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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. It's not a current dog that we have....actually, it wasn't even my dog....but down at my grandparents house, they had a dog. It was a big mutt that wandered out of the woods one day. We were visiting when it happened. They lived on a lake with lots of woods around and this dog just wandered out. Of course, they began feeding him and he sort of lived around there. I named him Buster. Whenever we'd visit them, I'd always play with him. He'd go for walks in the woods with my grandfather and I. One day, as we were walking, Buster jumped in front of me mid-step and started barking. I was just about to put my foot down right where he was barking when I noticed the coral snake right there. I jumped back (I was around 10 or 12 years old) and my grandfather moved the snake out of the way with a stick. If it hadn't been for that big ol' mutt Buster, I would have stepped right on a coral snake!
  2. FOr 40 degrees, I'd definitely do sleeping bags. We camp a lot and I've used both sleeping bags and blankets. When it's cold outside, I'm shivering with the blankets on. If I can get inside of a sleeping bag, I'm warm.
  3. My 6 year old wants one of these. I just cannot bring myself to purchase one LOL. It's going to be like last years Zhu Zhu Pets.....great for about a day then it gets tossed aside.
  4. Honestly, I think that most people have no clue what they are referring to when they ask that question. Basically they are wanting to know if your kids interact with other kids. That's not really what socialization means.....but I answer them as if they are asking me if my kids sit in a closet alone, staring at the wall.
  5. LOL, I think this only works since they usually seem to bicker over toys. If they bicker over something larger or less concrete, I'm not sure what to put into the box LOL! Hey, I could consider actually putting THEM into the box like someone mentioned. :D
  6. Hey, you must have my three and a half year old daughter who refuses to potty train! I'm tired of cleaning a 3.5 year old's poopy diaper! And we're on size 6 diapers and have been for a while....there's no next size up!
  7. I've had it up to here (visual image of me holding my hand up to the top of my head....much like a salute) with my girls bickering. They are 3 and 6....up till about 2 months ago, they got along great! Just the occasional fight. Well, now it's all the freaking time! I've tried seperating them, time outs, everything! I'm finished with it. I went to the garage, got a box, and have dubbed it the Bicker Box. If they are bickering about ANYTHING, it goes into the box. I don't care whose fault it is, whether it's not fair, whether I'm being mean....it's going in! The first thing to go into the Bicker Box were two placemats. Yes, placemats. I haven't decided what will happen to the contents of the Bicker Box yet. I'll either keep it put away for a while, or I'll give it away. Does bickering drive anyone else absolutely nutty? I can tolerate fighting here and there, but constant bickering like they are doing lately drives me crazy. What are your solutions for bickering?
  8. That is the BEST story of the day!! What Y was that again? LOL!
  9. DD6 just got it last week. I started incorporating it into our daily schooling. I got one of those Melissa and Doug wooden shoes and we just kept practicing with that. It took a few weeks but last week it just clicked and now she can do it.
  10. Yes, I love Tim Hawkins!! You should buy one of his DVD's. You will be rolling laughing!
  11. I'm enjoying it! It's not Lost, but it definitely has a Lost/Flash Forward feel to it.
  12. My DD 6 cannot do monkey bars. I think it's a coordination thing too. She also cannot ride a 2 wheeler or pump the swings very well.
  13. A Webkinz. Even if they do not play the online game, the stuffed animals are SO cute.
  14. If it is in your backyard and no one can see it, I don't see how they can say anything.
  15. I've just come to the conclusion that the English language is completely crazy. Between homophones, homonyms, contractions that don't make sense, and words that are not spelled phonetically, it's a wonder that any of us can understand each other LOL.
  16. You guys stories are really freaking me out LOL. :tongue_smilie:
  17. Remind me never to google communal spider web again. If I saw those things in real life I'd pass out cold.
  18. Me! Home renovation photos, field trip photos, and a more serious thought provoking post in there too.
  19. What about yesaroonie positoonie from Pinky Dinky Doo. I wouldn't worry too much. DD3 said this for a while last year and then quit. What I really do have a problem with is all the name calling in children's shows. I try to limit my kids shows to a lot of PBS where there's not really any name calling.
  20. We are very conservative Christians and we "do" Halloween. We dress up in non-scary costumes and get candy. Now, I don't go all out with the decorating as some people do. I prefer to keep Halloween as a "low-key" holiday and not rank it up there with Christmas on the decorative/celebratory scale. Christmas is very important to me as a Christian. Now what I don't like is all the gore/blood/etc that seems to accompany Halloween. Since when is dead people and stuff okay? It just seems to be yet another thing that desensitizes our society to death, injury, etc.
  21. It's not normal, but I think it does go along with allergies/sinuses sometimes. I have lots of allergies. Occasionally, I get major wax build up in my ears. One time that happened and I got the ringing in my ears. I went to an ENT and he used a vacuum type thingy to suck the wax out. The ringing went away.
  22. Wow. Just wow. I can say for a fact that I don't even know that many people.
  23. These are cracking me up! Love the Facebook and the swine flu ones. I think the bedbug one would be great!!
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