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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. :iagree: This is me. I find myself staying up till at least 12 each night, sometimes 1 so that I can have me time. I try to have the kids dressed, in bed, prayed with, and story over by 8:30. Then I have to factor in another 30 minutes (at least) of getting out of bed. :glare: Then DH goes to bed around 11. That leaves me an hour of me time. Sometimes more because on some nights DH will watch a show by himself or work on our home business. I usually join him from around 8:30 - 10 and we'll watch something together. But late at night is for me. And then I'm tired in the mornings. :tongue_smilie:
  2. LOL! I actually think I did the same thing when we did that project last year. Except our roll was half gone.
  3. At 5 (when DD#1 was in kindy) we attended homeschool group on Wednesdays. And she played soccer, which was one practice a week and one game a week. At 6, we were only doing homeschool group. Of course, we also attend church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings (AWANA). And she took swim lessons during the summer of her 5th and 6th years. DD#2 is 4.5 and she's not doing anything right now....well, except for church (this will be her first year of AWANA). She's not old enough for homeschool group. And I can't get her to take ballet or anything. DD#2 took swimming during the summer of her 2nd and 3rd years and we haven't done anymore. I'll probably put her in a refresher course next summer.
  4. I've never actually been into one of their stores (closest one is 6 hours from me) but I just discovered their online store and have been drooling. I wish I could hold things in my hands though.
  5. We don't have Legos but we do have Playmobil. My solution? Giant rubbermaid container and just dump everything in. That's how the kids prefer it. They play with the circus people, jungle animals, zoo fencing, pirate ship....all together. So there's no need for me to even bother separating it.
  6. I had to go lower carb when I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes a few months ago. The first two weeks I had horrible stomach cramping and several bouts of diarrhea (TMI, I know). I'm not sure if they were related but it happened around the same time I began eating lower carb.
  7. DD4 went through this phase when she was an early 3 year old. She just kept hitting and wouldn't listen. Finally, I warned her that if she didn't stop hitting, she was going to have to wear something on her hands to make them softer so she wouldn't have "mean hands." Sure enough, she hit again. I pulled out the winter mittens and slipped them on her hands. She thought this was the most horrible thing EVER. Thankfully, she's the type of child who listens when I told her that she wasn't allowed to take them off. She couldn't pick things up or do anything with her mittened hands. It worked. Every so often, I'd remind her of the mittens if she hit.
  8. I seem to head for the same ones over and over.... green beans salad broccolli mac-n-cheese Stove Top stuffing (yeah, yeah, I know) kernel corn or corn on the cob I'd love some new ideas as well.
  9. What a cool place!!!! Love the loft area in that bedroom.
  10. I've been wondering the same thing. DD7's teeth have always grown back in quickly. It's been 2 months since she lost one and I don't see a new one. It's one of the teeth beside her front ones. Her front one actually looks like it's shifting due to nothing being beside it. :001_huh:
  11. I'm one of the ones who doesn't understand why people count down the days until summer break is over so that they can send their children back to school. Yes, my children drive me nuts at times. I am very much an introvert. And I have a 7 year old DD who will talk my ear off. Sometimes I purposely avoid getting up when DH does in the morning because he is all talk, talk, talk in the morning and I'm.....well, not LOL. I love my quiet time at night when the kids are in bed. I call it my "me" time. But I am committed to homeschooling and know that the pros very much outweigh the cons. I *do* love to spend time with my kids. If I didn't want to spend time with them then I wouldn't have had them. I love seeing them learn and grow and to be the one to raise them. So I guess I understand both sides.
  12. DD7 wants lots of siblings as well. I'm pregnant with #3 right now. Two may be all she gets LOL. But she's just excited to be having a baby in the house. She doesn't remember when DD#2 was a baby, as she was only 2 when she was born.
  13. DD#1 self weaned at 27 months. But I believe it is only because I was pregnant with DD#2 and the milk changed taste and was probably drying up too. DD#2 did not self wean. I weaned her right after she turned 4 earlier this year. I'm pregnant with #3 and nursing became very painful. She was only nursing at bedtime then though.
  14. I bought the ProClick 50 last week and have made 2 workbooks for the kids. Works great so far!
  15. Oooh, bad you LOL! I think you deserve a Coke here lately. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes a few months ago and I had to give up my Sprites and lemonades. Now my "drink of choice" (besides water) is Diet Coke (or, if I'm feeling particularly "healthy", then caffeine free Diet Coke). No sugar to spike the blood/sugar levels. Just lots of wonderful aspartame, which I am *so* against, but I think I will die if I have to stick with just water throughout the rest of this pregnancy.
  16. No, I don't trust doctors too much....especially ones that are just general practitioner types. We only go to the doctor if I feel it is absolutely warranted....and I usually walk in armed with info that I've already come up with myself.
  17. In my dreams, I'd say "Yes! That sounds awesome! What an adventure for your children to remember!" But reality screams "You'll be putting money into a house that old forever and the renovations will really get to be a pain!" Not sure which one I like better LOL.
  18. No, probably not. If they are really interested, they'll email you again.
  19. It's probably Heart of the Matter online. They do a blog hop on different days and a few weeks ago they had one about people's school rooms. Anyone could post theirs. Here's the list: http://heartofthematteronline.com/nbtsbh-2011-week-two/
  20. My 7 year old DD interrupts all the time during read alouds. She's always asking a question, making a comment, wondering what a word means. I know it is good for her to ask questions and I dont mind answering, but sometimes she interrupts so frequently that the parts that I'm reading are not understood because I'm having to stop so much. I've asked her to wait until the end of a page or something but she becomes frustrated and tells me that she forgets what she was going to ask. Read aloud time can be very frustrating with her at times.
  21. I remember watching Smurfs when I was a kid, but I wouldn't let my kids watch it (and this is coming from someone who has a home business of selling Smurf figurines and small animal toys). We bought the first season of the Smurfs TV show and popped it into the DVR to let the kids watch it. We turned it off about 5 minutes later. All the name calling!! My go to reviews for movies is Kids In Mind....here's the review of the movie from them: http://www.kids-in-mind.com/s/smurfs3d.htm
  22. First, excuse the messy bed....I don't do making beds LOL. Second, we have a family bedroom, so we have two beds side by side. The queen bed that you can barely see in the photo is mine and DH's. It has something above it. But there's this big blank area above the kids bed. What would you do with it? I've considered several things.... [/url] 1. Letting the kids pick wall "stickers" in the theme of their choice and let them put those above their bed so it will seem a little like "their" own space. Con....Princess wall stickers are really not my type of decor LOL. 2. Putting rain gutter bookshelves there. They could put favorite books and small animals on them. Con....will the kids bonk their heads on them when they sit up? Do they have sharp edges? The people in the link put them above their kids bed. I'm just always afraid of things falling on me/the kids when we sleep....so I don't keep anything heavier on the walls above the bed. 3. Put these planters on the walls to hold stuffed animals. Again, the con would be something to fall on them or possibly bonk their head on? 4. Something else that's neat that I haven't thought about. Any ideas or suggestions?
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