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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. So cool!! It's so hard to imagine history in color. I was looking at photos of the Titanic the other day and wondering what it truly looked like. Images become so much more "real" when seen in color.
  2. Honestly, it sounds like tics to me. You do not have to have Tourettes to have tics. There's also just general motor/vocal tic disorders. Some kids outgrow them. I didn't. Mine is not severe and I can "hide" them from most people, but I do have them. And the "tightness" might just be his way of describing the need to perform the tic. Please don't tell him to just cut it out.....it is really not possible for someone with tics. They can suppress them but then they eventually need to do them.
  3. I would only use it until the expiration date that you think it would have. I'm all about car seat safety. I don't want something to happen and then think "ya know, what IF I would have used one that was not expired?" Hot cars break down plastic. It can become brittle and you wouldn't necessarily even know it.
  4. I use the Kindle app on my iPhone. LOVE IT!!! But what I love the most is that since it is on my phone, I never have to worry about whether or not I have a book with me. I always have my phone so I always have a book!
  5. Prunes or prune juice never do it for me. I take some of DD's Miralax in the evening and it usually works the next morning.
  6. Awwww!!! What a wonderful breakthrough for you guys!!! DD6 has selective mutism, but it was not brought on by anything traumatic and she will still speak to and refer to family members. But she wont talk to anyone she doesn't know extremely well. So although not severe, I do understand how important and wonderful these breakthroughs can be!!
  7. Just a tip for parents who have kids that don't like the automatic flush toilets.....I carry around a pad of tiny post it notes. I just stick one over the seonsor until we are finished and then I let DD exit the stall and then I uncover the sensor.
  8. Oh no! Your poor kitty! I have no idea what sorts of plants are poisonous to pets....thanks for the reminder to find out!
  9. No, you are not mean.....natural consequences!
  10. DD 3 gets seen every few months, but that's because we are trying to correct esotropia. But in your situation, I'd go ahead and have an exam done.
  11. Ewwwww! You guys are seriously freaking me out! We are down here in Floida and rarely ever see a stink bug. I hope it stays that way!
  12. If you'd like to email me a few photos, I can take a look at them and see what is possible. I'm not a professional, but I am a photographer who uses Photoshop all the time. I can't promise anything....I'll have to look at the condition of the scans and the angle of the people in the photos in order to see if body swaps are possible. I'll PM you my email address.
  13. That blonde chick is sooo me LOL! Except that I wouldn't approach another mom like that and basically tell her she's raising her kids wrong! And except for the early potty training. DD is 3.5 and she's still in a diaper. Ugh.
  14. We purchased a brand new Nissan Quest at the beginning of 2007. We've never had a single issue with it.
  15. NONE of those are emotional abuse, in my opinion. They are silly and trivialize the real cases of emotional abuse. Those are just teenage drama, even the second one. Men don't read into things. I can totally see a 12 year old girl walking up to her father saying "I need to cry." Dad, being totally clueless and has no idea how to read into her feelings of wanting to be accepted by her father even when she's not happy, looks at her, confused, and says "Go cry then." He's probably wondering why she told him that.
  16. Yes, this is one of my fave parts of homeschooling. I don't see how parents get up and drag their kids out of bed, get them ready, fix them breakfast, wake up younger siblings, get in the car and get them off to school. I just couldn't do it LOL! Add a rainy morning or a freezing cold morning to that and I'd be crying!
  17. Sounds like something is wrong with the freezer or it was left open. I live in FL and we have an upright freezer in our garage. It gets to the high 90's here with the heat index topping out around 115 some days. Ours has never had a problem.
  18. We just had wood laminate installed last week. We got it in the living room, family room, kitchen, hallway, and foyer....which is about 1000 sq ft. We paid about $5,500, plus a bit extra for quarter round and such. That is installed by professionals since my husband is not the least bit handy LOL. Hardwood flooring just would not work for us. Our kids play hard, drop things, etc. We have two dogs with nails. So many people that I spoke with said that real hard wood scratches VERY easily.
  19. Here's what DD6 looks like right now.....we've found that it works great and is super easy to care for. DD definitely looks better in shorter cuts, as do I.
  20. Umm...if I had the space, I'd pretty much let my kids do anything they want LOL! Just as long as it doesnt damage the floors or walls or something. We have a slide in the playroom. And we used to have one of those Little Tikes playhouses in the playroom too, but the kids didn't really use it, so after about 4 years, we moved it outdoors and then sold it.
  21. Mathletic is cracking me up! For some reason I get a mental picture of some kid running track and hurdling numbers!
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