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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I don't medicate unless the fever is reaching near 104. Then I begin to get a bit nervous. Otherwise, I let the fever do it's thing. A few weeks ago DD2 was running a 104 fever for days. I definitely didn't like that and had to give meds more often than I was comfy with. Last night DD5 was running a 101.8 fever and I did not medicate at all.
  2. I agree with you on everything!! Sometimes I think that men are clueless when it comes to germs, safety, etc. Let me tell you what my husband tried to do. Our kitchen sink was clogged up. He needed to plunge it to get it unclogged. He was going to use the plunger that we plunge the toilet with!! Ewwwwww!!!!!! Yes, I stopped that one and he was irritated and didn't understand why he couldn't do it.
  3. I cannot speak for your 6 year old, but your 5 year old sounds like my 5 year old DD. In January we began taking her to see a psychologist. Her "OCD-like" symptoms had been going on since about the time she turned four. The psychologist diagnosed her with "general anxiety" and selective mutism. She diagnosed her with general anxiety becuase she said that she does not diagnose children her age with OCD. However, she said that she most definitely has OCD symptoms and she could be diagnosed with that later on. I'd have your kiddos evaluated, if only for your sake so that you can meet with the therapist and figure out how to handle them better. That's what I wanted for our situation, just how to handle some of the OCD tendencies.
  4. I do like my DD to participate in a group sometimes. But definitely not for schooling. My DD attends Sunday School, kids church, AWANA, as well as a homeschool group on Wednesdays. That's plenty of group stuff. For her, it's more about her shyness....I hope that a group setting will help her to be a bit more independent. As for the therapist, I would have just let her know that a school setting is not an option. I'd let it go this one time. If she kept pushing or bringing it up, I'd find a new therapist. My DD goes to speech therapy, as well as a therapist for her OCD/selective mutism....so I'd let it slide one time with them. Thankfully, neither therapist has ever said anything negative about it.
  5. If you are referring to Curious George 2, I just asked my 5 year old and she told me that the elephant does not talk.
  6. Ewwww. Yuck. My girls get a Happy Meal every Wednesday on our way to church. They SOOO look forward to that Happy Meal. I'm going to have to rethink this little treat LOL. Maybe I can just purchase some toys from McDonalds and make them their own homemade Happy Meal on Wednesdays and toss the toys in. Or I bet I can find a lot of unopened Happy Meal toys on eBay. Hmmmm....
  7. Ewwwwwwww!!!!!! Now I'd be worried about some sort of bug eggs growing in my stomach. Okay, I know that's not really possible, but still, my worrying mind could not help but to go there.
  8. I use Bing.com. Click on maps and hen enter in your address into the search bar. Once the map comes up you can click on birds eye view for an image of your home from above. We are shopping for a new home and I use this all the time to see he home, the size of the backyard, etc.
  9. Thanks for all of the suggestions! I'm going to try some of them out starting today. Did I mention this child is stubborn too? LOL....so it may get worse before it gets better LOL.
  10. If it is your forever home, I'd definitely start trying to put away some money in order to add on to the house. Even one room or area would help out space-wise.
  11. My DD is 5 (almost 6) years old. She complains about EVERY. SINGLE. THING. Me: Stitch, could you pick up your toys off the ground? They are in the middle of the floor, someone might trip over them. Stitch: Uhhhh!!! Whyyyyyy?? (Insert extremely whiny voice and she says this while melting onto the ground) I don't want to. I want to leave them there in case I want to play with them laterrrrrr!!!!! Repeat this process when I tell her its time for bed, when I ask her to do anything, when she hears absolutely anything that's not on her particular agenda (in her mind) for the day, etc. I can ask her something extremely simple and she will whine and complain. Seriously, I think I'm about to go nuts. I've done the whole "I can't hear you unless you can talk to me in a normal voice." I've told her that she needs to do things with a happy heart, as Jesus instructs in the Bible. I've done time out. Nothing works with her. Does anyone else have a child who complains constantly? Most days, I dread communicating with her because I know that most everything she says will be some sort of complaint or whine. And it begins within first few minutes of getting out of bed.
