driveway. I wonder if that's the law here? Sometimes I park my van across the end of our driveway when the kids are playing out there, so that I can discourage accidentally running into the street.
  16. When they deliver our phone book, I immediately take it from the front door to the recycling bin. I haven't cracked a phone book in probably 5 years.
  17. I hold up one finger, signaling "wait", and I point to my mouth, and finish chewing. If the answer needs to be immediate, which is rarely, I'll hold my hand in front of my mouth while I answer, so that you cannot see the food.
  18. Yes, I carry mine everywhere. I'm not currently carrying a diaper bag since my two are 4 and 7 (but will be again in a few months). I have all sorts of things in my purse that I use often. I carry the following: a pack of wipes....we use these *all* the time hand sanitizer....use this all the time too an extra pair of undies for DD4 since she still has accidents at times my epipen hand lotion my glucose monitor (I'm just barely gestational diabetic and have to test) a few pens a small notebook for recording my blood sugar readings my wallet foundation, lip gloss, and a comb small pad of post it notes to put over auto flush toilets so they wont flush bottle of Tylenol pack of gum several granola bars for the kids 2 small trash bags in case of emergency (wet undies, puking, etc) few pantyliners LCR game (for restaurants and other places we wait)...it's a small game a tiny, tiny personal electric trimmer to get those annoying neck hairs that you only notice when stopped at a traffic light :lol: And sometimes, at random times, the kids will have their coin purses thrown in there, or I'll have a prescription note, or a pull up....something random like that.
  19. I don't really have a set schedule. We just do school work on the days that we don't have other things planned. We school through the summer. We will school when the PS takes their holidays. That way, if a day comes up that we need to take off from doing school, it's no big deal. We take all of our vacations in the fall or spring when it's not as hot down here.
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