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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I love that song! It's the first thing I thought of when reading the OP's post LOL! OP, I'm not in your shoes yet since my daughters are only 6 and 3, but I will be one day! And no, I don't think you are being overprotective! Boys tend not to respect girls today. Your girl deserves respect!
  2. Thanks for all of the replies!! See, DD doesn't exhibit some of the signs of a visual processing disorder that I thought would be apparent. She does not run into things, she doesn't seem clumsy, she can catch and throw balls/frisbees pretty well. She DOES, however, have a difficult time with writing a lot of letters and numbers backwards. One time she'll write it facing the left, the next time she'll write it facing the right. There's really no pattern to it. And the reading is especailly difficult since she cannot pronounce consonant blends due to her speech disorder. Someone asked about FastForward, and yes, the therapist will be using that program. She will begin with vision therapy, then move into auditory therapy where she will use FastForward. During this part of the therapy we will do the FastFoward portion at home for 5 days a week (I think) for about 45 - 50 minutes a day (I think). But we will still see the therapist once a week....though I'm not sure why. I'm going to look into some of the other programs that some listed on here. I know DD is young, but that's why I feel like I need to get started on this. I dont want to wait until it is too late. She's been in speech therapy since 20 months old and it hasn't helped one bit. I don't want to just sit back and do nothing and then wait too long.....know what I mean?
  3. No....I don't remember that post.....but you just totally freaked me out! :001_huh:
  4. I know what you mean! DD6 spent the night with my parents last night. She does this occasionally. They just live right around the corner from us. But everything just feels so different with one kid gone! I couldn't imagine NO kids in the house! Just like you, I love having us all together. The alone time with hubby is nice, but I miss the kids!
  5. I would not keep toys around just for visiting children to play with (unless you are a grandparent or have the children on a regular basis). Your nieces can bring their own toys from home to play with....that's what I have my girls do. If there are issues with things in your DD's room getting destroyed, I'd lock the door before company came over.
  6. Our dog does this occasionally....and it is always one of two things. First, he has a disk in his neck that bothers him occasionally. But when this happens, he holds his whole body stiff afterwards. It doesnt sound like she's doing that, so this is probably not the issue. More likely, she could have injured her tooth. When is the last time she had a dental and the vet really looked over her teeth? My dog injures his tooth sometimes when playing ball or playing with a toy. He will yelp really loudly and run to me with his tail between his legs.
  7. Onesies....lots of onesies. And some cotton pants to go over them. My babies lived in onesies and cotton pants for the first year. It's just easiest and most comfy for baby.
  8. Oh my gosh...how horrible. I"ll send up prayers for your friend and her children.
  9. Not yet....but I was seriously contemplating it this morning. We usually wait until Thanksgiving weekend, but that weekend is SO hectic that it's no fun trying to rush around pulling out the Christmas stuff. Thurs is Thanksgiving, Friday we go Black Friday shopping and then to family's house, Saturday is our town's lighted boat parade, Sunday is church. Last year we decorated the weekend before Thanksgiving and I think we'll do the same this year. I'll probably have DH pull everything out of the attic one night this week and we'll fully decorate next weekend.
  10. I agree with Yolanda. From the research I have done, majority of people with Tourettes have another condition along with it. I believe that my daughter and I have some OCD tendencies. Maybe not full blown OCD, but definitely some aspects of it.
  11. LOL! Love it! Definitely one to put in the school photo album or scrapbook if you have one.
  12. Some of the things are fun. My oldest is in first grade....she's having trouble reading (diagnosed with auditory and visual processing disorders) and some aspects of school can be very frustrating for her. Plus, she's very stubborn (like me LOL) and it can be difficult to school her at times. But I love having her home with me, we do a good amount of fun things, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
  13. We just began sponsoring a little girl in Africa through World Vision. We received their Christmas catalog just the other day. We will be sitting down as a family on Christmas night and selecting something to give to a family during our little birthday party for Jesus.
  14. When I was a kid I LOVED the Berenstain Bears. Burger King had the figures in ther happy meals! I had collected everyone except for Brother Bear, which we couldn't find anywhere. My mom called all Burger Kings in the vicinity and finally found one that still had one. So she took me to get it! Since I've had children, the most played with toys have probably been either (A) the Halloween buckets that McDonald's has at Halloween time...my kids tote toys around when we leave the house and this is the perfect size to hold toy figures, or (B) the Alvin and the Chipmunks figures that McDonalds had a while ago. I know it has been at least a year and my girls still play with those. They love the Chipmunks. Most Happy Meal toys get tossed after a few months, but some are keepers....like the ones I mentioned above. Also any of the plush animals that they give away. Ones like the teeny beanie babies or the Hotel for Dogs dogs.
  15. This is why we rarely go to the library. We lose books, books are late, etc. And I won't even let the kids check out movies anymore. Movies are due in one week, books are due in two. I'm not making an extra trip for a movie. And we always forget anyways and they are $1 per day late!
  16. When we had cats, we would leave them and have someone look in on them. Just be careful that the cat cannot accidently shut a door and be locked in without food/water. My sister left her cat and it shut the door. It was locked in a room for like 2 days without food/water. It needed fluids and stuff from the vet when she found the cat. But I guess that wouldn't be as big of an issue if you have someone look in every day instead of every 2 or 3 days.
  17. I definitely would not. Did you check the option that says to ship them faster in multiple shipments as they become available? It could just be one out of stock item that's holding up the entire order. At this time of year, they should be shipping out with only a day or two delay. Sometimes same day even. I ordered some things on Wednesday morning and they should arrive tomorrow.
  18. I didn't take anything out either. So we are having breakfast: scrambled eggs, ham steaks, cinnamon buns, and yogurt....with orange juice and milk.
  19. I wish that fast food places would begin offering healthier options.....organic ones would be awesome. When we go to McDonalds (which is not often), my kids know that they do not get fries, they get apple slices. And they do not get soda, or even juice....they get a bottled water. And chicken nuggets. We try to eat as healthy as possible when at a fast food place. I wish they would offer organic things. Or side salads in the kids meals. More fruit options. A side of broccoli instead of fries, etc. My kids (and I) would totally go for that.
  20. We just recently began sponsoring a child through them.
  21. It's good to know there are others "like us" out there. Well, I don't wish tics on anyone, but you know what I mean. :001_smile: I really don't know of any other adults with tics. I know that most tic disorders disappear by adulthood, but mine never did. What do you mean by your ds's tics are transient? They come and go?
  22. Thankfully, if we were in financial trouble, we have a lot of family that would make sure we never missed a meal or had to sleep on the streets.
  23. I believe that I have undiagnosed Tourette's. It is a mild form...mostly facial tics like rolling eyes, scrunching nose, etc. I can "hide" it when around most people....or I've found ways to tic where no one really notices. Sadly, I think that DD6 has it too....so far it's a mild form (and I pray that it stays that way). Right now she's going through a vocal tic where she makes a clicking sound with her tongue and then pushes air out of her mouth, making the "ssss" sound. Even though I probably have Tourette's myself, it's driving me nuts LOL. I feel bad that I "gave" her this issue. Tics are very annoying. Anyone else have a child with Tourettes or another tic disorder?
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