  12. Oh no!!! Croup is so scary! DD3 went through a croup spell when she was around a year old. She got croup 4 times in 3 months. We've had the middle of the night ER visits when you hear your baby struggling to breathe. VERY scary!!! She was even hospitalized once for it. I'm so glad that the walk in the cool air helped your DD.
  13. I took BCPs for 4 years before I had my first child. Never any problems. They kept me from getting pregnant, took away my acne, and made my period cramps much less. It worked well for me. But I have chosen not to go back on them just due to the fact that I am now leery of meds.
  14. I called around different pediatric dentist offices and asked that exact question. I KNOW my kid, the dentist doesn't. I know whether she functions better with me or without me being in the room. My 5 year old most definitely functions better with me there. She has selective mutism. She wouldn't utter a word to the dentist. She would literally cry and cry and cry and the dentist would not get a single thing done. If our current dentist ever changes their policy, I'd be finding another place.
  15. LOL! Yes, that would drive me nuts to hear her say that. Maybe you'd better phone the military....or the police force....or some other person who gets shot at often LOL.
  16. I did some researching online and it seems the method to collect urine from my daughter may not be very reliable. They put a bag on her and waited for her to pee. It took over two hours for her to calm down (she didn't like the bag taped to her) and actually pee. From what I read it seems like it is very easily contaminted by the white blood cells on your skin since it is not a mid-stream catch. The only reason I'm inclined not to give the meds is because the doc said that the results were "iffy" and that there were "a few" white blood cells in the urine. And from what I've gathered online this morning, a few white blood cells can come from the skin while using this bag method. I hate wondering if I'm doing the right thing for my kid. I know that in the grand scheme of things, this is pretty minor. But anything can be a possible health concern....from the effects of the sulfa drugs to the possiblilty of of a UTI. I *almost* didn't take her to the doctor yesterday due to the fact that she seemed much better. If she was acting normal, as she is today, I wouldn't have taken her in at all. She acts normal with no fever (as of yet) today.
  17. Thanks for the replies! That was my original thought as well.
  18. DD3 has been running a fever since Saturday evening. Most days, it has hovered around 103 and 104 and I've had trouble keeping it down. I've given Tylenol, Motrin, and lukewarm baths. I took DD to the doctor on Monday. They checked her ears, etc and didn't see any infection so they said to let it run its course, or to come back on Thursday if she was still running fever. On Thurs she was still running fever so I brought her back. However, on Thursday her fever dipped really low. Most of the day she was not running a fever at all, but it did come back that evening, however it only got up to 101. This is MUCH lower than it has been running. Yesterday the pediatrician checked her urine for UTI. She said that the results were iffy. There were a few leukocytes (white blood cells) present in the urine, but not many. So she is sending it off for to be cultured. In the meantime, she wants us to start DD on antibiotics - sulfameth-trimeth. I'm already leery of sulfa drugs, just because I've heard of bad reactions to it. But I also do not like giving meds "just in case." But then again, if it is a UTI, I don't want for it to get worse while I wait for the results. It could turn into a kidney infection, which is more serious. DD has NO symptoms except for the fever....which is now lowering. Would you go ahead and give the meds or wait till Monday or Tuesday when the culture comes back? If the fever is going away, does that mean there really is no infection (or that the infection is going away). Or can you be feverless and still have an infection?
  19. She could have an ear infection....but my ears hurt when my sinuses are congested, even with no infection. And the ear pain starts to go away when the sinuses begin to clear.
  20. I have no idea.....but I think that you must be listening in on the reading sessions that I do with my 3 and 5 year old girls. Questions are good, but like you said, I only get out half a sentence before another question comes LOL. And usually their question is answered on the next page. It can be frustrating sometimes LOL.
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