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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I compromise. I use 7th Generation detergent for our laundry. I get the 7th Generation dish soap and dishwasher packets. I sometimes buy the 7th Generation antibacterial wipes....but I will buy Clorox if in a crunch. I do use Windex wipes and a Clorox toilet bowl brush (with bleach already on it so that I don't have to handle it). I've found that the natural ones just don't do was well in those categories. I buy all the 7th Generation stuff mentioned above in bulk on Amazon. For cleaning carpets and beds (when a dog pees on the carpet or my 4 year old's pull up leaks in the bed at night) I use a mix of half water, half white vinegar, with some squirts of dish soap. Everything is natural and I've never had leftover smells using this solution. It's a hard line to walk. I've come to terms with this as far as our family's diet goes. I can *try* to get mostly organic and healthy items....but ya know, there's going to be times when we have to stop and get a Happy Meal from McDonald's. I used to stress over it, but I don't anymore. We do the best we can. I'll let God take care of the rest.
  2. It would depend on how gluten sensitive the person is. If extremely sensitive, I'd almost be afraid to eat out anywhere due to cross contamination. I'm sure that their warning is pretty standard though. They don't want to be held liable.
  3. DH is an accountant....I am not. Nuff' said LOL. I hate crunching numbers, dealing with money, stocks, budgets, figuring things like that out. I'm so glad he has no issues with handling it. And he's good at it.
  4. Sounds like exactly the reason DD7's therapist is pushing to get her into motor therapy. I don't really agree though....some people just cannot keep a beat.
  5. I'd do one of the tours. And then I'd spend a day going around Disney taking photos. I'm a photographer and when the kids are with me (which is every time) I never get to just spend time taking pictures.
  6. Wow, I didn't realize the boards had been around for that long. I didn't join till 2008 and I wasn't very active at first.
  7. Our house is actually a 4 bedroom plan, but the original buyers had the house built with only 3 bedrooms so that one of the bedrooms is pretty large.
  8. Ummm...maybe I should pass on the shoes LOL! I haven't a clue what to get. Sounds like a 4 might would be safe. Hmmm....I don't know. But thanks everyone!
  9. Oh. My. Word. Can you guys afford one of those extended stay hotels? I think I'd shell out every penny that I have in order to get out of there.
  10. None. We actually didn't begin a lot of writing until just this summer.
  11. I found some cute squeaky shoes for our yet-to-be-born DD. My middle DD had some and they were so cute (no idea what happened to them though)....and these are on sale. I want to get them but cannot remember the average size for a 12 month old. My babies usually begin walking right around 10 months. If this one is the same, then I'd like to get a shoe that would fit at 12 months. Crazy question, I know LOL. So what size does your 12 month old wear in shoes?
  12. I have NO experience with this at all....so I'm just throwing random suggestions out there, so you can take it or leave it, but how would he respond if you told him that if there's any of that behavior that occurs while you are out, then he will not be leaving the house for a week. Or two weeks, whatever. He won't be going to stores, fun activities, shopping, the park, etc. You could tell him that if he can't control himself when he's out, then he cannot go out. Yes, that would make things difficult as you would have to plan outings when your DH could watch him at home, but it sounds like you may need to take drastic measures.
  13. It's most definitely worth it. I cloth diapered my first, but haven't since then. It's a lot of work. You have to line dry the diapers. You have to make sure that you don't use too much detergent (and only use free and clear) because they can begin to repel water instead of absorb it. Particularly nasty diapers have to be washed off before throwing them into the wet bag. And going on vacation with cloth was really difficult. I enjoyed it while I did it, but I just don't have time to do it now.
  14. Me too....I'm really not sure. I check my email as I eat breakfast....I scan the boards as I eat lunch. I'll pop on for a minute to check my email throughout the day. Occasionally, I'll hit refresh on this board and Facebook as I walk by. But all of this is in between schooling, chores, etc. The longest time I sit down and use the internet is in the evenings, after the kids are in bed and after I watch a show with DH. I'll research things for homeschool, edit photos, shop online, or just veg out and visit message boards and blogs.
  15. I'd be more worried about him having internet access in his bedroom. There's a wealth of things you can access (even accidentally) on the internet without a web cam. But no, we won't allow web cams in the bedroom, nor internet. Our computers are in a central area of our home.
