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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Dd4 and Dd7 enjoy the following.... Trio blocks....they build huge houses out of these. Crafts. One time I got them a big box of various things to craft with. Things like buttons, wooden pegs, string, ribbon, glue dots, foam stickers, felt, wooden pieces to paint, magnetic strips, beads, elastic, cardstock, etc. I basically raided Michaels and got a bunch of stuff. They use that stuff a lot. Right now they are into the new My Little Pony series and toys called Canterlot. They have them at Target.
  2. Disney is AWESOME for special needs families. You can get special passes where you do not have to wait in line. As for lodging for a family of 7, the most budget friendly way to go is to just rent a home. There are PLENTY in Orlando. Windsor Hills is basically a community where a lot of people rent their homes to Disney guests. It's super nice. No, it's not quite as easy to get to and from the parks (you cannot use Disney's bus or monorail system to go back and forth) but it's really close to the main gate. By staying in a home, you can bring your own groceries, eat every breakfast in the room, and Disney even allows soft sided (non rolling) coolers so technically you could pack your own lunches if you want. We do Disney several times a year with our "big" Disney vacation each October. We live 2.5 hours away and do not have to pay for plane tickets or too much gas to get there though.
  3. I couldn't live with the smell of cat pee, no matter where it was in my house. That's one icky smell.
  4. Absolutely! I registered when my youngest was 3 and I was not pregnant. I used it a lot then and even more now.
  5. LOL, I noticed the mandatory donation to the school too. That's crazy....a tuition that high should cover everything!
  6. I received the max number of months that I could since I've been ordering from the baby store on Amazon. So mine is extended until the beginning of December. I don't know what I'll do after that!!
  7. Jumangi? Not sure if it's 10 years old or not, but I think it is. The Goonies?
  8. I don't usually, just because most of them do not look very nice. But if I found a nice looking pair that I liked, I would not hesitate. I've bought for the kids before though.
  9. I think it's fair. She made a big mistake, realized her wrong, and is taking parenting classes. Hopefully she'll wise up and not make the same mistake again. Jail time seems like it would be much too harsh of a sentence.
  10. I'd center it between the ceiling and the top of the headboard. And I'd get one or two more. It's too small on its own.
  11. I can't believe no one has mentioned "sick" or "dope" when referring to something that they like. For example: Wow, look at that motorcycle, it's really sick! OR That concert last night was dope! Ummm....yeah, okay. And when my 15 year old nephew visited us this summer, he used "epic" all the time. I just can't bring myself to describe something as epic LOL.
  12. Awesome!!!!! What a birthday for your kids! Yep, that's what family is for.....to tick us off and then support us when we need it most. :D
  13. I've never heard of that site....looks neat! I love lists LOL! However, if I clean off my front porch now, in August, it's going to look the same again in just a few weeks. And especially by December.
  14. I totally agree. I never had any allergies until I became pregnant with #2. During that pregnancy everything changed. I suddenly became allergic to hay, grass, ragweed, pollen, lots of trees, dust mites, cats, bananas, some ingredient in ranch dressing, etc. It's crazy! Now, being pregnant with #3, I was hoping to reverse them all. :D
  15. Ugh, yes, hurricanes definitely spawn tornadoes. That's my main fear with lesser category hurricanes. And way to be prepared with the pocket bra LoL!
  16. Now that you say that, someone recently told me that they have this issue as well. They have to make sure that their salads are rinsed extremely well before using the lettuce or they a mild reaction.
  17. I think that a lot of toothpastes don't come with foil seals anymore. I opened one a few weeks ago (not the kind you have) and it did not have a foil seal. Kinda freaked me out a little. It's not the kind of boxes that actually seal on the ends either. It's just the kind that you can open and close.
  18. Not sure, but I do know that you CAN suddenly develop an allergy to anything. I'm allergic to something in some types of ranch dressing. I'm not sure exactly what, so I just avoid all ranch dressings. Could it be the dressing?
  19. Yes, we've done both on the same day to DD#2 when she was 3. We were on vacation, camping at Disney.....she gets constipated a lot anyways, but with being on vacation away from home, she was really backed up. One afternoon she was uncomfortable so I did a suppository. It did absolutely nothing. That evening she was still very uncomfortable. I called her ped and she said it was okay to go ahead and go buy a kids fleet enema to give to her. I sent DH to the store and we gave it to her. She went and all was better. I was getting worried!
  20. I was going to write this same thing. I was about 9 and my best friend and I snorted one. Yeah....really *not* the brightest thing to do. It really does burn LOL.
  21. I took DD7 for her first eye exam last week. Same thing happened to us. The doctor said she's the *slightest* bit farsighted, but as long as she's not complaining about not being able to see correctly, then they usually do not correct kids at this age. She said that DD7 could grow out of it. We'll check at her appointment next year. However, at my first eye appointment when I was 25, I was very slightly nearsighted and the doctor said that people with my prescription usually didn't even notice it enough to wear glasses. But I went to the eye doctor because my eyes seemed "off." So I opted to get glasses and it big difference.
  22. Hi! Welcome to the boards! :seeya: Sounds like you've had some rough years....I hope that your husband is making good progress!
  23. Yeah....yuck. Kids shouldn't be singing about things they are not even old enough to experience yet.
  24. Wow, that is AWESOME!!! I'm sure that you are one proud mama!!
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