  16. I'd use it as a playroom and have connecting doors to the rooms on both sides of it. That way, lots of littles would have access to it from their room. Plus, you'd be able to totally close it off so that when you have guests over, you won't even know there's a messy playroom there. Sounds like it would make an awesome secret playroom!
  17. I've thought how great it would be to be "self sufficient"....but then I think about the costs. The start up costs would be sky high. You have to buy a house/land where you are allowed to raise animals, you have to buy *enough* land to do what you want, you have to purchase the animals to start up, purchase animal food, supplies like fencing/etc, build barns, plant gardens and trees, water them, etc. It would be like having several full time jobs. And it's not something that one person could do alone....and DH certainly couldn't quite his job to help because then who would pay the start up costs (not that we could afford them)? Self sufficiency is expensive.
  18. I put deli meat on those little wheat Hawaiian rolls and put a little mayo on it....mini deli sandwich! Or sometimes I will heat up one chicken nugget and put it on the roll instead with a little mayo....mini chicken sandwich! Sometimes I throw a whole wheat tortilla onto the quesadilla maker and put some organic cheese in the middle and make a quick quesadilla. I make "squirrel wedges" sometimes. Grind up all sorts of organic nuts in the blender (walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, etc), mix it with natural peanut butter and Nutella until smooth. Add a bit of honey, and granola if you wish. Spread it between two whole wheat tortillas and cut it like a pizza into wedges. Lots of protein to last through the afternoon. Organic pizza....yes, it's frozen...but they only get this like once or twice a month. Organic Bernie O's....like spaghettio's but organic. I give a salad on the side, or a piece of toast. Sometimes I'll do just a lunch of "sides." I use something with a lot of dividers and just fill them with different things....crackers with PB on them, different fruits, a roll, half a granola bar, cheese, a slice of deli meat, etc. My kids love these meals made of various things LOL. I do ham roll ups....just roll up a few slices of ham and add a toothpick to hold it in place. Occasionally we'll do organic hotdogs. Or we'll have pizza leftover from the night before. With all these, I always add veggies or fruit....usually a side salad, watermelon, grapes, apple slices, cut up banana, cherries...something like that. And I also add something like graham crackers, or a few chips, or some organic cheddar bunnies, etc. I try to vary my kids lunches quite a bit. Of course, they also eat the ol' standby....peanut butter and jelly. And DD4 prefers Nutella sandwiches over PE&J's.
  19. Would they sleep together in a full sized bed? My girls do that, but they are older. Or how about this? It's a mini bunk bed from Ikea....do you think they'd climb over and fall out? http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/10123996
  20. I've never had them break my water right when starting the pitocin. I've been induced with both of my babies. They always have me come in the night before and they put something on my cervix to cause it to "ripen." And it does that all night. Early the next morning, around 7 or 8, they begin the pitocin. After several hours, they broke my water with baby #2....I don't remember them breaking my water with baby #1.
  21. Glad to know it's not just me! I was beginning to think I was just...umm...strange LOL. And I've actually tried the washable nursing pads, but it sort of make them look frumpy and wrinkly LOL.
  22. I would trust your gut but not make it known for the world to see....know what I mean? Just in case your feelings are not valid.
  23. For some reason, companies make maternity t-shirts so thin that you can pretty much see through them. So I found a few on sale and bought them, then realized I'd need something underneath. So I bought a camisole with a shelf bra so that I wouldn't have to wear a bra, a camisole, and a shirt in this hot Florida weather. Well.....the shelf bra does nothing! And I'm not a big chested girl either....actually, small chested would be a good way to describe me. Just one step away from being flat as a board. The shelf bras provide no...ummm...."headlight" protection. If I'm cold, the world knows it! :001_huh: So what in the world is the shelf bra for?? Now I'm still having to wear a bra, camisole, and shirt.
  24. I used to be your daughter LOL....but I didn't need one till around 13. I was all tomboy, wore a lot of boys clothes, etc. My mom had to *make* me wear one. Eventually, I just got used to it. I hated it at first. But yeah, I think the sports bras are the most comfortable.
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